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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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Just now, Griff88 said:

They have their own version of PM which is called Premier

Yes, but the legal and constitutional leader of the country is *drum roll*...a dead guy!


Kim Jong Un is chairman of the party. And third in like leader. Prime minister is just that. He’s the top advisor I believe.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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In the US:

  • Our executive leader is the President
  • second in line is VP
  • third in line is Secretary of State (and appointed/unelected position)
  • fourth is Speaker of the House
  • fifth is Senate Majority Leader
  • six is we all use the guns we all have, but really shouldn’t, and the play “the most dangerous game” until someone comes out as the alpha and this president

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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3 hours ago, hckosice said:



well, that´s pretty exactly the same, except he or in this cas she isn´t automatically "assigned by god" but has to be elected by peoples....


The president has more or less just a ceremonial status with a limited competence like veto but is the chief of the army (slovak army loool)


The prime minister is leading the politics of the country but can be recalld by any time by the president




India has basically the same status. President is ceremonial head of state, while Prime Minister is head of government and is involved in all the nitty gritty of politics. 

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8 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

Yes, but the legal and constitutional leader of the country is *drum roll*...a dead guy!


Kim Jong Un is chairman of the party. And third in like leader. Prime minister is just that. He’s the top advisor I believe.

I was referring to China tho

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10 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

Just for the record, I did not mean, nor attempt to start a fight amongst Argentinan users. I was just an American student wanting information :p

Dont worry :yes, yesterday i was a little angry with the situation of the return of the comunism, i want to say it was only for yestarday but we are watching the consecuences of that:


the dolar pass to 1 dolar 47 pesos to 1 dolar 62-65 in just the morning of today!!


Remember your lucky for born in a country when this kind of problems are not more than "Scienci Fiction".

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For everyone wondering about the forum’s favorite international leader:


“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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the Friday 26 of protesting , wave of arrest against hight corrupted responsibles ,some are escaped to Europe USA Canada UAE, over 1000 billion $ disappeared in 15 year

the army (mafia) still has the power to repress people , no one is going to vote , we stay without president




























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