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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2022


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Prague Stags - :GER :EGY :MEX :USA :ESP



Pardubice Pikes - :SWE :SRB :BRA :IRL



Brno Swans - :NED :GBR :BUL :GRE




Stage / Team Prague Stags Brno Swans Ostrava Otters Pilsen Boars Ústí Nad Labem Wolfs České Budějovice Foxes Hradec Králové Hares Pardubice Pikes Olomouc Moles Liberec Salamanders
27 40 26 28 18 38 9 30 4 0 (DNF)
+30 +50 +25 +35 +20 +45 +15 +40 +10 +0
2/10 4/10 4/10 0/10 (DNF) 0/10 (DNF) 1/10 1/10 3/10 2/10 5/10
+25 +45 +40 +0 +0 +20 +15 +35 +30 +50
Elimination Race :MEX :BUL :POL :ISR :VIE :HUN :CAN :BRA :TUN :POR
28 0 (EL V3) 0 (EL V3) 0 (EL V3) 26 19 (EL V9) 0 (EL V3) 20 0 (EL V3) 0 (EL V3)
+50 +5 +5


+45 +35 +5 +40 +5 +5
+44 +18 +6 +7 +33 +16 +22 +17 +43 +49
:ESP 12 +12 - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL 161 118 76 47 98 116 57 132 88 104



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So 28th place with 60 points at the end. Not so bad as it looked lately, but not as good as it looked earlier neither :p


Anyway, thanks you all who voted for :SVK I really appreciated it.


Congrats to France for a deserved win and to all medalists for the successes.


Well done @Hipooo for the amazing job, I know very well, how hard it is, so chapeu bas my friend for how you managed it all perfectly.

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