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Posts posted by ChandlerMne

  1. 56 minutes ago, Jesse_Pinkman) said:

    Mozda je neka povreda jer ne verujem da bi odustala tako lako, Ela je odlicna ali nekako ne znam da li je psihicki spremna za kval.

    17 godina ima, moguce je sve. I da osvoji i da izgubi odmah. Ima talenat, valjda ce joj skinuti pritisak da postigne rezultat, onda bi mogla daleko da dogura.

    Zao mi je Tijane, uzastopne medalje u tekvondou nisu ceste, a ona je bila briljantna. Nekako tuzan kraj za nju, sumnjam da ce nastaviti do LAa. 

    Stefan je siguran, a drugo mjesto ce biti tesko izabrati. Tu je onaj naturalizovani Rus, mislim da je on najblizi. 

    Nikada nisu obrazlozili zasto su se odrekli Mehdija.

  2. 4 minutes ago, hckošice said:

    It looks so, well, they were the pre-tournament favorites slightly ahead of SRB. However, it is not over yet, they still have a tricky game against Belgium, but yeah, the favorable H2H confrontations against SRB & ISL are huge advantage for sure

    Belgium didnt impress me so far, to be honest. Serbia outscored them easily. I do hope that we will have PSO in match Bel vs Rou but i highly doubt. 

  3. 22 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    Didn't know about this (or much about her outside of the court), so this post got me reading a little bit....damn, what a story, and what an absolute waste of oxygen scumbag for a father :( 

    Her father marked her life in a bad way, for sure. I read his interviews in the past, he is control freak.

    I hoped that she would continue her life normally but that father issue keeps coming. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Wanderer said:

    Well, he is not a Superman and honestly, winning a single GS this year would be something huge at his age with all the young players coming. I honestly don't expect him to win a GS this year, unless he gets some kind draw. It will be good if he gets to that 100th ATP title though.


    I've been watching Prizmic since he was 16, great prospect! Hopefully stars align well and Balkan gets new huge star

    Yes, his prime has probably gone. Physically for sure. Only problem is that he cant and wont accept it mentally. 

    He still thinks that he can win golden slam. 


    Personally, i would be happy with olympic gold. 

  5. Nazalost, kada ne postoji nicija odgovornost, niko se ni nece truditi za svoju zemlju. Jer ne postoji nikakva posljedica. Odigras lose, tri dana se prica o tome, a onda svi po starom. Vaterpolo se raspada, niko nista. Rukomet takodje. 

    Pare se redovno dobijaju, a rezultati se ne isporucuju.

    Niko nije kriv, ni igraci, ni treneri ni savez. Pa onda ono standardno - "mala smo zemlja", "puno ocekujemo", "danas se svi bave sportom"... I tako do sledeceg debakla.

  6. 1 hour ago, Jesse_Pinkman) said:


    Ne znam da li ovo znaci da moze da ocestvuje i na kval za OI


    Po tekstu se ne bi zakljucilo da ce biti neke izmjene u odnosu na dosadasnji sastav.

    Mada, ako na EP osvoji medalju vjerujem da ce ga ipak poslati na kvalifikacije. Tako da mislim da zavisi od tog EP.

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