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  1. America is 1 continent not 2 , they are 10 countries in southern part +20-30 in north , they can make groups just like others , hé no, they divided the continent to ensure the qualif of USA , they play vs islands without any experience in football , that's why they qualify,they are always in they know they have no chance vs south american teams , this system of cheating is shameful
    2 points
  2. @Henry_Leon Yeah, I like my draw better for Poland
    1 point
  3. Draw-generator @Monzanator Group C have 3 same teams and also ARG-KOR ,POR-USA and NED-JPN are same tie Maybe.... you don't like so much my draw for
    1 point
  4. Pricalo se o njemu, osvojio je skoro zlato za nas na nekom turniru
    1 point
  5. Jokes aside. Despite having already Kazakhstan, which is a pain in the ass to travel there for every single UEFA member that would be super fun, I want some Guam - Iceland or Australia - Ireland home away matches
    1 point
  6. I never really got that argument anyway. North and South America are one continent, but Europe is not just a peninsula of the Eurasian continent? You can even throw Africa in there since the Sinai Isthmus is the same as the Panamanian Isthmus. And let's not even get into cultural differences. Besides, Europe gets more quotas than Europe anyway.
    1 point
  7. Probably cairo street race in front of the pyramids, they are all about landmarks now (tried to pull off a manhattan street race for years)
    1 point
  8. Knowing our luck Poland will draw Canada now and promptly lose their first WC match to a CONCACAF team is 4-0-0 vs CONCACAF teams (7-0 vs in 1974, 3-1 vs in 1978, 3-1 vs in 2002 and 2-1 vs in 2006).
    1 point
  9. I'm sorry, but it is kind of annoying to see so many people here winning medals for countries that they are not from Thank you for all of this. Your knowledge of some of these sports is really incredible I believe Pilidis said it on the show and then when he left the show and went back to "normal life," people wanted answers including the Greek and European Wrestling Federations, and from what I remember (like I said I haven't completely followed the story and don't know all of the facts) he either tried to pretend he didn't say it or wouldn't give clear answers. It was a big story in Greece a couple months ago, and he recently gave an interview saying that his relationship with the federation was very bad both before and after his appearances on Survivor. That they used to make the youth wrestlers pay from their families money in order to be in the national team and travel abroad for competitions, and that they didn't want to bring his coach to Tokyo or that they didn't want to pay for that or something. Pilidis said his goal was to win a medal in Paris, so of course he will say that. No one says after already going to the Olympics once at 21 yo that "my goal is to finish top 8 at the next Olympics" or something . Normally we wouldn't invest in him although I think he will receive a lot of sponsors. Unfortunately it is not because of his wrestling achievements and gold medals in youth categories. The only reason he will receive sponsors is because he became known to the Greek public through competing on Survivor and the viewers of the show loved him, and everyone knows that the reason he went to the show was for money to support his wrestling career even if it meant sacrificing his 2022 season.
    1 point
  10. So Ioanna and Stefania are both back in Greece (the country where they were born and raised until age 17) and playing for Greek club teams again, but Stefania plays for the US national team (okay, she always wins gold medals so I can understand). Why not Ioanna though? She's never been called up to the US national team, she was a member of Greece's women's senior team from when she was a teenager and won gold at the World Youth Championships. There is no reason for her to not be playing for our national team anymore
    1 point
  11. intoronto


    Christa Deguchi will compete at the Pan American Championships in two weeks. Her sister (Kelly) is entered in the 52 kg event, if she is any good as her sister, we will have a 1-2 punch. FWIW Klimkait will not compete.
    1 point
  12. Destroying stadiums (Nigeria), the football asociation (Senegal) or the house who lost the penalty (Cameroon) are tradition in the football of Africa, dont make nothing after the elimination it will be against honor and tradition.
    1 point
  13. Swimming, men's 100m I'm heavily biased, but I voted for Domenico Fioravanti because he was the first man in the long history of swimming to double up the 100m and 200m breaststroke and because hadn't he been stopped by the really strict Italian rules on the heart's troubles, he would have surely won a lot more global medals...he was really a pleasure to watch, also from a stylish point of view...his success will be always be underestimated... Swimming, women's 100m pick is Kristin Otto, for the same reason of the previous poll she was involved in... Swimming, men's's is a no brainer...the way Florian Wellbrock dominated the Tokyo race and many more global events are there to show why he's by far the best man ever in this game... Diving, men's Platform...even here, the choice is quite obvious...with all respect for Greg Louganis, Dmitri Sautin and all the Chinese champions, Klaus Dibiasi is and will be still for quite a long time the best diver in the history, especially in this discipline... Women's Waterpolo...well, I don't think the USA would eventually have any rival in this poll...
    1 point
  14. Brazil looks a way better than 2010, 2014 and 2018. I'm very confident this year, Tite is doing a great job and I hope we gonna make at least the semifinals in Catar. The great thing is that we dont have a "Neymardependence" anymore, and the team plays even better without him.
    1 point
  15. Men´s 2021/22 Ski Jumping FIS World Cup Final Standing: Ryoyu Kobayashi 1621 Karl Geiger 1515 Marius Lindvik 1231 Full Final World Cup Standing Result HERE
    1 point
  16. Eric Lamaze, 2008 Olympic Champion in individual jumping announced his retirement as the ongoing effects of brain cancer play a toll.
    0 points
  17. No City Event in Wiesbaden this year, because no free date was found.
    0 points
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