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Judo Qualification to Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games

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  On 6/23/2021 at 1:01 AM, Maxim Fastovsky said:

Why did Korea and Italy returned CQ quota? Also why does it show OR for countries? i thought it's the top judoka that gets the spot


no, they didn't return any quota place...


they got an additional spot because there were no more athletes (Countries) eligible for the continental quota places and they (Bellandi and the Korean, I mean) were the highest ranked fighters left out according to the overall standings (all classes in each gender)...


basically, it's correct to say that ITA and KOR got reallocated spots from CQP...

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With 20 tripartite quotas for judo, here is a list of nations which don't have a quota by points of their highest ranked athlete.



1.   :MNE Danilo Pantic (1081 points)

2.   :ALB Indrit Cullhaj (679 points)

3.   :MON Yann Siccardi (667 points)

4.   :TOG Essohanam Koro (615 points)

5.   :BDI Signoline Kanyamuneza (356 points)

6.   :KUW Omar Aldhufairi (290 points)

7.   :SYR Mohamad Akkash (253 points)

8.   :CAF Jason Zacko Ngawili (252 points)

9.   :LIE Raphael Schwendinger (246 points)

10. :BOT Gavin Mogopa (240 points)

11. :AFG Abdul Fazli (223 points)

12. :MLI Abdrahamane Camara (218 points)

13. :SEY Dominic Dugasse (195 points)

14. :IRQ Ahmed Allami (166 points)

15. :GUI Mamadou Bah (140 points)

15. :MLT Jeremy Saywell (140 points)

17. :YEM Ahmed Ayash (137 points)

18. :BEN Auguste Daga (131 points)

19. :NEP Soniya Bhatta (118 points)

20. :TAN Anangisye Pwele (112 points)

21. :SMR Paolo Persoglia (56 points)

22. :NRU Iniki Uera (51 points)

23. :AND Mar Arnau Reig (46 points)

24. :GUY Darren Elcock (34 points)

25. :SRI Chamara Repiyallage (33 points)

26. :BHU Ngawang Namgyel (20 points)

26. :MYA Khin Myo Thu (20 points)

28. :MKD Edi Sherifovski (16 points)

29. :SUR Zizov Abas (13 points)

30. :BAN Tahamina Lopa (10 points)

31. :COM Hassani Ibouroi (6 points)

31. :PLE Wesam Aby Rmilah (6 points)

31. :RWA Ayubu Mugabo (6 points)

31. :SLE Christain Bangura (6 points)

31. :SUD Mohamed Elmojtaba Ahamad (6 points)

31. :TGA Sailosi Ealelei (6 points)

37. :HON Cergia David (3 points)




Of course, they could always give it to a nation with quotas or to someone that wasn't even ranked, but this should give you an idea on who the favourites are...

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235 Judokas from 30 countries are having their Tokyo 2020 training camp in Šamorín complex in Slovakia these days and weeks :woot:


I read that qualified judokas + couple of judokas from countries waiting for news about eventual reallocations 

like :AUS:AUT:BLR:BEL:CZE:DEN:BUL:EGY:EST:FIN:GER:GRE:HUN:SRB:SLO:RSA:LTU:LIE:MON:CPV:NOR:POL:SWE:SUI:UKR:UZB are having last preparation camps with possibilities of sparing bouts for Tokyo there now


Insane how the Šamorín sport Bionix Sphere complex is really growing its name day after day !



The special Judo pavilion prepared for the international preparation camp in Šamorín Sports complexe



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  On 6/27/2021 at 9:43 PM, George_D said:

Updated with names


Did the countries with more then 1 in top 18 confirm their participant?

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Tessie Savelkouls has been selected by the Dutch federation :hyper: 


A year and a few months ago she suffered an absolute horror injury and doctors were not wondering if she'd ever compete again, they were wondering if she'd ever walk normally again!


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:CRO Ivana Maranić received a reallocation to compete in the women's +78 kg category. :cheer:


This must be the first time ever we have received some summer sport reallocation. :wacko:


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  On 6/23/2021 at 7:31 AM, prso1000 said:

Expected reallocation


Woman 70kg: Canada returning Direct quota, that should go to Tunisia i think 


European CQ: Great Britain and Belgium returning female quota, that goes again to Great Britain  and Croatia 


i hope I am right ?, but who knows ??‍♂️


I think Adlington is waiting on Nekoda Smyth Davis' continental place - since Nekoda is both injured AND pregnant. I think Sarah's chances are pretty solid, but it would be nice to confirm it.

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  On 7/4/2021 at 9:42 PM, mpjmcevoy said:

I think Adlington is waiting on Nekoda Smyth Davis' continental place - since Nekoda is both injured AND pregnant. I think Sarah's chances are pretty solid, but it would be nice to confirm it.


As Croatia was confirmed by our judo federation I think Adlington is safe as she is better ranked than Maranic. 

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Judo wildcards


60 kg: :BHU

66 kg: :ALB 


81 kg: :PLE:COM:SLE 

90 kg: :LIE :BEN:SEY:SMR 

100 kg: None

+100 kg: 


48 kg: :MAW:NEP

52 kg: :MKD

57 kg: None 

63 kg: :HON:MYA 

70 kg: none

78 kg: :MNE


Also confirmed that the ROT athletes will start the individual competitions. More men than women, Thomas Bach must be losing his shit

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