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On 4/10/2022 at 6:04 PM, Vic Liu said:

To be honest, USA routinely sells weapons to Taiwan and send small groups of military to train Taiwanese soldiers, but China will just react with routinely oral protesting. Even USA send warships to transit Taiwan Straight or send some governmental personnels to visit Taiwan every now and then, China will also just protest orally. China is fined by these typical Democrats' little tricks and posturing. It will hurt no one's core interests and made Democrats satisfied with its moral image and won reputation it wanted. If USA and China could maintain this tactic interaction, then Asia could stay peace.

What really hurt and anger China is the economic and technology sanctioned posed by Trump. These kind of sanction or ban need no legitimate reasons and just claiming to protect the interests of USA. But apparently Biden doesn't like this rude way, he needs legitimacy and rule-based order to maintain the status of moral supremacy leader and China is enjoying to deal with this kind of rival and enjoy the wast of time of bureaucracy.

Every western academic, politician, "thinker", etc I know of is concerned about China (one I remember said he saw it as a genuine 'rival' while Russia is an 'irritant'). It's therefore, in their interests to hurt China in any way, because these people all want the US to stay as "#1". In Washington, the champagne comes out when any misfortune befalls Beijing, and the same is true the other way around, because China want to overtake the US. Therefore, harming China's economy, technology, is inherently in the 'interests' of American foreign policy because above all else they want to protect their status as the global hegemon.

As now we come across the world
To share these Games of old
Let all the flags of every land
In brotherhood unfold

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22 minutes ago, Mkbw50 said:

Every western academic, politician, "thinker", etc I know of is concerned about China (one I remember said he saw it as a genuine 'rival' while Russia is an 'irritant'). It's therefore, in their interests to hurt China in any way, because these people all want the US to stay as "#1". In Washington, the champagne comes out when any misfortune befalls Beijing, and the same is true the other way around, because China want to overtake the US. Therefore, harming China's economy, technology, is inherently in the 'interests' of American foreign policy because above all else they want to protect their status as the global hegemon.

Totally understandable and to prevent escalation of the rivalry especially during the uncertainty period of war, I see Chinese authority soften its stance (maybe foreigner not easy to find that)to stabilize the economy. Nothing is more important than money in China. If Chinese economy collapse, the government may change in one day.

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In 2050 China will be the world's biggest economy anyway. Reducing the labor costs in USA and closing down all human labor factories and de-industrialization of the whole country will only result in higher un-employment rate. China has given the USA what they want in reducing the work cost for years and they will eventually cash in on the long run. It's only a matter of time.

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Putin can F**K UP.


Finland and Sweden can do whatever we want. He’s stupid. It’s his own actions which made this. If he doesn’t act as a idiot and complete crazy man Finland and Sweden maybe just keep the close relationship with NATO but not join it. 

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4 hours ago, bestmen said:


No news there!

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