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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2022 in all areas

  1. After 36 years, Canada is going to the World Cup!!! UNREAL!!!
    4 points
  2. It's over. I can't even compute this. My parents weren't even married yet the only time Canada had qualified for the World Cup. Every qualification cycle was just more disappointing than the last growing up. But now is going to the world cup, almost certainly as the top team in CONCACAF. I can't believe it.
    3 points
  3. Not as amusing as Canada being the only nation to win men’s and women’s Olympic gold in football (just, please, don’t look too deeply into how we won gold in men’s football)
    2 points
  4. John Herdman is the first coach to lead a men’s and women’s national team to FIFA World Cup Qualification. Fun fact!
    2 points
  5. The Oscars are this sunday and once again here I am with my annual predictions post. Last year I did okay with 18/23 correct picks, including Best Picture (the first time I got this one right in a long time). 2021 was a great year for cinema, the best in some years, although the selection for the main award doesn't represent that - honestly, the whole International Film category is better than most films selected for Best Picture. Hope I'm wrong, but I think we'll probably have a very conventional list of winners. ["will win" is my prediction / "could win" is my alternate prediction / "should win" is my personal ranking from what I've watched / "shoud have been nominated" is a way to remember other notable work].
    2 points
  6. One week after the season ended there's a ton of positive COVID tests among Norwegians, Swedes and Germans Eckhoff, Tandrevold, E. Oeberg, Herrmann, Preuss, you name it. I suppose there was some major socializing in Holmenkollen?
    1 point
  7. I'm really curious to see how gives this away. It's impossible that we qualify, just impossible to believe, but it's hard to see how we lose to at home after being up by two. As the CBS commentator says "only a catastrophe will prevent Canada from going to Qatar", and I am very curious to see what the catastrophe will be.
    1 point
  8. Bini Girmay with an absolutely historical ride taking the win in Gent - Wevelgem I mean, everyone already knew this is a seriously talented guy for a few years now, he was excellent in 2020, had more good results last year and already had a very promising year so far, but Gent -! Perfect work manouvering himself into a small lead group where he was simply the best sprinter, they had no chance!
    1 point
  9. BTTF

    Croatia National Thread Više o RH kvalifikacijskim borbama za mjesto na EP. Meni najzanimljivije da su Nikita Glasnović i Kristina Tomić izgubile mjesto od znatno mlađih suparnica
    1 point
  10. Men´s 2021/22 Overall Park & Pipe World Cup Final Standing: Mons Roisland 253 Tiarn Collins 251 Ayumu Hirano 250 Full Final Overall Park & Pipe World Cup Standing Result HERE
    1 point
  11. Stage 25 in Silvaplana (SUI) Men´s Slopestyle: 1. Marcus Kleveland 91.60 2. Mons Roisland 90.20 3. Valentino Guseli 89.40 Full Final Results HERE
    1 point
  12. This must be a bad joke, right?
    1 point
  13. Sindo

    [OFF TOPIC] General Chat

    Thank for reporting this! The Honduras flag has been updated: In the future, please always tag me when there is a flag change so I can do it immediately
    1 point
  14. Men´s 2021/22 Ski Jumping FIS World Cup Final Standing: Ryoyu Kobayashi 1621 Karl Geiger 1515 Marius Lindvik 1231 Full Final World Cup Standing Result HERE
    1 point
  15. Stage 23 in Planica (SLO) Men´s Individual Flying Hill: 1. Marius Lindvik 455.1 2. Yukiya Sato 446.8 3. Peter Prevc 438.6 Full Final Result HERE
    1 point
  16. Amazing end to the season as always in Planica. Fantastic Slovenia, from the jumpers to the fans
    1 point
  17. We got two more weeks until the selection deadline. For now my plan is to follow the schedule as long as it's possible. Meaning that I will pause the contest if anything happens that would result in users withdrawing due to not being able to listen to the songs and vote. I will start warning jurors of the upcoming deadline once we reach the final week of the selection.
    1 point
  18. France Terrenoire - L'infini
    1 point
  19. If anybody finds this interesting, here are the results for the Lithuanian biathlon championships, individual race. Everybody is tired and nobody is really trying
    1 point
  20. Lisa Vittozzi won the Italian National Championship. She shot 18/20. Zingerle won the men's. Norwegian Men's Mass Start - Vebjoern Soerum won with A.F. Andersen in 2nd place.
    1 point
  21. Given the angles VAR had this looks correct to me. At least it isn't clear enough to overturn.
    1 point
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