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[POLL] Do you think the AIN status for Russia and Belarus at Paris Olympics is justified?


[POLL] Do you think the AIN status for Russia and Belarus at Paris Olympics is justified?  

92 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the AIN status for Russia and Belarus at Paris Olympics is Justified?

  2. 2. Should there have been similar sanctions on Israel?

  3. 3. Does the restriction of Russia and Belarus feel unfair ?

    • Yes, I feel for the athletes who have been denied a fair opportunity to qualify
    • No
    • I don't care

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1. Yes because some don't agree with the Putin and Lukashenko regimes. 


2. No because unlike Russia they didn't attack a country, they retalliated against an attack on their country. 


3. No because athletes who actively support an attack on another NOC for absolutely no reason shouldn't be apart of a games that's supposed to bring people together no matter what country they're from. 

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25 minutes ago, Fly_like_a_don said:

Free to give your views, better suggestions if any that could have been implemented 

I'd commend if I believed it would be possible to have a calm discussion on this on Totallympics, but...yeah :lol:


I'll just go for a Yes, Yes and Yes on the three questions (with the small caveat that on question 3 I feel for some athletes, while for others I certainly don't).


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Posted (edited)

1. Russia attempted to subvert the entire Olympic movement in Sochi, from both a state and NOC level - they literally sabotaged a Games they had the privilege to host. That should have led to permanent and complete expulsion, then and there.

2. They also ran a massive state level doping scheme for a decade, and attempted to get an innocent athlete banned. Again, expulsion.

3. They broke the Olympic Truce in their invasion, the third truce they've broken. certainly suspension, better expuslion. Balarus has it hands dirty on this issue.


What Hamas did, and what Israel then did, are both heniously foul in different ways. Neither is justifiable. I would not be angry if both Israel and Palestine had been excluded from this edition games. But in terms of sport, specifically Russia is far, far worse.

Edited by mpjmcevoy
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1) Taking politics and the unjustified, insidious and coward invasion of Ukraine away of this, also closing both eyes on doping scandals (probably there more nations having it at the end, to be fair) and considering it purely just from the sport and Olympic point of view there still the breaking of the Olympic truce. This alone is enough to justify the ban for RUS  at the Olympics.


2) what is happening in Gaza is atrocious and despite the reasons for the ISR military response may be somehow understandable, it went too much further than it had to and the manner is simply unacceptable. That´s why I gave Yes, because, yes, there should be some adjusted sanctions from a political point of view on Israel, but from the Olympic point of view not as strong as for Russia (again, mainly because of the truce)


3) based on question 1. It is justified, RUS banned, logically RUS athletes should be banned as well, otherwise it has no logic

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18 minutes ago, Faramir said:

1. NO, all Russians should be banned since after 2014 for 20 years

2. NO

3. YES, unfair to anyone who hasn't qualified because of a Russian. :yes

24 :evil:


6 years of officially discovered State doping * 4 year-ban for every year of guilt = 24 year-ban

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6 minutes ago, phelps said:

24 :evil:


6 years of officially discovered State doping * 4 year-ban for every year of guilt = 24 year-ban

For repeat offences, the bans can go up to 8 years andeven  life, and bans can be extended for egregious and deliberate wrongdoing.


So I admire your calculation, it's very fair, but it may imho be even a little bit too leniant.



But I'll take it for starters.


And for the record, I absiolutely would have wanted this done to the soviet Union and especially GDR back in the day, and quite possibly USA too. Even with all the crap we;ve seen from other countries over the years - and we've all been badly behaved whether its BALCO in the US, British Cycling, Italian EPO, Dutch cyclists going EPO hardcore,  or Irish swimmers growing chemically induced fins, what Russia has done is one step beyond - indeed, rather a lot of steps beyond - even Kenya today, which is obviously an utter disaster, is not in that league yet.

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I think if Israel and Palestine were both banned or both left alone then it would be fair, but if one was banned and the other not then it would basically be saying one sides actions where justifiable and the other's not. 


Fair enough with leaving Israel in Eurovision as Palestine aren't apart of the EBU meaning Israel didn't do anything unruly to another member. But when it comes to events both are participating in, I'd be fine with either kicking them both out or leaving them both in. 

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11 minutes ago, mpjmcevoy said:

Dutch cyclists going EPO hardcore

TVM? Because that was bad, but only a part of a much bigger international scandal :p (the whole Festina affair)

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