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5 hours ago, hckosice said:

You meant, you counted results a whole month ? :yikes:

Yes, here you have a provisional result which es organizated by the goverment and the judiciary count the votes oficially with the presence of people of all the parties.

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3 hours ago, MHSN said:

while I'm very happy that I don't have to see this guy anymore (or least much less)


but it's still really disappointing to see he gets more than 70 million votes (in a democratic and free election). he represents every bad thing you can imagine in a man. sexism, racism. lying consistently, ... I know most (if not all) politicians are not "clean" but he was 10 times worse than anybody else.



Wow, how a diferent point of view, for me is the best american president i have ever seen since Ronald Reagan.

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4 hours ago, konig said:

Wow, how a diferent point of view, for me is the best american president i have ever seen since Ronald Reagan.

The one that murdered thousands of Central American civilians by turning a blind eye to the "off-the record" arms trade, invaded tiny Grenada and then turned a blind eye when that other megalomaniac bitch Tatcher decided to massacre ill prepared Argentinian recruits at the Malvinas?

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9 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

Also, a vote that may have flown under the radar, Puerto Rico appears to have voted in favor of becoming a state once more.

Not gonna happen. Unless Saskatchewan joins too, that is. :p


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8 hours ago, konig said:

Yes, here you have a provisional result which es organizated by the goverment and the judiciary count the votes oficially with the presence of people of all the parties.

it's really unimaginable for me.


In our country, polling stations close on Saturday at 22:00 and in the morning on Sunday around 10:00 there is always a press conference with official results in almost all TV stations.


it always happened. always.



But again we are 5 and half milions so I guess that's also the reason :p

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So with (let's assume) four years of Biden now and potentially four years of Harris after that, we might have a period of twelve full years (sixteen even if Harris goes double) without a president who speeches both with good articulation (Biden really doesn't), a comfortable voice to hear (Harris doesn't) and a pleasant and non-monotonous intonation (Trump basically speeches like a reading robot).


Obviously that's just a matter of opinion and taste and what they say is more important than voice or articulation, but all of these people make it even more clear what a phenomenal speecher Obama was (and still is). 


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22 hours ago, mrv86 said:

The one that murdered thousands of Central American civilians by turning a blind eye to the "off-the record" arms trade, invaded tiny Grenada and then turned a blind eye when that other megalomaniac bitch Tatcher decided to massacre ill prepared Argentinian recruits at the Malvinas?

The Reagan who accelerate the dissolution of the Soviet Union and made U.S.A winning the cold war, its logical that United States prioritize thier relantionship with U.K before Argentina, Reagan was clear with Galtieri several times about that, i cant blame for that.

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Biden probably won't seek re-election in four years time and buggers off due to "health reasons". Since the Democrats are ultra-divided anyway I expect someone will challenge Kamala Harris for the nomination especially if the covid-recovery costs too much. The Trump excuse is off now and if economy remains in the gutter I expect a lot of internal bickering among the Democrats who'd like to pounce on the weak Biden tenure and have Harris swept away with him as well.

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