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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. Canada 1-2 in the decathlon after the first day. I, for one, say they've done enough. Cancel the rest of the events, give the guys a break tomorrow.
  2. Less than 100 points between 1-5 after four events in the decathlon.
  3. Sage Watson with a Canadian record to make the final!
  4. I don't have a deep knowledge, but: Warner: Good at running, including field events like long jump. Weakness is throwing events. Mayer: Good at throwing and pole vault. Not terrible at running. I'm not very familiar with LePage, but judging by his build I would assume similar to Warner, but maybe problems with the hurdles and stronger at high jump? The issue, as a Canadian fan, is that you can get a lot more points with a good throw than you can with a strong run.
  5. Wow, De Grasse's wiki is already updated.
  6. DE GRASSE! Duplicates his medals from Rio, so far.
  7. It's an extreme right-wing talking point, and frankly I'm disturbed that such views are being expressed on a site that's supposed to represent sport at its highest level. These people need to leave their politics at home and stop trying to tell me what Canada is and who a Canadian is.
  8. So my grandparents weren't Canadian? Like I said, Canada is a nation of immigrants. Don't tell me what my country is and isn't, and who is part of it and who isn't.
  9. Mohammed Ahmed is just as Canadian as me. We are a nation of immigrants, including my family. The topic is done.
  10. You should come visit Canada. Lots of Ahmeds here.
  11. I went to an F1 race a year ago with a friend. I'm not into motosports and found it pretty boring but I tried to be positive for my friend who was a huge F1 fan his whole life and was excited to see his first race live. After the event he turned to me and said, "That was one of the most boring things I've ever seen". I guess it's better on TV? Still not my cup of tea, personally. Although growing up in Montreal, the party atmosphere on Grand Prix weekend was always fun.
  12. He finished 4th in Rio, and may have gotten the bronze if he wasn't shoved by the Japanese walker. He looked real good in the last 15 km last night, and said that the conditions weren't even that bad (at least not dangerous).
  13. I agree. This modern idea that skinny = healthy has really done damage to so many lives in our society. I've lived in East Asia where the majority of people are very skinny. And if you ask many of them to help you move a 20 lbs desk they'll faint from exhaustion. Not to mention the mental health damage they endure from endless ridicule if they eat more than 3 bites at dinner. There are healthy and unhealthy people of all sizes. I'm always amazed at the concern some people suddenly have for the health of strangers, especially women. But let's be real here, it has nothing to do with health and everything to do with hate, discrimination and selfishness. If it were about health, these people would care equally about steroid abuse, smoking, drinking and mental well-being (and thus wouldn't be so mean to strangers). Not that it should matter, but she lost 50 lbs over the last year. Again, if people actually cared about her health they would know that and be celebrating her progress rather than attacking her. But as I said, the hatred has nothing to do with concern for her health. In any event, DeAnna Price was on the American softball team, played 4 sports at the elite level in college and just won a gold at the highest level. Meanwhile some troll on the internet who probably struggles to scratch his own ass is trying to attack her because she doesn't fit his fantasy of the perfect woman. Who is the winner and who is the loser in this situation?
  14. What I find strange is that the women's 20km is tomorrow. Wouldn't some of the same athletes normally take part in both? I know that's true for the men, at least at the Olympics.
  15. As someone from the country that came from behind in both to snag a bronze, I will remember both equally.
  16. Great final 5km! Congrats to everyone, but Dunfee's charge in the last 10km was crazy!
  17. Well I was going for a running joke, but I guess I jumped the gun.
  18. He's going to hang out in the Bahamas for a couple of days before coming back to Canada?
  19. And with longer strides where they sort of leap in between.
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