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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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20 minutes ago, Grassmarket said:

Given the amount of political violence in NL directed by the extreme Left against the Right, it’s no wonder people do not like admitting to strangers what they really think.


Also: people with weird hair are 2/2 electorally this week.

That is really not as much of a one-way street as the far-right wants people to believe :lol: 


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14 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

- said @heywoodu, looking at his framed and mounted collection of foreskins from around the globe :p

But those are for art purposes.


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On 11/21/2023 at 7:16 PM, Olympian1010 said:

Olympic Truce Resolution agreed to by the UN for Paris 2024. A lot of nations not even bothering to vote on it. Russia and Syria were the only nations to formally abstain from voting. 

Of course, we’ve all learned a member state can violate said truce and remain a member of the IOC (without even a suspension nonetheless!), so a nice meaningless gesture by all involved.



No offence to anyone but all of those nations which didn't voted (besides Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Ethiopia, India, Kenya and Serbia) also aren't too important in worldwide sport :p

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6 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Polls closed at 21.00 and so the first exit polls can now be published, and they're quite a shocker. Absolutely massively good picture for PVV of Geert Wilders: a staggering 35 seats, 9 more than leftist PvdA/GL and 12 more than ruling centre-right VVD. Damn.


Of course it's only exit polls, but it's usually not like the actual result is different by 5+ seats.

And expect Indonesians starting to pay more attention to Dutch politics, especially after Wilders once said that Indonesians were the ones who should apologize to NL because of those battles happened in 1945-1950 (and ofc criticizing Rutte’s apology on the same topic)

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4 hours ago, Griff88 said:

And expect Indonesians starting to pay more attention to Dutch politics, especially after Wilders once said that Indonesians were the ones who should apologize to NL because of those battles happened in 1945-1950 (and ofc criticizing Rutte’s apology on the same topic)

Didn't know that, but of course he did, surprise:facepalm: (this was sarcasm, just to be clear :p)


Oh well, actually going to Indonesia and demanding an apology is never going to happen anyway. Just like his usual plans of making the Quran and mosques illegal are things I didn't even write down when trying to eliminate parties for me to vote on. I am very much against those plans, obviously, but there is absolutely no way he would get them through parliament anyway. His bullshit about things like "climate madness" (their words of course) were more important reasons for me not to vote PVV, because in that area he can definitely gain some support and get unfortunate things done.


By the way, now that most results are counted: it has even gone from 35 seats in the exit polls to a likely 37 seats, damn. I'm curious what's going to happen, at least he has plenty of good plans for things like healthcare (he is pretty far right because of his stance on EU, migration and climate, but in things like economy and healthcare he is way, way more left).


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22 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Right, when Europe's Putin congratulates you, you might want to think again... :p 



Russia is part of Europe, so the Europe's Putin is the Russian one. Like it or not but Putin said it's false that Orban likes the Russians, Orban likes the Hungarians! Putin is evil, but your politicians make deals with him. Orban is Europe's Putin because he did the same! Blah blah!

Edited by lapaj
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I hope all of our Irish users are okay. Dublin had a rough day with a stabbing attack and evening riots. 

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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11 minutes ago, bestmen said:

Former US senator arrested , he said killing 4000 Palestinian kids is not enough 





He looks scared :roflmao:




Not a former senator, a former state department official.

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