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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Expected result. Maribor with 1 goal from 2 chances, Levski 1 goal from 20 chances. Good to see our team hasn't lost its touch.
  2. Isinbayeva is giving me life, girl is on fire with this situation.
  3. So, the italian teams withdrawed from Eurocup after all.
  4. I mainly use Batman stream and Sportlemon.
  5. Jose Mourinho won't like the Trencin - Olimpija tie, too many goals for his liking.
  6. A white guy with a medal in the 100 m., lol
  7. 17 stages past and there is still no victory for the Big 3 of cycling Italy, Spain and France.
  8. Skybots murdering the race once more. Twist thst knife...
  9. Yeah, i'm afraid Vladi Zografski is going to be just a flash. His smaller body just prevents him from having a fast runaway and then the winds just bounce him around. Plus his morale has been bellow minimum after the failed couple of seasons. Even having Pointner around for some coaching tips didn't improve much of his technique. I hope to see him rejuvinated for next season and at least get some points here and there. That should be the max that is expected from him.
  10. Funny how those circumstances are never against the austrians and germans. And the few times they are we will just cancel the whole round *cough* Schlirenzauer *cough* 4-hills. I'll try and keep count for next season, but i hope with Sedlak things will be more fairer to the smaller teams.
  11. Yup, the shananigans those 2 have done with gates, winds, suits over the years that i have watched this sport are countless. After boxing and gymnastics, ski-jumping is for me the next sport in line with biased officials.
  12. Too bad he can't take the other criminal Hoffer with him. At least we can hope for a somewhat fair competition.
  13. If they do ban Russia completely there is a good chance that other countries closer to Russia will boycott the Games and we return to 80/84 time, which everyone "loved" of course. Where would the credibility of the OG be there? This is a thin game that is happening for some time now and goes above sport, so don't be surprised if there is a middle decision.
  14. A good day today. I was sure Sagan got his usual second, but not today baby! All he needs now is to finish in Paris and it will be 5 in-a-row in green.
  15. Someones wet dream of 84' comming back is getting closer and closer to be reality. Another tainted Olympics isn't something i'm looking forward to.
  16. Any rain expected for the swiss stages? I'm desperate for something interesting to happen.
  17. Congrats for the first 10 gold medals for China.
  18. Nothing really happened, shocking. Froomy won it already, this movie has been seen in the past years. The sky train kills the race every year.
  19. Nibali to win today, pictured for him.
  20. A stage much more to my liking. I can't see though any big attacks happening that can shake the GC. I hope i'm wrong and someone surprises.
  21. I don't want this to go all night, you won't change my mind, i won't change yours, so let it be there.
  22. I just hate sprinters and Cavendish is the worst kind of them. The glory and attention they get for "winning" stages, after doing nothing till the last 50 m. angers me so much, but that's just the way it is in modern times. At least i can tolerate cyclists like Kristoff, Degenkolb etc. that can ride on classic parkours too. They are not one-dimentional. Guys like Sagan and Boonen are also considered sprinters (at least in the begining of their careers), but evolved and the things they can do in different races is amazing. While the likes of Cavendish have one trick like i said, sand-bagging till the last 50 m and then bragging for it and people eating it up. You trying to say he has uphill sprint victories, when? How many of his 50 GT wins are on an uphill sprint, after an attack, in a breakaway, on a classic parkour? Should i use one hand, or one finger? One trick pony and its a damn shame for me that this guy is gonna break the record of the Great Eddy Merckx.
  23. Yes he is the worst kind, sand-bagging till the last 50 metres and then glorifies like he is the king of the world. And it even has to be purely flat, because if its a little uphill he squerms like a worm and gas comes out of his ass... I hate, hate, hate this in modern cycling.
  24. This guy again Should have been declassiffied for blocking Kittell. What a disgrace it is going to be when this talantless cyclist breaks Merckx's record.
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