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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Sad that Games are over, but I'd say the predominant feeling today is a relief. Sleep, I'm coming back!
  2. It's almost as if ISU wants to artificially bring more nations into top 10, to make speed skating look better. Top athletes are always going to ignore those intermediate sprints, leaving everything to those who don't think they could win a medal in the final sprint, but would like to achieve a top finish nevertheless...
  3. Krista And yay for the Nordic podium , much better than . Though Stina won a bronze for Sweden, she ruined everything.
  4. "For a lot of athletes top-8 can be career-saving " -heywoodu
  5. It's more likely that Muhlegg told her this was an individual start, in fact.
  6. I guess she lost a diploma possibly (if she was inside top 8 before that).
  7. What a stupid mistake, unbelieveable... Weng going into finish one lap before was nothing compared to this.
  8. And apparently even at the final today it was "impossible" to avoid the schedule conflicts...
  9. Well, Vancouver had only 86 events compared to Pyeongchang's 102. So Germany would need like 17 golds to break inflation adjusted record. Though I'm sure those 14 golds aren't the "real" record neither.
  10. "Germans are able to keep their emotions in check." Make me wonder how would the team of TISC emotional ladies fare.
  11. I hope the next track will have a Kreisel. First Olympic Kreisel since 1988.
  12. Nope, their times were 3:10.932 and 3:10.934. That's compliant even with the speed skating.
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