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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Was there ever an interesting, tight race in women's team sprint?
  2. Yeah, he has been randomly mentioning tweets throughout the evening. Like saying "Thanks X person" out of nowhere.
  3. "Thank you heywood for you message about D'Almeida. I'll try to pronounce it correctly." He didn't sound too happy saying that...
  4. Too bad that the French didn't enter him for the bronze medal match...
  5. What's up with these ugly new suits for Colombia and Switzerland among others?
  6. Can anyone with twitter (@heywoodu?) please correct the UCI commentator. Once again he says "Michael D'Almedia" instead of "Michael D'ALMEIDA". I swear he's been pronouncing it wrong since forever! @UCI_Track is his account.
  7. So basically the Dutch like to go around the laps. Secret revealed.
  8. It's all about the freaking Commonwealth Games for them.
  9. Alright, I guess this is everyone's POD medicine.
  10. Well, I'm happy that Costa Rica has a real shot of getting a couple of quotas. Much like Paraguay did with golf.
  11. Turkmenistan has state of the art facilities, so they are expected to raise their level in pretty much all sports.
  12. 9th place is bittersweet. I felt like I missed a lot of points, so finishing that high with couple of big misses is unfortunate. Also, I thought there were negative points, so not wanting to take a full risk I used only some 240-245 pts.
  13. Since when is 2nd round for Haase a given? Halys is ranked 102nd.
  14. Qualification rankings period usually starts 2 years before so too early for juniors. Overall traithlon qualification looks unlikely.
  15. It's hard to remember all the moments at once, but I'll give it a try... Positive stuff... -Iivo Niskanen - nuff' said. Best 50km mass start ever. -Awesome Tina Weirather winning an awesome medal for Liechtenstein. Watching the medal ceremomy where Princess Nora of Liechtenstein proudly handed the bronze to Tina was just. -Carlijn Achtereekte's amazing win in the 3000m from an early pair. -Hungary's gold in the short track relay. After million near misses. -Women's 30km was quite exciting as well, though not in terms of a winner. -Men's singles luge was right up there in terms of excitement. Ledecka is a popular choice for the biggest upset, but for me that title definitely goes to Gleirscher. -Mixed curling turning out to be a success, but not as exciting as men's event where USA came from nowhere and played masterfully in the knockout stages. Bronze medal match between SUI and CAN was quite exciting as well. -Men's 15km freestyle, not that much the battle for the medals, but rather following the Project Bogota and other exotic skiers whose qualification we've been following for months. German Madrazo crossing the finish with Mexican flag was the icing on a cake. -Unbelieveably exciting women's biathlon relay. -Great women's ice hockey that went to a shootout. Emotional ending was fulfilled when the stadium DJ played "Don't stop believing", loved that. -Croatia getting back on the sliding track with luge and bobsleigh, even though the injuries prevented some better results. -Slovakia's win over OAR in hockey. -Belgium, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Spain and New Zealand all winning their first medal in this century. -Spellbounding performance from Savchenko/Massot. Couple of other briliant figure skating routines (Shibs, Ivett Toth and short dance as a whole come to mind). Negative stuff... -Scheduling. Not all blame could be put on TV houses. We often had 5 events at the sam time and yet zero events couple of hours before. If anything, that goes against TV scheduling. -Delays, both weather caused and technically caused (slopestyle) -Sparse crowd at a lot of events. Very one sided crowd in other events. -Women's short track relay, women's slopestyle, PGS, men's NH and all other robberies/unfair competitions. -Annouk's 4th place -Ridiculously hard slopestyle and/or cross courses. If those sports need to get very dangerous to be exciting then they have no place at the Olympics! -Plenty of injuries. -Bobsleigh ties. -Makarainen finishes her Olympic career with no medals.
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