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You know the left-wingers are totally scared if The Guardian runs such a story. But it's now wonder, Joe Biden is 78 years old and seems like a total stopgap President with no real value on the international scene. It's gonna be four years of negating Trump's ideas on the internal market while China just keeps on going on the global stage. It's gonna be hilarious if Biden actually supports Trump's strict anti-Chinese policy :lol:

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A sad day: the last day of Donald Trump like USA president, 4 years without wars......with Biden, the chinese empire will do whatever they want, after Reagan, the best president i see from USA.



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What a festive moment, four years of insanity and a presidency based on nothing but lies, obscure bullshit and the idea of making himself a god is over, on to four hopefully boring, normal years :d 


Too bad Trump and his creepy family have insane amounts of highly secret knowledge by now, there is no way in hell they are not going to use that for their own gain, as they've been doing with literally everything in the past four years.


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Also, it was promised four years ago, but 'Drain the Swamp' can now finally sort of begin, because in the past four years the swamp only got filled more and more :lol: 


And of course Mr Corrupt changed some executive orders to make sure certain people can actually keep lobbying, something he himself was against until it could be used in his favour.


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First time in ages Melania Trump is actually smiling, I guess she is happy she's almost done with all this crap and can go and lead her life :d 


Wow, and she even talked a bit. Don't think I've ever heard that before :d 


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Highlights of his final speech: "Me, me, me, lies, tremendous, greatest, lies, miracle, they're calling it a miracle, greatest, amazing, me, me, me."


The dying ramblings of what is - among experts - unanimously seen as the single worst president in history. It's been...quite a ride.


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1 hour ago, konig said:

A sad day: the last day of Donald Trump like USA president, 4 years without wars......with Biden, the chinese empire will do whatever they want, after Reagan, the best president i see from USA.



Interesting statement, which sums it up pretty well. American liberalism has always seemed too 'Conform, or else!' for my liking.


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I am just glad that people won't be able to blame him for everything anymore, I got really tired of it after a while. It must be a sad day for the American news media, Biden is pretty much the most boring president ever, their ratings will plummet.  

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3 hours ago, konig said:

A sad day: the last day of Donald Trump like USA president, 4 years without wars......with Biden, the chinese empire will do whatever they want, after Reagan, the best president i see from USA.



If Fascism comes to America...conservatives will elect it. They already did once.


Trump didn’t start war, but he tired hard as hell to start one with Iran. He pulled the US out of WHO (and refused to join a global research effort to stop Covid), the Free Skies Treaty, the Paris Climate Accords, etc. His border policy separated children from their parents, and put them in cages. He endorsed white supremacy movements throughout his presidency. 

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