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30 minutes ago, konig said:

Well, in the case of Latin America (where i am from) Russia and China wont be doing whatever they want here..... but in summary with Biden we have an inmigration problem and a 7,8% of inflation, in my country that is nothing but i presume for you is A LOT.


@NearPup @heywoodu



Good or bad, there was a peace treaty unfulfilled for Biden and a clearly underrated of the taliban danger, now we have another victory from China in this part of the cold war.



The point of Trump's peace treaty with the Taliban was to hand the country over to them. Everyone knew this would happen, the only surprise is that it happened so quickly.

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5 minutes ago, George_D said:

Just check your sources again. Iranian government was against taliban from 1996

There are more sources showing how Iran has supported Taliban, check the Taliban Wikipedia page you'll find more. 

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9 minutes ago, Fly_like_a_don said:

There are more sources showing how Iran has supported Taliban, check the Taliban Wikipedia page you'll find more. 

Wikipedia is a reliable source?  😎 

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27 minutes ago, George_D said:

Just check your sources again. Iranian government was against taliban from 1996

I am not an expert of Muslim issues. But I guess Shias Iranian will not support Sunnis Taliban. For China, we don't care who's in charge, democracy or not, we just want a stable government to do business.

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Yes, I don't see how Shia Muslims could support Sunni Muslims here at all. That's one split of Islam the so-called Western democracies have never understood and probably never will.

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You know things are serious, when even in the uber left Reddit, overwhelming majority of Europeans are agreeing that this crisis shouldn't end in Europe again. 

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this is amazing sometimes how people believe whatever they read.


first I have to say I'm really ashamed of what Iranian regime did here, they gave legitimacy to Taliban by inviting them to Tehran to "negotiate" while this group is still considered as terrorist by their own list. people still remember what Taliban did to Iranian diplomats in 1998. Iran almost went to war because of that.


but Iran wasn't the first one taking pics with Taliban giving them legitimacy, that was Mike Pompeo. (and that was exactly when Taliban won the war) and while Iran has/had some influence in Afghanistan that's mostly culturally. Iran could not play a major role. unless they wanted to send troops and fight with Taliban. that was possible and probably not "that" hard for Iran but they stupidly thought they can manage living with Taliban next to our borders. and I have to say some stupid officials here just want US troops out of the region, Taliban is more "manageable" for them


and again, Iran will be in lots of trouble in future, I assume none of you guys know that something like 3 million Afghan refugees are living in Iran. some of them even born in Iran. all of them (or their parents) fled Afghanistan when Taliban took over for the first time. the number was much higher but lots of them came back after the fall of Taliban in 2001. I assume lots of them (plus a lot more) will cross the borders again. and the current Iran can't handle its own people, let alone millions of refugees, it will be a disaster.


and I assume with Taliban in charge there will be more drugs coming through our borders, another problem Iran has to deal with.

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This is another war crime masterminded and committed by USA against humanity. If USA accepted the progressive rule of the Soviet backed goverment back then, none of this will happen. Taliban was originally formed thanks to the USA funding. USA birthed Taliban. 

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