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Brazil National Thread


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  Gold Silver Bronze Total
Associated Press 11 7 11 29
Goldman Sachs 5 - - 22
Gracenote* 8 9 3 20
Sports Illustrated 6 4 10 20
  7.5 6.7 8 22.8


I'm doing a little compilation of the medals predictions for Brazil so far. The AP prediction is by far the most optimistic at 29 medals, and Gracenote (I believe they'll still update their table) and Sports Illustrated are a tid pessimistic in totals. I believe we should end with something between these numbers, like 23-26 medals. Less than 23 would be disappointing, more than 26 would be great. There's also a BBC projection that doesn't talk about numbers, but give us 20 strong possibilities of medals - so that's one more to the "20 medals" group. All things considered, Sports Illustrated seems the most realistic of them.


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  On 7/31/2016 at 4:45 PM, vinipereira said:

Eu nunca sei se eu devo falar em inglês ou português nesse tópico :wacko::lol:



Bilíngue :thumbup:


E excelente infográfico que você trouxe, nem tinha visto isso, interessante ainda mais sabendo que meu nome é o mais comum entre os atletas :cool:

Edited by Felipe
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  On 8/1/2016 at 1:38 AM, LDOG said:

fico surpreendido


is she particularly popular in Brazil?



It's hard to explain. It's not like everybody knows what Modern Pentathlon is, but she's generally well-known and people like her because she's usually graceful and lovely in interviews, and has lots of charisma. She's from the Northeastern part of Brazil, and this region is the poorest area of the country. People from the Northeastern zone see her as a role model, and there was a strong voting campaign there to let her win. I'm very pleased she won. I was rooting for her. 

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