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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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19 minutes ago, Vektor said:

Hungary currently has a higher percentage of vaccination than any other EU member state

That is great. Good for you, here we will be one of the 3 EU members with the lowest amount of vaccinated people by June, because...EU decided to change the vaccine purchase policy and alongside of Bulgaria and Austria we will receive much less vaccines than it was expected from pfizer/moderna..(however Austria is working hard actually to persuade EU leaders to change this injustice and return to the original redistribution schema)...

Actually it is a real lottery here to win "golden" ticket to be vaccinated...I was enough lucky to register my mom, but it took me like 2 weeks to succeed to receive a date for her.


but at the same time we have plenty of sputnik doses which will remain forever stuck in a storage somewhere in the east of the country, because you know...ugh, boo this is from Russia, this is not good, you´ll become commie after injection or something so do not use it, Brussels will be angry :lol:

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Here it's really just a matter of waiting. You don't have to register yourself, as far as I know you get a notification when it's your turn and there you go :p 


Luckily I'm not in any risk group and working in healthcare IT probably won't (and at least shouldn't :p) give me any priority. People like my sister's boyfriend (muscle disease, wheelchair-bound and so on) should and hopefully will go first, so far it's mostly focussed on the elderly*.


*Which has now gotten to the point that one can friendly insult one's colleagues simply by asking "shouldn't you get your vaccine yet?" :p 


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13 hours ago, konig said:


There's a giant Disneyland in Shanghai, China with winnie the pooh attraction ride,  Comrade Xi is probably flattered by being compared to a very popular icon in america. (more popular than Biden). :coffee: 

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55 minutes ago, opruh said:

Btw, another Argentina default is expected again. I guess imf is owned by China too. 

Gosh, is it spring already?  Feels like I’ve done nothing at all this year. 

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10 hours ago, opruh said:

Btw, another Argentina default is expected again. I guess imf is owned by China too. 

Thats, the politicians in my country loves the bigs fiscal deficits and the defaults, the powerfulls countrys only take advantage of that situation, i cant blame for that.


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44 minutes ago, Vic Liu said:


Will the minor stand-off in East Ukraine become a major conflict between proxies of US and Russia? 

Biden couldn’t find Ukraine on a map. Or indeed a map. 

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