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  On 2/7/2023 at 7:40 PM, Olympian1010 said:

Because the IOC, and to a greater extent the wider international sports network, has become an echo chamber that confirms the viewpoints of those in charge. It was honestly amusing watching PanamSports, EOC, OCA, ANOC, IFs, NOCs, etc. trip over each other to welcome the IOC’s position :p

This isn’t to say there is or isn’t large support for the path they’re going down, I just feel like you’d really expect to see a greater diversity of viewpoints on such a divisive subject :dunno:



  On 2/7/2023 at 5:39 PM, hckošice said:

Still don´t get how that fencing 1976 gold medalist came up with the illusion that all national olympic committees unanimously agreed with his last week "amnesty"


IOC is being accused of being an echo chamber but aren't you guys also in an echo chamber if you think that whole world wants to ban Russia/Belarus? 


For years, we have been fed this bullshit of "Don't mix politics with sports" and now that Russia has invaded Ukraine, it is ok to mix politics with sports? Would you all, who are asking for ban on Russians, be ok if tomorrow India bans Pakistani athletes from a major tournament hosted by India? 

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  On 2/8/2023 at 7:27 AM, Dolby said:

IOC is being accused of being an echo chamber but aren't you guys also in an echo chamber if you think that whole world wants to ban Russia/Belarus? 


which is exaxtly what I was asking myself, how they came up with the idea everyone will be ok with it. Works on both sides.


  On 2/8/2023 at 7:27 AM, Dolby said:

For years, we have been fed this bullshit of "Don't mix politics with sports" and now that Russia has invaded Ukraine, it is ok to mix politics with sports?


Certainly no, despite what my posts may suggest, I am not in favor of mixing politics and olympics. However, Russia has already so many valid reasons to be baned, the exposed doping program (which is itself alone a reason to ban a country from competing, however they still somehow managed to escape by being allowed to enter neutral ROC called teams, in Rio they even competed in some sports except athletics as Russia). However, now, a completely unjustified, terrorist invasion of a neighboring sovereign country plus during the Olympic truce is a bit too much. moreover, Putin is still continuing this senseless criminal war and showing the whole world that he does not give a fuck about the rest of the world and how many innocent people (including athletes and from both sides) will die, just because he is a moronic ego-maniac everyone is afraid to degrade.


You probably don´t see it that way, but we have a lot of experience with Russian "friendly help and liberation actions, in 1968 they successfully saved us from the danger of bread and butter. An invasion they still did not apology for...we are 2023!" and how Russian propaganda works. sport is the main weapon. if gold iare won, everything is OK, the nation will be satisfied, because Putin arranged golds to the masters of the universe, that´s how it worked(s) in the former ussr´s way of thinking.


  On 2/8/2023 at 7:27 AM, Dolby said:

Would you all, who are asking for ban on Russians, be ok if tomorrow India bans Pakistani athletes from a major tournament hosted by India? 


Definitely no. and I hope it will never happen. and that you will never had the reason to even thinking about doing it. And I am one of the few who really wants India hosting the Olympics.

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  On 2/8/2023 at 8:37 AM, hckošice said:

which is exaxtly what I was asking myself, how they came up with the idea everyone will be ok with it. Works on both sides.


Certainly no, despite what my posts may suggest, I am not in favor of mixing politics and olympics. However, Russia has already so many valid reasons to be baned, the exposed doping program (which is itself alone a reason to ban a country from competing, however they still somehow managed to escape by being allowed to enter neutral ROC called teams, in Rio they even competed in some sports except athletics as Russia). However, now, a completely unjustified, terrorist invasion of a neighboring sovereign country plus during the Olympic truce is a bit too much. moreover, Putin is still continuing this senseless criminal war and showing the whole world that he does not give a fuck about the rest of the world and how many innocent people (including athletes and from both sides) will die, just because he is a moronic ego-maniac everyone is afraid to degrade.


You probably don´t see it that way, but we have a lot of experience with Russian "friendly help and liberation actions, in 1968 they successfully saved us from the danger of bread and butter. An invasion they still did not apology for...we are 2023!" and how Russian propaganda works. sport is the main weapon. if gold iare won, everything is OK, the nation will be satisfied, because Putin arranged golds to the masters of the universe, that´s how it worked(s) in the former ussr´s way of thinking.


Definitely no. and I hope it will never happen. and that you will never had the reason to even thinking about doing it. And I am one of the few who really wants India hosting the Olympics.


You see this is the issue. For you Russia is the bad guy. For India, Pakistan is the bad guy. For Pakistan, India is the bad guy. For Iran, Israel is the bad guy. For Taiwan, China is the bad guy. 


I don't think not mixing politics and sports is possible. There should be consequences for one's actions. One cannot force Ukrainian athletes to compete against Russians. But, the same respect should be given to others as well. 

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  On 2/8/2023 at 9:40 AM, Dolby said:

You see this is the issue. For you Russia is the bad guy. For India, Pakistan is the bad guy. For Pakistan, India is the bad guy. For Iran, Israel is the bad guy. For Taiwan, China is the bad guy. 


I don't think not mixing politics and sports is possible. There should be consequences for one's actions. One cannot force Ukrainian athletes to compete against Russians. But, the same respect should be given to others as well. 


I can understand your point, I never said I can´t, You will never find a single judgement from me on this site about policies of Iran and other Arab nations when they DNS against Israel, same for Pakistan vs India stuff or TPE/CHN stuff, I am maybe the sole user who did not said a single bad word about China organizing the winter olampics, same for Qatar and WC...I really try to value more the sport than mixing politics with sport personally...however, there still multiple valid reasons for me from logical and moral view which I simply can not ignore for not allowing Russian and in some extent also Belarussian athletes currently in worldwide sport.


but at the end of the day, yeah, neither me or others on this forum will change anything, my voice is so insignificant that it doesn´t really matter what I write here :p. I can just think my opinion and that´s all. It is on others, sometimes competent, sometimes sadly not, to decide.


Edited by hckošice
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  On 2/8/2023 at 7:27 AM, Dolby said:


IOC is being accused of being an echo chamber but aren't you guys also in an echo chamber if you think that whole world wants to ban Russia/Belarus? 


Like I said in my post, I don’t expect, nor do I think, every nation is on board with banning BLR/RUS from Paris 2024. My comment was a more a general gripe about how any major decision made the by the IOC is almost always unequivocally supported without any dissent or suggestion of modification. This saga has just been a good demonstration of that point.


  On 2/8/2023 at 7:27 AM, Dolby said:

For years, we have been fed this bullshit of "Don't mix politics with sports" and now that Russia has invaded Ukraine, it is ok to mix politics with sports? 


I’ve been pretty adamant with my posts on here that the Olympics are intrinsically political. I do think an effort should be made to build bridges using sport, especially at the Olympics. However, I’d suggest violating the Olympic Truce after running a state-sponsored doping program isn’t exactly conductive of building those bridges between nations.


“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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  On 2/8/2023 at 7:27 AM, Dolby said:

IOC is being accused of being an echo chamber but aren't you guys also in an echo chamber if you think that whole world wants to ban Russia/Belarus? 


For years, we have been fed this bullshit of "Don't mix politics with sports" and now that Russia has invaded Ukraine, it is ok to mix politics with sports? Would you all, who are asking for ban on Russians, be ok if tomorrow India bans Pakistani athletes from a major tournament hosted by India? 


Not the whole world, but seems like there's more than a few countries who don't like the IOC's decision on this one.  And considering there hasn't been a Russian flag at the last 3 Olympics, it's not like this isn't without cause.  Their NOC was banned for a state-sponsored doping scandal, and then after they used the last Olympics to begin an invasion on Ukraine, the IOC is looking for pathways for them to be allowed back in?  That's not living in an echo chamber.  That's acknowledging the reality of the situation.  Yes, I'm aware that not everyone feels the same way and that the population outside the Western world is bigger than the majority of the Americas and Europe that is calling for the ban.


That all said.. this is the IOC we're talking about.  They claim to advocate for human rights, but then they say they're apolitical when it's not convenient for them.  They are trying to be accommodating for Russian athletes (some of whom would undoubtedly return home with a Z displayed on their clothing), and yet they'll shame other countries who push back against that decision and who might threaten to boycott.


This is the state of the Olympics these days.  The problem remains that the Olympic movement is under the control of an organization of corrupt autocrats who don't realize how much they are disliked throughout much of the world.  I'm not rooting for them to go down because that would be a shame for sport and for the athletes.  But until they have that realization of the Olympic brand being tarnished, perhaps to the point it can't be repaired, there's no catch all solution for this.

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IOC has problems to find candidates to host. They asked SOC and now Sweden will make an investigation if we can be a candidate.

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  On 2/8/2023 at 6:28 PM, Dragon said:

Posted without comment.


What a dumbass. Everyone in this world would be proud if he was spawn of Miroslav Satan ! We all in Slovakia believe on our captain Satan !







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  On 2/8/2023 at 6:51 PM, hckošice said:

What a dumbass. Everyone in this world would be proud if he was spawn of Miroslav Satan ! We all in Slovakia believe on our captain Satan !








one of my favourites all time! :bowdown:

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