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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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:SVK just finally ratified the entry of :FIN and :SWE into NATO.


Yeah, It took some time, our deputies, known as masters of laziness, obviously could not interrupt their 3 months of vacation after all. :p but in other hand, we are not the last, there still Hungary and Turkey whom did not vote yet.


124 For. That is quite a margin


Surprise, surprise, 15 delusional humanbeings members of the neo-nazi party voted against. At least nobody can accuse us of an authoritarian regime :p





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6 hours ago, bestmen said:

5 countries accepted to buy  the Russia petrol with rubble :  India,China,Myanmar,Turkey

and Hungary:lol:

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8 hours ago, Swewi said:

If a country/organisation said jews or muslims are not accepted, would you understand then if people would criticize them? Or is it just different types of people that is okay to discriminate?

If a country/organisation said russians are not accepted, would you understand then if people would criticize them?

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7 minutes ago, bestmen said:

How can Giorgia meloni be the prime minister without any diploma ?  she was a seller  of watermelons in the public market 

actually she has a diploma in foreign languages (with maximum votes, for what that counts -nothing, of course) and she's a professional journalist (even if she has never worked as a journalist, she's into politics since she was a teenager) :evil:

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6 hours ago, bestmen said:

you are scared to say anti LGBT too? :lol:

No, i dont have problem with gay people but yes with the LGTB Lobby (for me very diferent things), the UE is  one of the most important "woke diffusers" in the World, is not something "wrong" in principle but it is when it want to be the "the single mindset" and generate the cancellation culture with those who dont want to think exactly the same, Vic Liu put what says Ursula von der Leyen about a victory of the "right" in Italy and that is a little example.



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17 hours ago, phelps said:

because of her history, because of what she's always said and because her party is the direct descendant of the original Fascist Party created by Mussolini (whose niece is one of the members of the current FdI), despite the many changes of name* they had after WWII (since then, the Fascist party was dissolved and its rebuild with that specific name is still illegal in Italy).


*nostalgic fans of Mussolini first created a party named Movimento Sociale Italiano (Dec 26th, 1946), which was basically the reborn Partito Fascista under a new name, despite they always denied any direct connection with it and its racist politics (they sold themselves just as a conservative political formation).


Then, in 1995, they changed name in Alleanza Nazionale...but they were still the same people that until the day before called themselves MSI.


Alleanza Nazionale finally closed down in 2009 (mainly because of internal fights and esconomical disputes, not because they decided that their ideas were wrong and out of time), but in 2012 the hardcore members of AN decided to build another party with the same target and ideology, named Fratelli d'Italia, which is still the name of the party.


In any case, the people leading the current FdI are all coming from the days of the old post-fascist parties, their ideas are well known and clear...there's no chance of misunderstanding what they think and what they want.


Thanks for the reply, once again let me reiterate that I am not suggesting that there is misunderstanding (I simply know nothing of the situation so am in no position to judge) but I want to understand the situation better. For example, what are the points on which these parties are rallying the voters? Which are the biggest red flags in their ideas? 

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21 minutes ago, Dolby said:

Thanks for the reply, once again let me reiterate that I am not suggesting that there is misunderstanding (I simply know nothing of the situation so am in no position to judge) but I want to understand the situation better. For example, what are the points on which these parties are rallying the voters? Which are the biggest red flags in their ideas? 

this time the 2 main issues were the difficult economical situation of the Countries (people getting payed too little, taxes too high, bills no longer sustainable -especially those connected to the gas and energy industry) and the war in Ukraine.


But what really killed the "lefties" are all the restrictions and obligations about the pandemic.


Most people don't forget and forgive the longer and stricter lockdown of the entire Continent, the tons of people who lost their job, the kids who got heavily depressed because of that lockdown and the schools basically working only from remote until last Summer (so, for almost 2 full years), the fact that vaccinations were mandatory and those who didn't want to use experimental (and at this point legitimately of doubtful success) vaccines were discriminated badly (they couldn't even go to work, those who still have one, without having continuous tests, which was a torture according to them).


Add a few strictly "typical Italian" questions (all the polemics on immigrants and the safety of our cities) and our everlasting tendency to search for a new government opposite to the last that was in charge (because they always promise what they can't do...and it's the same this time, FdI and their acolytes just can't do even 10% of the things they'd like) and you have a vote like Sunday's.


by the way, in my opinion (and I underline that's just my opinion) their absolute red flags are on their view of the civil rights...surely there will be a strong constriction of those, especially for the LGBTQ+ community, on abortion and on the laws protecting working people in terms of paychecks, safety on the job, arbitrary/unfair dismissals getting a lot easier and things like that).

meanwhile I don't think they would dare to go against EU for what concerns the main foreign politics (war, relationships with the same EU and NATO and things like that), which is also a big concern for those who didn't vote for the new majority.

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