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13 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

Because California and Texas make up right around 25% of the United States total population :p. California has the same population as the 22 smallest states combined.


Yes, I was a little sarcastic there :lol:  I told you before the only party primaries should be held in Texas, California, Florida and maybe Illinois. Who wins two out of three or 3/4 gets the official nomination. Everything else simply generates costs and hollow media attention (hell, media talk about politics all year anyway so they don't need all these primaries tbh). Everyone would get to vote in the only voting that matters in November.

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12 minutes ago, Monzanator said:


Yes, I was a little sarcastic there :lol:  I told you before the only party primaries should be held in Texas, California, Florida and maybe Illinois. Who wins two out of three or 3/4 gets the official nomination. Everything else simply generates costs and hollow media attention (hell, media talk about politics all year anyway so they don't need all these primaries tbh). Everyone would get to vote in the only voting that matters in November.

Yeah there’s states that matter, and then there’s Mississippi, Arkansas, Kanas, Wisconsin, etc. All these primaries have done is alienate voters left and right. The infighting between progressives and moderates is reaching critical mass right now. At this point, a Moderate is a just as much as my “enemy” as a conservative. I will downright refuse to vote for Biden over Trump because they represent the same ideas to me. The party needs Sanders, but they’re not listening to the people who will decide the next 3/4 decades of elections.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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@Maxim Fastovsky I’m assuming you went for NO on R? I’m just wondering what the argument for that would be.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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3 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

Yeah there’s states that matter, and then there’s Mississippi, Arkansas, Kanas, Wisconsin, etc. All these primaries have done is alienate voters left and right. The infighting between progressives and moderates is reaching critical mass right now. At this point, a Moderate is a just as much as my “enemy” as a conservative. I will downright refuse to vote for Biden over Trump because they represent the same ideas to me. The party needs Sanders, but they’re not listening to the people who will decide the next 3/4 decades of elections.


I told you like 6 months ago all this Dems in-fighting is completely useless and only helps the sitting President. They should have had these 3-4 primaries last fall and now there should be an official nominee in heads-up poker versus Trump already.


I wonder how many Dem voters will refuse to vote for Sanders over Trump like you will refuse to vote for Biden? (despite some polls showing beating Trump is more important than the candidate's views). The split within the party is another great boost for Trump yet I feel like it's underestimated in the big picture. He's upset the mainstream odds vs Hilary Clinton already and he might well do this again esp. if Biden voters won't vote for Sanders or vice versa.

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3 minutes ago, Monzanator said:


I told you like 6 months ago all this Dems in-fighting is completely useless and only helps the sitting President. They should have had these 3-4 primaries last fall and now there should be an official nominee in heads-up poker versus Trump already.


I wonder how many Dem voters will refuse to vote for Sanders over Trump like you will refuse to vote for Biden? (despite some polls showing beating Trump is more important than the candidate's views). The split within the party is another great boost for Trump yet I feel like it's underestimated in the big picture. He's upset the mainstream odds vs Hilary Clinton already and he might well do this again esp. if Biden voters won't vote for Sanders or vice versa.

Becuase my generation (and a good portion of the millennials) are done with the mainstream. Mainstream has got us nowhere in the last 3 decades. We need radical change in this country, in order to save it.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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It’s not looking great for Bernie. I’m highly disappointed with the “left”. We’re going to elect a mildly racist, billionaire, who chums it up with conservatives on a daily basis into the White House. Sanders should run as an Independent just to completely fuck over Biden. 

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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7 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

Becuase my generation (and a good portion of the millennials) are done with the mainstream. Mainstream has got us nowhere in the last 3 decades. We need radical change in this country, in order to save it.


The question is whether mainstream allows the millenials to run mainstream out of business? :p US politics is old money, Ivy League and big ego. Rebels are destined to fail.


The only way to blow this up if there's a third main party on the scene that will unsettle the 150+ years of GOP/Dems dominance. That's the radical change neccessary.

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20 minutes ago, Maxim Fastovsky said:

I dont remember, i sent the ballot 3 weeks ago, remind me what's r?

Civilian oversight committee for the police.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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