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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Love
    NikolaB reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    A word from our president
    "First of all, many congratulations to Serbia, @NikolaB and Irish Stew of Sindidun on their first ever Totallympics International Song Contest victory and, as someone who awarded them the maximum score, I can only say it is incredibly deserved - a fact that's made even more clear by the overwhelming victory.
    Second, huge congratulations to Malta, @Glen and Airport Impressions with a historic first ever medal, which goes to show that one should simply never give never know what's possible!
    Third, I personally owe a great deal of gratitude towards several people, who have helped me immensely in making the contest possible. I wasn't sure I could do it, mostly due to a severe lack of creativity, but exactly that is where mostly @Olympian1010, @OlympicIRL and @mrv86have been of fantastic value to me, and I definitely won't forget @dcro's efforts for the team competition!
    Last, but most definitely not least, a big thank you to all who have participated in the contest. I'm amazed at the number of jurors who came here to post their own votes, which always shows a good deal of commitment - nothing against those who didn't, by the way, of course life does sometimes get in the way a little. It would not have been as much fun without each and everyone of you, so from the bottom of my heart: thank you all!
    Now, lastly, but actually lastly: have a wonderful evening, and see you at the bar!"
  2. Thanks
    NikolaB reacted to rybak in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    So big congrats to  @NikolaB for winning contest at his debut, ESC 2007 result is repeat
    Hopefully more Serbian users will compete in next year as host nation.
    Congrats Canada for another top3 place and to Malta for their first podium, well deserved 
    Thanks @heywoodu for hosting contest and another epic day on Totallympics
    Now all goes to @intoronto and his contest in spring, good luck 
    It's also first time that trick of complaining about lack of points didn't work for me 
  3. Thanks
    NikolaB reacted to catgamer in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    So happy with my 7th place finish and big congrats to Serbia. That was a stunning performance from start to finish and you absolutely deserved it. This is a fantastic song ?
  4. Thanks
    NikolaB reacted to thepharoah in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Congrats Serbia total domination 
  5. Love
    NikolaB reacted to dcro in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Team Members R1
    Staverden Ghosts 57 94 94 95 62 Ermelo Riders 72 76 94 127 107 Harderwijk Dolphins 68 58 Did not advance Elburg Botters 96 66 75 Did not advance Veluwe Vipers 35 Did not advance Apeldoorn Gorillas 105 78 95 50 DNA Nunspeet Wolves
    113 89 87 65 96
  6. Love
    NikolaB reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    And so we have reached ourselves a conclusion...points have been splintered, ties have been broken...and here we have it, the final standings of the 2020 Totallympics Open International Song Contest!

    Final Scoreboard
    TOISC - NETHERLANDS 2020 China 18 67  Serbia 1 237  Portugal 19 67  Canada 2 165  Indonesia 20 62     Malta 3 143  United States 21 62  Ireland 4 143  Italy 22 57     France 5 124  Denmark 23 56  India 6 124  Poland 24 48  Germany 7 118  Spain 25 44  Lithuania 8 109  Croatia 26 44  Kazakhstan 9 99  Slovenia 27 41  New Zealand
    10 91  Egypt 28 40  Netherlands 11 85  Tunisia 29 39  Romania 12 85  Israel 30 39     Argentina 13 85  Slovakia 31 36  Brazil 14 82  Greece 32 35  Moldova 15 79  Mexico 33 35  Czech Republic 16 77  Hungary 34 23  Great Britain 17 75  Bulgaria 35 14   
    There can, however, be only one winner and with an overwhelming performance, that honour goes to Serbia! Please turn up the volume and make way for a final performance of the TOISC 2020 champions:
    Irish Stew of Sindidun - Lady of New Tomorrow!

  7. Love
    NikolaB reacted to Glen in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 11
    Germany 10 India 9 Indonesia 8 Netherlands 7 Lithuania 6 Italy 5 China 4 Spain 3 Ireland 2 Argentina 1
  8. Love
    NikolaB reacted to mrv86 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 11
    Argentina 10 Ireland 9 Czech Republic 8 France 7 New Zealand 6 Moldova 5 Romania 4 Kazakhstan 3 Egypt 2 Portugal 1
  9. Love
    NikolaB reacted to Yannakis in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Hello fellow Totallympians, this is Greece calling!
    Here are the votes of the Greek National Jury:

    Portugal 10 United States 9 Serbia 8 Canada 7 Netherlands 6 Romania 5 Brazil 4 Egypt 3 Ireland 2 China 1
  10. Thanks
    NikolaB reacted to Hipooo in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Posílám pozdrav z České republiky. Doufám, že budete s mými body spokojeni. Jste připraveni? Jdeme na to!
    Greetings from the Czech Republic. I hope you will be satisfied with my voting. Are you ready? Here we go!

    Malta 10 Serbia 9 Germany 8 Kazakhstan 7 Canada 6 Moldova 5 Slovakia 4 India 3 Denmark 2 Great Britain 1
  11. Love
    NikolaB reacted to Bohemia in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 12
    Kazakhstan 11
    Lithuania 10 Romania 9 Bulgaria 8 China 7 Portugal 6 Netherlands 5 Ireland 4 Spain 3 New Zealand 2 Denmark 1  
    Looks like Serbia has now a very comfortable lead ! I personally wanted to thank all juries for choosing so many amazing songs for this contest, it was very hard to choose only 12 songs and I wish I could’ve given points to more. Enjoy the rest of the contest !
    On dirait que la Serbie a désormais une avance confortable ! je voulais personnellement remercier tous les jurys pour avoir choisi autant de superbes chansons pour ce concours, c’était très dur de ne choisir que 12 chansons, et j’aurais voulu donner des points à plus de chansons. Bonne fin de concours !
  12. Love
    NikolaB reacted to Griff88 in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 12
    India 11
    Brazil 10 Canada 9 Netherlands 8 Argentina 7 Lithuania 6 Malta 5 China 4 Germany 3 France 2 Kazakhstan 1
    Dan itu dia hasil pilihan juri kami, selamat malam dan selamat menikmati acaranya!
    And those are our jury's choice, good evening and enjoy the show!
  13. Love
    NikolaB reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    مساء الخير جميعاً ، نأمل أن تكون جميعكم بخير. إليكم أصوات لجنة التحكيم المصرية!
    Good afternoon everyone, we hope you're all doing well. Here are the votes of the Egyptian jury!

    Serbia 10 Tunisia 9 Argentina 8 Mexico 7 Germany 6 Kazakhstan 5 Romania 4 Brazil 3 Great Britain 2 Poland 1
  14. Love
    NikolaB reacted to catgamer in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 12
    India 11
    Canada 10 Malta 9 Italy 8 Moldova 7 Ireland 6 Spain 5 China 4 Denmark 3 Greece 2 New Zealand 1  
    Concluding Comment:
    This is the verdict of the German jury.  Thanks for so many great songs from all over the globe and thanks to our fantastic host @heywoodu for organising this marvellous extra-vaganza. See you next year.
  15. Love
    NikolaB reacted to Wanderer in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Kia Ora Totallympians!
    Here are the Kiwi votes:

    Croatia 10 Portugal 9 Serbia 8 Slovenia 7 Argentina 6 Brazil 5 France 4 Hungary 3 Great Britain 2 Malta 1
  16. Love
    NikolaB reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 12
    Great Britain 11
    Italy 10 Lithuania 9 France 8 Brazil 7 New Zealand 6 Tunisia 5 Romania 4 Canada 3 Ireland 2 Denmark 1  
    Tot zover de stemmen van de Nederlandse jury, afgesloten met een welverdiende twaalfpunter voor Servië. We hopen dat iedereen nog een fijne dag heeft en veel plezier beleeft aan TOISC 2020!
    That's it for the votes of the Dutch jury, closed off with a well-deserved twelve-pointer for Serbia. We hope everyone has a pleasant rest of their day and enjoys TOISC 2020!
  17. Love
    NikolaB reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 12
    France 11
    India 10 Argentina 9 Kazakhstan 8 Indonesia 7 Czech Republic 6 Germany 5 New Zealand 4 Brazil 3 Slovakia 2 Malta 1  
    Foram esses os votos portugueses, muito obrigado e desejamos a todos boa sorte para o resto do dia!
    Those were the Portuguese votes, thank you very much and we wish everyone good luck for the rest of the day!
  18. Love
    NikolaB reacted to IoNuTzZ in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Bună ziua! Goedemiddag! Acestea sunt voturile din România!
    Good afternoon, here are the votes of the Romanian jury!

    Moldova 10 Canada 9 Netherlands 8 Kazakhstan 7 Serbia 6 Ireland 5 Malta 4 Greece 3 Czech Republic 2 Tunisia 1
  19. Love
    NikolaB reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 12
    United States 11
    Ireland 10 Portugal 9 Lithuania 8 India 7 Romania 6 France 5 Canada 4 Moldova 3 New Zealand 2 China 1  
    تلك كانت أصوات التونسيين ، شكراً جزيلاً لكم ونتمنى للجميع التوفيق لبقية اليوم!

    Those were the Tunisian votes, thank you very much and we wish everyone good luck for the rest of the day!
  20. Love
    NikolaB reacted to Dragon in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 12
    Slovakia 11
    Ireland 10 India 9 Canada 8 Brazil 7 Kazakhstan 6 Malta 5 Lithuania 4 Moldova 3 Netherlands 2 Croatia 1  
    And that concludes the voting of the UK jury. Very disappointed that nobody tried to bribe me this year.
    Always next year...
  21. Love
    NikolaB reacted to hckošice in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 12
    New Zealand 11
    Canada 10 Poland 9 Argentina 8 Czech Republic 7 Great Britain 6 Denmark 5 Malta 4 Indonesia 3 Tunisia 2 Ireland 1  
    That concludes the Slovak jury votes.
    We would like to wish everyone the best of luck for the rest of the contest!
    Takto hlasovala slovenská porota.
    Dovoľte nám popriať veľa štastia a úspechov všetkým vo zvyšku súťaže !
  22. Thanks
    NikolaB reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Bom dia a todos, esperamos que todos estejam bem. Aqui estão os votos do júri brasileiro!
    Good morning everyone, we hope you're all doing well. Here are the votes of the Brazilian jury!

    Malta 10 France 9 Portugal 8 Argentina 7 Italy 6 Canada 5 Serbia 4 India 3 New Zealand 2 Israel 1
  23. Thanks
    NikolaB reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 12
    Romania 11
    Malta 10 Mexico 9 Portugal 8 Poland 7 Netherlands 6 Germany 5 Egypt 4 Hungary 3 Argentina 2 New Zealand 1  
    Acestea au fost voturile moldovenești, vă mulțumesc foarte mult și le dorim tuturor noroc pentru restul zilei!
    Those were the Moldovan votes, thank you very much and we wish everyone good luck for the rest of the day!
  24. Thanks
    NikolaB reacted to Cobi in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   
    Greeting in national language:
    ¡Buenos días desde España! Todo listo para vivir un bonito y emocionante día en compañía de la familia de Totallympics.
    English translation:
    Good morning from Spain! Everything is ready to share a wonderful and exciting day with the Totallympics community.

    France 10 Canada 9 Portugal 8 Indonesia 7 Italy 6 Serbia 5 Malta 4 India 3 Croatia 2 Denmark 1
  25. Love
    NikolaB reacted to Fly_like_a_don in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020   

    Serbia 11
    Ireland 10 Brazil 9 China 8 Germany 7 Moldova 6 New Zealand 5 Slovenia 4 Indonesia 3 Greece 2 Spain 1
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