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Posts posted by Monzanator

  1. 15 minutes ago, dcro said:

    I just scrolled through media, and it took me a while to find the numbers for today. :p


    I guess COVID really is over?


    Yeah, most countries have lifted restrictions anyway. Nobody is crying wolf over mutations either. Omikron didn't prove as deadly as some wiseguys feared. And it's business as usual. In few months time it will be treated on par with influenza and updates will stop alltogether.

  2. Some Brazilian football players & Manor Salomon from Israel are apparently on the Medyka border crossing and set to enter Poland.


    There is one Polish player in the Ukrainian league (Tomasz Kedziora from Dynamo Kiev who is married to Ukrainian woman) and he is still in Ukraine but our FA tries to evacuate him too.

  3. 1 minute ago, Vic Liu said:

    I think many users don't understand that why some people blame US and NATO for this conflict. I will try to explain from my perspective in a moderate tone. It doesn't mean it's right or it's justified to initiate the war. I hope the war could end immediately and no more death to come. It's just people have different view about how it even began.


    NATO told Ukraine it could be a member in 2008 and Ukraine began its illusion it literally could become a NATO member ever since. So many years, US and other NATO countries never give clear message to Ukraine but give meaningless verbal support. The point is that it gives Ukraine bravery to counter Russia and even write it inside the constitution to become NATO member which is definitely intolerable for Russia. Without solid and concrete support from west, no post-USSR country should ever try this. US gave Ukraine fake hope, fake courage to provoke Russia instead of itself. US is hiding behind a weak proxy with meaningless support. There are some strategy equilibrium between major powers and have to appreciate each other's bottom line. Anyone who tries to break it has to think twice if I can take the consequences. If USA tells Ukraine clearly that I will not accept you as NATO member and if you have war with Russia I will stand by, I think Ukraine will choose to be like Finland and we will not see the conflict today.

    You don't realize imperial Russian politicians HATE independent Ukraine for centuries. Same as independent Baltic states or independent Poland. This is rooted to Russian DNA long before NATO existed and the current war path didn't start in 2008 at all.

  4. 10 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    Call it fair, call it unfair, but the Baltic states are NATO members, unlike Ukraine, and so an attack on them will without a doubt be treated differently. Without adding an opinion to that, that's simply how it is.


    If they were not NATO members, Putin would have long ago gotten them..

    I'm not so sure about it. Of course NATO can send some troops to Baltic states but might concede this a lost battle for the sake of economical safety & pressure from global banks (as it always is). The best thing for Poland is that Putin will undoubtedly go after Baltic states first since there are enough ethnic Russians living there he can sell the old crap of "peace-keeping the Russian-speaking minority". That excuse will never fly with Poland. Western Belarus is no longer within Polish borders like it was in 1939.

  5. Yeah, Germany & Italy block Russia's removal from SWIFT. This is truly pathetic. Let's cut the sanctions nonsense because it will do nothing.


    Maybe if Russian rockets land in Brussels something will change? EU has clearly thrown Ukraine under the bus and God knows what NATO does when Russia invades the Baltic states. You know it will be Putin's next target. And Poland right after that.

  6. 8 minutes ago, bestmen said:

    Without nato , Russia will never attack their neighbors , they have the same culture the same religion the same language for some the same history, the same diaspora ..etc , usa is the parasite in this story 


    Whoa! You obviously have no idea what's going on in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia not to mention Ukraine.

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