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Diving WA World Cup 2024


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  On 3/23/2024 at 1:31 PM, Rafa Maciel said:

:GER 2024 Diving World Cup Leg 2 - Berlin :GER 




Men's 3m Springboard Synchro - Final Result:

1.) :GBR Jack Laugher / Anthony Harding - 423.27

2.) :ITA Lorenzo Marsaglia / Giovanni Tocci - 397.62

3.) :USA Greg Duncan / Tyler Downs - 374.85


4.) :FRA Gwendal Bisch / Alexis Jandard - 372.48

5.) :ESP Nicolas Garcia Boissier / Adrian Abadia - 366.84

6.) :POL Kacper Lesiak / Andrzej Rzeszutek - 338.49

7.) :JAM Yohan Dion Eskerick-Parkinson / Yona Knight-Wisdom - 338.10

8.) :AUT Dariush Lofti / Nikolaj Schaller - 334.92

9.) :MEX Osmar Olvera Ibarra / Rodrigo Diego Lopez - 326.58

10.) :UZB Igor Myalin / Vyacheslav Kachanov - 321.96

11.) :GER Moritz Wesemann / Alexander Lube - 317.94


Mexico had a failed dive in the final round and scored 0 - without that, probably would have been heading for second place. 



Seeing this and previous results I'm even more sad that our guys didn't qualified to Olympics :( 

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  • 4 weeks later...

:CHN 2024 Diving World Cup Super Final - Xi'an :CHN 





Men's 10m Platform Synchro - Final Result:

1.) :CHN Yang Hao / Lian Junjie - 472.92

2.) :GBR Noah Williams / Tom Daley - 440.37 

3.) :GER Jaden Shiloh Eikermann Gregorchuk / Timo Barthel - 393.09


4.) :AUS Cassiel Rousseau / Domonic Bedggood - 389.76 

5.) :MEX Kevin Berlin Reyes / Randal Willars Valdez - 375.60

6.) :USA Zachary Cooper / Maxwell Flory - 363.90

7.) :UKR Danylo Avanesov / Mark Hrytsenko - 361.62

8.) :ITA Andreas Sargent Larsen / Riccardo Giovannini - 355.53





Women's 10m Platform Synchro - Final Result:

1.) :CHN Quan Hongchan / Chen Yuxi - 364.86

2.) :CAN Katie Miller / Caeli McKay - 296.10  

3.) :UKR Kseniia Bailo / Sofiia Lyskun - 294.42


4.) :MEX Viviana Del Angel Peniche / Alejandra Estudillo Torres - 292.74 

5.) :GER Christina Wassen / Elena Wassen - 281.76

6.) :USA Emilie Moore / Kaylee Bishop - 237.06

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:CHN 2024 Diving World Cup Super Final - Xi'an :CHN 



Women's 3m Springboard Synchro - Final Result:

1.) :AUS Anabelle Smith / Maddison Keeney - 284.67

2.) :USA Kassidy Cook / Sarah Bacon - 284.10 

3.) :ITA Chiara Pellacani / Elena Bertocchi - 268.92


4.) :GER Jette Muller / Lena Hentschel - 254.37 

5.) :GBR Yasmin Harper / Scarlett Mew Jensen - 95.40 (NB Withdrew after round 2)

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:CHN 2024 Diving World Cup Super Final - Xi'an :CHN 




Men's 3m Springboard Synchro - Final Result:

1.) :CHN Wang Zongyuan / Long Daoyi - 474.75

2.) :MEX Juan Manuel Celaya Hernandez / Osmar Olvera Ibarra - 420.81

3.) :GBR Jack Laugher / Anthony Harding - 403.89


4.) :ITA Giovanni Tocci / Lorenzo Marsaglia - 391.65

5.) :GER Moritz Wesemann / Alexander Lube - 375.84

6.) :ESP Nicolas Garcia Boissier / Adrian Abadia - 369.00

7.) :USA Tyles Downs / Greg Duncan - 360.48

8.) :POL Andrzej Rzeszutek / Kacper Lesiak - 349.59

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:CHN 2024 Diving World Cup Super Final - Xi'an :CHN 



Mixed Team Event:

1.) :CHN (Chen / Wang / Yang / Chen) - 500.75

2.) :GBR (Goodfellow / Daley / Reid / Spendolini Sirieix) - 456.75

3.) :AUS (Rousseau / Meaney / Keeney / Mathews) - 440.20


4.) :GER (Wassen / Hentschel / Barthel / Wesemann) - 385.40

5.) :USA (Downs / Moore / Cooper / Cook) - 377.60

6.) :ITA (Tocci / Larsen / Pellacani / Jodoin Di Maria) - 373.40

7.) :ESP (Abadia / Antolino / Camacho Del Hoyo) - 370.55

8.) :UKR (Bailo / Avanesov / Hrytsenko / Lyskun) - 321.00


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Great result for the new pairing in the men's 3m synchro, now Osmar Olvera with Juan Celaya who placed 4th in Tokyo at this event.


But now a big controversy is coming about the situation of who will be competing in Paris with Osmar? the organising body that rules aquatic sports in Mexico already announced that Osmar & Rodrigo Diego were the selected divers for the Olympics in the synchro event, BUT given Rodrigo slowly but steady going downhill with bad competitions and a bit of a mental struggle state in the last months, now they decided to change and give a try with Juan Celaya.


This pairing with Celaya makes their debut and what a result, a big 420 points total and lots of improvement in the synchronised part of course.


What will happen? kick out Rodrigo? but they already selected him, now how they tell him sorry but no, we take back. Rodrigo could challenge this of course but in al fairness if he is struggling he could sacrifice his spot and let Celaya take the better opportunity.


I dont want a scandal with this situation to affect mexican aspirations on this event at Paris, for me the 3m synchro is the biggest chance to get a medal among with Osmar individually wining at least the bronze.



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:CHN 2024 Diving World Cup Super Final - Xi'an :CHN 



Men's 3m Springboard Final:

1.) :CHN Zongyuan Wang - 525.00

2.) :MEX Osmar Olvera Ibarra - 475.55

3.) :GBR Jack Laugher - 472.85


4.) :CHN Jiuyuan Zheng - 451.20

5.) :GBR Daniel Goodfellow - 444.70

6.) :AUS Kurtis Mathews - 429.10

7.) :ITA Giovanni Tocci - 418.45

8.) :GER Moritz Wesemann - 399.55

9.) :USA Tyler Downs - 377.20

10.) :ITA Lorenzo Marsaglia - 362.65

11.) :POL Andrzej Rzeszutek - 358.35

12.) :IRL Jake Passmore - 349.85

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:CHN 2024 Diving World Cup Super Final - Xi'an :CHN 



Women's 3m Springboard Final:

1.) :CHN Yiwen Chen - 376.05

2.) :ITA Chiara Pellacani - 301.95

3.) :AUS Maddison Keeney - 291.15


4.) :JPN Sayaka Mikami - 288.90

5.) :GER Lena Hentschel - 285.50

6.) :GBR Grace Reid - 285.30

7.) :RSA Julia Vincent - 280.75

8.) :AUS Brittany O'Brien - 274.95

9.) :GER Saskia Oettinghaus - 268.70

10.) :JPN Haruka Enomoto - 262.90

11.) :ITA Elena Bertocchi - 259.35

12.) :USA Sarah Bacon - 255.15

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