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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Almost I check my boarding pass and passport more or less once every three minutes once I'm really getting ready to leave, so no worries Now I'm hoping for WiFi in the plane, in that case I can spend a good part of the 12 hours watching the men's time trial (if Eurosport Player and/or NOS app work in, I don't know, international airspace?)
  2. Fun fact for all the Dygert fans: she has publicly stated she's going for (gold in) six Olympics, so her plan is to continue until 2040!
  3. Dutch commentator when they showed Van Vleuten after 12km or so: "She's 15 seconds ahead of Amaliusik, so she's going pretty well too." Meanwhile we had already seen Dygert was something like 65 years ahead of Amaliusik.
  4. The women's time trial has been decided by more than a minute only once: in 1995, the second time it was held, Jeannie Longo beat eventual speed skater Clara Hughes by 1:11 minutes.
  5. Van Vleuten just didn't spend enough time on the remote volcano she likes so much
  6. Or the person reading it is not paying enough attention My bad
  7. This is also going to make people so hilariously mad
  8. Why would they not nominate any female cyclist?
  9. 2012 (Judith Arndt) was the last time the winning woman had a faster average speed than the winning junior boy.
  10. This is one of the most bizarre bits of time trial riding I can remember in ever seeing in my life
  11. If you have to compete very late, it's not a bad idea to train very late as well.
  12. I don't need to see Van der Breggen on the podium anyway so fine with that
  13. These conditions are perfect for weird results, so it wouldn't be too terribly surprising if something weird happens. However, if she doesn't mess up in one way or another, I really with the very best will in the world can't see Van Vleuten lose. That'd be a major, major surprise.
  14. May I recommend you a good pair of glasses, good Sir?
  15. What would have made it 'the real U23' championships? I don't see a whole lot of time trial riders who are under 23 years old and significantly better than Bjerg (except for Evenepoel obviously ).
  16. Bjerg wins in Atlantis, his third consecutive U23 title
  17. Forget the 'pro seasons' stat btw, no idea how they got that. Evenepoel was like 3 years old 5 seasons ago.
  18. Crap, I had put all my money on Price-Pejtersen when he went under.
  19. Wow, what a save by Knotten and to add to that, he managed to put his chain back on the bike while going up and down around the corners with 35-40+
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