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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Rumour has it that the officials will need around 6 months to determine how many times some of these teams got lapped.
  2. Meh, looks like they gave up on the scoreboard. No way that are still only 3 laps down.
  3. Great Britain had to sprint for those 5 points. It's very tight.
  4. Great Britain won like 5 last sprints. So exciting.
  5. Yeah, it was added after last year's super successful WCh debut.
  6. 5 teams left with positive points. 5 teams -40. Japan -60. You have this, but not the points race. I hate you IOC (and UCI, whoever responsible).
  7. New Zealand joins the lapped group, now less than half of the teams have positive points. Japan two laps down.
  8. 4 sprints gone, and we have a grand total of 6 teams that scored points (or even attempted to sprint, for that matter).
  9. Great Britain laps the field before the end of the sprint. But they'll ignore it of course.
  10. Though like half of field is almost lapped.
  11. Time for the ultimate mess of an event... Women's madison...
  12. And now it's time for the "you're screwed if you are on the inside" race.
  13. Since when is Holdener getting super-g podiums?
  14. I guess this probably means that we'll actually see an overtake in the pursuit final. Hell yeah!
  15. That's no biggie. Explains the team pursuit final.
  16. Oh, so they didn't go with that idea of dropping 5000m/10000m and introducing 1500m. Nice.
  17. Which is almost the case in the recent editions, isn't it? They should call it "Procul Omnia Circa", since apparently Latin makes it sound so cool.
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