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I definitively would rather be Biden than Trump right now, even though it looks like Biden will barely crawl across the finish line. Not very unlike Trump in 2016, really.

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1 minute ago, Vic Liu said:

If Biden truly win the election by late counted mail-in votes, there will defenitely be a huge unrest in USA

Probably not. We were well prepared for this outcome.


The media spent a lot of time explaining to people what states would have red and blue mirages, i.e. states that would appear to go for Biden (Ohio, Florida, North Carolina) or Trump (Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania) before tightening later on.

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16 minutes ago, Vic Liu said:

What a fantastic show!

Biden reverse in Wisconsin! 


So the votes percentage counted by AP is truly inaccurate




No, it's not. Again, it's about where the votes come from, this is not an incredibly surprising turnaround if you looked at the locations and kinds of votes.


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