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Men's Handball Tournament at the Summer Olympic Games 2020

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  On 8/5/2021 at 9:31 AM, NearPup said:

:FRA just ruined the hopes and dreams of everyone who isn't French, just like they did in Beijing :P


We're not French :mumble:

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Too much mistakes, especially in the first half :(
But well, I remember people in here being certain that French men's handball was dead, but I guess not!

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Men's Tournament
Final Results
:FRA France

Luc Abalo

Hugo Descat

Ludovic Fabregas

Yann Genty

Vincent Gerard

Michael Guigou

Nikola Karabatic

Luka Karabatic

Romain Lagarde

Kentin Mahe

Dika Mem

Timothey Nguessan

Valentin Porte

Nedim Remili

Melvyn Richardson

Nicolas Tournat


:DEN Denmark

Niklas Landin

Magnus Landin

Magnus Saugstrup

Lasse Svan

Kevin Moeller

Henrik Moellgaard

Mads Mensah

Henrik Toft Hansen

Mikkel Hansen

Morten Olsen

Johan Hansen

Jacob Holm

Mathias Gidsel

Emil Jakobsen

Lasse Andersson


:ESP Spain

Julen Aguinagalde Aquizu

Rodrigo Corrales Rodal

Alex Dujshebaev

Raul Entrerrios Rodriguez

Angel Fernandez Perez

Adrian Figueras Trejo

Antonio Garcia Robledo

Aleix Gomez Abello

Gedeon Guardiola Villaplana

Eduardo Gurbindo Martinez

Jorge Maqueda Peno

Viran Morros de Argila

Gonzalo Perez de Vargas Moreno

Miguel Sanchez-Migallon Naranjo

Daniel Sarmiento Melian

Ferran Sole Sala

Gold Medal Match
:FRA France   25 - 23  Denmark  :DEN
Bronze Medal Match
:ESP Spain  33 - 31  Egypt :EGY
Full Tournament Results Here
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