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Everything posted by Col_Frost

  1. I agree with you that Takanashi is not the best jumper ever. It's simple, IOC and WCh are most important, World Cups are only some competition between them. But in the other hand. Come on, it's only one jump you talking about. The fact that Stoch didn't advance to final round in Zakopane this year doesn't mean that he is not one of the best Polish jumper ever only because he lost that day with Wasek, Wolny or Kot
  2. Didn't know that. Thank you for info. I hope he'll be ok and in next season still be in top.
  3. It's Vincenz, not Vincent And yes, they are cousins but it's not close kinship.
  4. Yes, it started at last! And who is leading in two-man? Of course Friedrich, no suprise. Good performance of Kripps, he was even a leader after 1st run, nice Walther, but Lochner poorly. Little suprise from Brad Hall who is 4th! Too bad that Poloniato after good 1st run fell over and he lost chances to be at any other posistion than last. I wish Heinrich to be in Canada...
  5. To be fair, point race was excluded because there had to be even number of men and women events. And there is still point race in omnium and there is madison which is also a point race But I also think that classic point race should be in olympic program, individual pursuit and 500m/1km time trial also. But if I could decide what should be excluded I think that from sprint competitions it should be keirin (I really like team sprint, don't know why you don't) and from middles omnium. But before that I would excluded both BMXs because I hate those things
  6. Bit of both, I guess. He had very good conditions in first jump, but same as Romoeren and Vassiliev, who jumped right after him. In turn best ones (BIBs 40-50) couldn't count on wind and classification after first round was full of suprises. I remember that in second Malysz advanced ten posistions and Loitzl even more. In second round Benkovic jumped not so well (13th result) but it was enough to defend first place. Of course it's nothing compare with todays competition
  7. Yes, I remember that. I also remember 2005 and gold for Benkovic but in my opinion todays competition was far more ridiculous then this two examples
  8. And I thought that fans of sporting concpiracy theories are live only in Poland.
  9. Never seen so strange WCh competition. Never. I'm happy for Dawid and Kamil but this competition should be rescheduled for Sunday.
  10. Rio de Janeiro style women at last lap of pursuit Good for them that they had big advantage
  11. And what, you didn't watch Olympic Games in Rio because you was still too young?
  12. If there will be no delayes, at 19:53 local time.
  13. Right, I forgot about it. To be honest there are America-Pacific Championships but of course Australia and New Zealand are participating there.
  14. Yes, that's very sad indeed considering that year ago there was 14 competitors (including two doubels). I checked how many Asians participating in WC/NC this season and it's not a big number: 3 women, 1 or 2 men (honestly I have no idea is Australia part of Asia in this sport) and 1 double. For comparison at the olympics there was 2 women, 3-4 men (Ferlazzo again) and 1 double. There was spots for host of course, but you don't have to qualify to NC so considering that in this season there is no luge competition in Asia (or maybe I just didn't hear about it) number of competitors in WC is very low. Maybe something will change when juniors and youths will grow up. In this season there was only 4 juniors in WCJ (2 girls and 2 boys) but in youths it was 2 boys, 1 boys double, 1 girls double and... 5-7 girls! (one from Australia and one from New Zealand).
  15. You're probably right but it should be NC races not WC (or at last it was like this year ago). It's almost no differance cause all Asian lugers started in both of them but Lin finished the race in NC
  16. No, cause there is no rhyme. Maybe something like this: We are great, we are Indonesia We want Olympic Games There's no Israel, especially in Asia Give us Olympics, that's pure gains
  17. Can't watch. Why is Poland DSQ instead of lapped?
  18. Well, I don't know about that. Be killed and don't fill anything or break legs and ride a wheelchair to the rest of life Remember that luger also rides more than 100 km/h, there are even faster than bobsleighs
  19. Same situation was at one of german tracks (can't remember which one) at this season Luge WC. I don't know what is going on with this workers this days...
  20. And I thought that yesterday Lochner's 2nd run was only accident but it was forecast for today competition
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