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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. And of course, why should i expect anything good to ever happen to us.. Played amazing for 2.5 sets and gave it all in that third and puff after that everything collapsed. We are a small team and nothing can change that. Women lose 2:3 and won't go to Olympics, men lose 2:3 and probably won't go to Olympics. Same old, same old in the small nations world..
  2. We need those first sets intensity. The time is now, enough important loses damn it
  3. This is it for the set. All or nothing now. And everything was so amazing..
  4. Brazil is amped up after that set win. Please don't let them take a big lead
  5. Nothing is done just yet.. But that third set, oh boy. That was some hard stuff, hard play, big emotions. Fitting for a big match
  6. If anyone wants to watch the match, here is a link
  7. Congrats to Poland for a well deserved victory
  8. France > Italy (Serbia) > Bulgaria > Germany > Slovenia > Netherlands > Belgium > Finland If lucky, Bulgaria won't be in this selection
  9. If i'm honest, disappointing performance by our team for me. Our big names are doing their job, but the rest are constantly in the last few places. Being in the middle in the second division is not what i expected.
  10. This could be true, but out of all big teams, we beat Poland the most, so i don't anger that much with them.
  11. That's not on our Eurosport though. Sadly no darts whatsoever is being shown here as of this year. Which is very unfortunate for me, as i have barely watched any darts this year, because of it.
  12. The favorites are winning their matches, some harder than expected, but still no slips so far. Let's see if Slovenia (or Belgium) can bring a surprise in this first day.
  13. On this day, 20 years ago, Vladimir Putin became the worlds most powerful and famous leader. Aren't you getting bored Vladimir?
  14. I wouldn't bet on that. We'll see what happens, i'm watching Brazil right now and not that impressed with how they are playing. But i'm sure against us it will be a whole different story.
  15. Looks like no TV showing here, which is a big bummer, since i won't be home on the weekend and can't watch on streams. And i was really looking forward to this event...
  16. Worlds and Euros in one year! Since when is this and why is this?
  17. Very brave performance by our team. I take back the words i said before the tournament. It truly could have been the upset of the year, but it wasn't. Now if only Argentina can make a miracle, but i know it's only wishful thinking.
  18. Bummer.. With 12 teams it's logical 2 go up and 2 go down. It's always better for the competition when more teams are in contention for the promotion.
  19. Isn't that what also happens in North Korea, but it's just with the book of Kim.
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