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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Yep, and I really don't care about which country it is. If the Netherlands would refuse Turkish athletes (not happening, but there's some tension) I'd also say the Netherlands should be stripped off any hosting rights. Don't refuse athletes, simple as that.
  2. I am 99% sure you understand the most basic rule: the team with more goals wins
  3. Luckily there won't be any major sporting events held in China anytime soon in the next few years
  4. And of course when you want to give an example of that, the problem is gone
  5. For now it's ok, although I'm wondering if I'm the only one where posts that I have already posted remain in the post box after posting them.
  6. @hckosice Slovak World Cup win
  7. [hide] Women's Tournament Knockout Round July 23rd - July 27th, 2018 8 Nations, Placement Matches, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Quarterfinals Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 23rd 2018, h. 17:00 Greece 3 Russia July 23rd 2018, h. 18:30 Italy 4 Hungary July 23rd 2018, h. 20:30 Netherlands 8 Germany July 23rd 2018, h. 22:00 France 4 Spain [/hide]
  8. Ten legs ago he was being ridiculed on a Dutch forum for his switch to Unicorn, now it's not going so bad anymore is it?
  9. That was not Brown's finest moment
  10. That was a really good comeback and a really 'dirty' finish by Lewis
  11. That final climb today: 1995: 9:03 - Pantani, Indurain and Riis 2018: 9:10 - Roglic 2005: 9:12 - Armstrong, Basso, Ullrich, Evans 2018: 9:14 - Froome, Thomas, Dumoulin Roglic was even faster than Armstrong, Basso, Ullrich and those jokers
  12. He's a tourist, doesn't mean he can't figure out how trains work
  13. That depends on where you are, plenty of airports of course have a way to get out and about by bus or train. But yeah, generally avoiding taxis is always a good idea I think
  14. Keizer and Meppelink win on their 4th match point which hit the net and dropped dead right behind it
  15. Phil Taylor as co-commentator Phil Taylor doing maths/counting as co-commentator
  16. Robin Haase missed the Umag final after losing to Guido Pella. In set 1 he was 3-1 up, then got mad as shit at someone in the crowd ("You have been warned 3 times and still you are calling on your phone! How respectful....thanks man!") and lost 5 consecutive games Easy set 2 and then in set 3 he got mad at the noisy crowd again at 2-2, then lost 4 consecutive games. @dcro Could you please stop making phone calls during tennis matches?
  17. World Matchplay is about to start
  18. Igor Merino was caught for growth hormones by the way, didn't work so well, since he's still only 1,60m. I guess they've got tiny genes in that family
  19. He's definitely not a cyclist on a Tour de France-kind of level. His sister is more known (Eider Merino) as the around 65cm tall, 13kg (this might be a little exaggerated) female pro cyclist.
  20. Time for the women's final, Keizer/Meppelink vs Betschart/Hüberli
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