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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by OlympicIRL

  1. I will try to do it in the New Year. I have to spend most weekends studying at the moment
  2. I know you are a landlocked country but please remain vigilant for the next 12 months.... they are among us
  3. Congrats again to @Hipooo for an outstanding victory and a first ever win for the Czech Republic Hard luck to @Wanderer but amazing result overall for New Zealand and what a great fight and drama they provided for us. Well earned silver medal Congrats to @Belle and Sweden for another podium finish Huge thank you to our host @Dnl who persevered through a lot of hard work and personal issues to deliver a wonderful show and what an exciting climax we had. Thank you Israel And thank you to all who put some points in the Irish bucket Finally, without further ado, please stand for the national anthem of the CZECH REPUBLIC !! Ladies and gentlemen, let's hear it for our winner, Lenny
  4. Best of luck to @Hipooo and @Wanderer. Amazing edition for both nations
  5. Wow! Yet another TISC Open goes to a final one-by-one vote shootout! The Open is always a very open contest in every sense
  6. Wow, nice session for Ireland. Thank you so much to all the juries who gave us some love
  7. I don't know what is going on. I did tag him twice (after I saw his name missing the first time I posted it) but his name keeps disappearing Edit: Works on the third try
  8. Just catching up on all the voting from earlier. I'm sorry I wasn't available earlier to send my thanks at the time but I want to say thank you to all who voted for the Irish song @Damian @Cinnamon Bun @uk12points @Wanderer @Illya @Federer91 @dcro @Gianlu33 @Henry_Leon @Pablita @SteveParker @Glen And a huge thank you to @heywoodu and @Dnl for 2 lovely silver medals I hope I didn't miss anyone and in case I did, thank you
  9. should just do a Trump and come out and claim victory. Though that didn’t exactly end well did it?
  10. Sorry for not being able to be here today. I have been trying my best to follow as much as I can but I missed a heap of votes so I'll have to go back over at the end to see, but just want to say thank you to all who have voted for the Irish song and good luck to everyone . I will try my best to be online when it is my turn to vote but if not @Dnl can take care of that.
  11. Exactly, he is one of the worst or possibly the worst penalty taker I can think of
  12. It depends how much time you feel you will need for breaks. In general most hosts have tended to break the voting into 3 or 4 voting sessions. So for example you could have a morning session, afternoon session and evening session. I would advise to give yourself at least 2 decent breaks to breathe during the day and for 1 of those to be at least 1 hour long. Here is an example of the schedule for the previous occasion we had 37 nations to give you some kind of perspective (see opening post in this thread below….) Or see the most recent example for the Annual which was broken into 4 voting sessions: You can look through the schedules from any of the previous contests and form your own schedule as it suits you, editing the times or the amount of nations voting in each session, break times, etc.
  13. 09:00 GMT +2 sounds fine and if that suits you then why not . Do you need someone to draft a schedule for you with all the voting times for each nation? Are you still able to hold the Grand Final on Saturday or do you need to re-schedule? If you need more time that’s fine of course
  14. There were 2 draws. First one drew all the voting positions As you can see, number 9 in that draw corresponds to 13th position in the voting order and that explains why Croatia who were the 9th in the list got 13th position. Clear? Didn’t think so but hey that’s TISC, nothing is as it seems
  15. No idea yet, that will be the decision of @Dnl and whatever time suits him best
  16. Provisional voting order after today's draw.... TISC OPEN 2021 - ISRAEL 19 Greece 1 China 20 Poland 2 Slovenia 21 Vietnam 3 Colombia 22 Hungary 4 Netherlands 23 Ireland 5 Portugal 24 Italy 6 Great Britain 25 Serbia 7 New Zealand 26 India 8 Ukraine 27 Denmark 9 Argentina 28 Germany 10 Bulgaria 29 Czech Republic 11 Indonesia 30 Mexico 12 Israel 31 Brazil 13 Croatia 32 Spain 14 France 33 Slovakia 15 Malta 34 United States 16 Lithuania 35 Kazakhstan 17 Canada 36 Sweden 18 Moldova 37 Romania
  17. I am waiting for @Dnl to publish here on thread about who has voted. Unfortunately like all of you I am in the dark about how many nations have voted or what is happening with the voting window. I have sent a private message so hopefully we will here some news soon. It's likely this means that the Grand Final will have to be re-scheduled but I am waiting to hear from @Dnl about the voting situation first.
  18. Broom references on Halloween?
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