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Everything posted by intoronto

  1. Stefan Henze - 2004 Olympic medalist and Germany's Rio coach has died in Rio after an accident
  2. Its Greco-Roman wrestling ... I hope they remove it from the Olympics.
  3. I hope they disqualify that stupid German rider from the women's omnium
  4. Well C1 and C2 women's events will be in Tokyo... Canada is strong in both.
  5. looks like AVK just hinted at retirement
  6. Canada's women's teams all played (or will play) France in the qfs. They are 2-0 and can they make it 3-0?
  7. Only one medal chance tomorrow (Barber in the pole vault)
  8. Yup the women are cleaning up here! Also Canada has doubled its athletics medal count from Rio... so the big 2 sports have been a success for Canada
  9. Andre De Grasse First male to win a medal for Canada!! And Canada's streak of one medal a day stays intact
  10. De Grasse just run the race dw about the others
  11. Biyarslanov is out. Only one shot for boxing medal. O'Brien and Sullivan wrap up their performance. They didn't win anything. Horrible performance for them, but I am sure they will be back stronger next time.
  12. A lot of fouls missed + a clear miscall on who the ball went off on (all against Canada)
  13. Oleksiak has Czech/Ukranian background. Did you know her brother plays in the NHL?
  14. Any other countries that looked good? Any did badly? Predictions for the future rounds?
  15. What a joke this sport is. Panama had more points but lost the match??? Wtf
  16. Tomorrow likely only one medal chance in diving, so hopefully the streak will continue.
  17. Calm down. Her high jump was amazing, and that is likely the last event someone would dope at.
  18. Ivory Coast ties for 3rd but on tb she is fourth
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