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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. That was the most obvious penalty I've seen in short track. And that's saying a lot. Good hockey play, though.
  2. So she should be disqualified for falling the wrong way when someone else knocks her down? Calm down, Arianna doesn't need nonsense penalties to help her to the podium.
  3. WTF CBC!!!!! You don't even have short track available on your site??? Thanks. Now I see through the app (which took a while to start up) that St-Gelais got DQ. Awesome start. Thanks, CBC. Edit: I guess it was on the main feed, but it just said "Hockey" at the time.
  4. The schedule is crazy. Nothing is going on today, but everything goes at the same time this evening. Gotta get those North American ad dollars, I guess. We've got: curling, short track, long track, luge, x-country and hockey all starting within an hour of each other. I only have so many devices!
  5. I agree with phelps' analysis above. I am so nervous for the relay tonight. I was so disappointed in Sochi with all the falls. Hopefully tonight everyone stays on their feet so Canada and Korea can duke it out in the final.
  6. De Haitre in the 1500m speed skating is a medal threat, too. 4th at the last world championships on this oval. Medal favourite Yuskov is not competing, which opens things up a bit. And don't forget defending bronze medalist Morrison. Unfortunately (for me, at least), there's nothing during the day for us and then everything happens at once in the evening. Lots of channel flipping (window toggling).
  7. Gough in 3rd after 2 runs for luge. Doing very well, looking good. Just has to keep doing what she's doing tomorrow.
  8. Yay Kingsbury! Oh man, poor Gangnon. Just needed to keep his knees together a bit more.
  9. Great for Kingsbury to win gold! But you have to feel for Gangnon. Second straight Olympics finishing 4th.
  10. I think they could do it better, with the long program gaining more points. There's always room for improvement.
  11. If Germany can get an extra gold in luge relay, and Norway can get extra golds in x-country relays and the Dutch can get more golds in team speed skating, we can have one in team figure skating. As a Canadian, we're not really strong at the events where one person can win 4, 5, 6 medals (biathlon, x-country, even speed skating). Most of our athletes only have one shot, short track being the one exception. It's nice for us to get a little bone finally. If we can put up with certain countries getting golds for 15km races, 15.2 km races, 15 km race but this time skiing a little differently, etc., then you guys can put up with us getting one gold in a team event.
  12. Koreans spent their money well, it seems.
  13. Oh my Gough! I've been waiting months to use that.
  14. At this rate, they're going to have to have all the skiers for all the races just go down together en masse on the last day. Actually....I think I just made up a new event. Oh wait, ski cross is already a thing.
  15. I don't know too much about halfpipe, so I thought they were building Chloe up because she's American-Korean. But holy smokes, she's really good.
  16. Also, I think Canada has won gold in the best snowboarding uniform category by a large margin.
  17. Look at that black eye on Laurie. We like our girls tough!
  18. Good start to the day. Hopefully it'll carry forward into moguls and luge. Gogh has had good training runs.
  19. I take it the BBC snowboarder announcers are as crazy as they were in Sochi, then? I remember choking on my drink 4 years ago to, "There's her parents celebrating that run! Actually, I have no idea who those people are, they're probably not related to her. But they're excited anyway".
  20. Looks like doing a clean run will get you a medal.
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