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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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49 minutes ago, Swewi said:

If a country/organisation said jews or muslims are not accepted, would you understand then if people would criticize them? Or is it just different types of people that is okay to discriminate?

There is no perfect country but if  you want to mixe  everything with sport why dont you criticize USA when they host : for exemple because they torture kids in prisons , or Japan for the genocides they commited in southern Asia ...etc ?  hein why? 



because they are western countries :bye:


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4 hours ago, Dolby said:

As someone who has zero knowledge about Italian politics, I would like to know why is Meloni considered neo-fascist? 

because of her history, because of what she's always said and because her party is the direct descendant of the original Fascist Party created by Mussolini (whose niece is one of the members of the current FdI), despite the many changes of name* they had after WWII (since then, the Fascist party was dissolved and its rebuild with that specific name is still illegal in Italy).


*nostalgic fans of Mussolini first created a party named Movimento Sociale Italiano (Dec 26th, 1946), which was basically the reborn Partito Fascista under a new name, despite they always denied any direct connection with it and its racist politics (they sold themselves just as a conservative political formation).


Then, in 1995, they changed name in Alleanza Nazionale...but they were still the same people that until the day before called themselves MSI.


Alleanza Nazionale finally closed down in 2009 (mainly because of internal fights and esconomical disputes, not because they decided that their ideas were wrong and out of time), but in 2012 the hardcore members of AN decided to build another party with the same target and ideology, named Fratelli d'Italia, which is still the name of the party.


In any case, the people leading the current FdI are all coming from the days of the old post-fascist parties, their ideas are well known and clear...there's no chance of misunderstanding what they think and what they want.


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On 9/26/2022 at 3:47 PM, LuizGuilherme said:

Talking about him, we are probably starting the last week under his rule.


Big chances of losting in the first round of elections on sunday, thanks God

I'd hope so, because on the day of the second round I'm in Brazil and definitely not planning to leave my apartment if the voting is going on :lol: 


If it's decided in round one (which I doubt, to be honest, but I have good hopes for not-Bolsonaro in round two), he'll have three more months of power and then it's over in January? I always forget when the inauguration is and such.


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