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It is also worth to explain that :SVK and also :CZE school systems are completely different from the classical educational system elsewhere. Here you have 8 grades of mandatory elementary school and then at 14-15 you move to the High schools and you have to choose which one you want.


There Lyceum (the classical 4 grades school where they teach everything)

special academies - usually also 4 gardes Hotel Academy or Commercial Academy

Special engineering industrial schools

Apprentice Schools (engineering school, construction school for future eventual builders, painters, etc... Girls special schools for future eventual haidressers, nurses etc... Cook schools and plenty of similar special apprentice 3 grades schools)

and simple Sports schools (Hockey school or 8 years sport Lyceum), conservatoriums (for future musicians or other artists)


I attended the Commercial academy for example, so I had to graduate from Slovak Language, foreign language (English), Geography & History and as my school special subject from business education.

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Also while in the topic, I am not entirely sure if I explained it correctly (I really doubt :p) so I add this video where the lady explains it more understandably


I moved the video to actual important part and passed the ads and kindergarten part



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1 hour ago, hckošice said:

For the written one: you have to pick one of these


-In winter in the countryside (Artistic description) :p

-Safely on social networks (Interpretation)

-Does it make sense to run for school parliament? (Discussion Post)


For the foreign language it is a classic written test which consists of three parts and you have 100 minutes for it:

listening with understanding,

grammar and vocabulary (use of language),

reading comprehension



The classic graduation exam is then the oral one,

you will draw a question in Slovak Language & Literature (available also in Hungarian language in HUN speaking schools as mentioned above), in Maths (usually only at the lyceum), in Foreign Language and depending of your school also in the main technical stuff (for example in engineering industrial school you have mechanical engineering, in apprentice schools you have your special subject etc...) In every one you draw one from 25 final-exam questions


So if you're lucky, the entire maths part of your exam consists of one single question? :p 


There's not a separate maths exam, Slovak exam, biology exam etc? :yikes: 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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1 hour ago, heywoodu said:

So if you're lucky, the entire maths part of your exam consists of one single question? :p 


There's not a separate maths exam, Slovak exam, biology exam etc? :yikes: 

or none at all like me :p


I do not know exactly about mathematics, as I wrote at my school there was no final exam from maths (I had maths only in the first year :d) I know at Lyceums they graduate also from Mathematics.

But for the other subjects, yes, one question from each. one from Slovak language, one from foreign language, one from combined geography/history and one from my school´s main subject from bussines education.


You will receive an exact time schedule for each subject when you have your final exam,

you arrive... you enter the room... there are 25 pieces of paper on the table ... you take out one and read the question on the paper and you are either happy or not,:p then you sit down and have 15 minutes to prepare yourself and you can start answering the question for about 20-25 minutes.


I remember that I was finishing my exams with English as the last of my class late afternoon and I took out the piece of paper with New Zealand written on it.


I remember pretty well, I was stressed as hell, I had absolutely no clue what I will talk about, I remember it like it was yesterday

"Nyu Ziland is a island country composed of two big islands...ehm... Ze kapital is Wellington, other major cities are Auckland and Christchurch...Ze kantry is famous for their Rugby team, they are called Ol Blacks and they are very strong...almost invinzibl...Z Ol blacks for Nyu Ziland" I got a three (something like a C or D in US schools) so I passed just fine and graduated (Now I see I had a Three also from SVK language and Bussines Ed, and a One (equal to A in US schools) in Geography/History... yeah I chosed the wrong school I know :d

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3 hours ago, hckošice said:

or none at all like me :p


I do not know exactly about mathematics, as I wrote at my school there was no final exam from maths (I had maths only in the first year :d) I know at Lyceums they graduate also from Mathematics.

But for the other subjects, yes, one question from each. one from Slovak language, one from foreign language, one from combined geography/history and one from my school´s main subject from bussines education.


You will receive an exact time schedule for each subject when you have your final exam,

you arrive... you enter the room... there are 25 pieces of paper on the table ... you take out one and read the question on the paper and you are either happy or not,:p then you sit down and have 15 minutes to prepare yourself and you can start answering the question for about 20-25 minutes.


I remember that I was finishing my exams with English as the last of my class late afternoon and I took out the piece of paper with New Zealand written on it.


I remember pretty well, I was stressed as hell, I had absolutely no clue what I will talk about, I remember it like it was yesterday

"Nyu Ziland is a island country composed of two big islands...ehm... Ze kapital is Wellington, other major cities are Auckland and Christchurch...Ze kantry is famous for their Rugby team, they are called Ol Blacks and they are very strong...almost invinzibl...Z Ol blacks for Nyu Ziland" I got a three (something like a C or D in US schools) so I passed just fine and graduated (Now I see I had a Three also from SVK language and Bussines Ed, and a One (equal to A in US schools) in Geography/History... yeah I chosed the wrong school I know :d


Oh well, could be worse :d 


First off: we have 1-10 as notes, with 5.5 or higher usually considered as 'good enough' to at least pass. I can't say exactly what my notes were in the final exams, but in the Netherlands you have a week of usually 1-2 exams a day and you need a certain average to pass and graduate school (middle/high school, it's always hard to translate really correctly, anyway it's the one where you finish where you're roughly 17-18). A quick look suggests this:


- You need to have an average of at least 5.5 on all of the final exams

- Out of the the three 'core subjects' (Dutch, English and maths, apparently), only one can be a 5, the others need to be at least a 6


And some other stuff that I find too complicated to explain in Dutch, so yeah :d 


Anyhow, I made my exams, several weeks later everyone was called with the results. Sadly, I heard I hadn't passed, and I had two options in terms of retaking an exam:


- Retake chemistry, for which I'd need a 5.4

- Retake mathematics, for which I'd need a 3.x or something (remember, 10 is the maximum, a 3 is not a good note at all)


Either of those two would make my total average high enough. Knowing how badly I sucked at maths, I thought a 3 was entirely unrealistic, so I decided to go for chemistry.


Did the exam, a while later I was called....I got a 5.4, exactly what I needed :yikes: 



The teacher who had helped me with chemistry sent me an email later that day, starting with "This was really a miracle of being lucky", and then explaining how originally I had made one mistake too many, but one of my mistakes was taken out of the exam in the morning of the result announcement because of some administrative error in the exam text or something :lol: I still can't believe how insanely lucky I was to avoid having to do the whole final year again :d 


If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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10 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Oh well, could be worse :d 


First off: we have 1-10 as notes, with 5.5 or higher usually considered as 'good enough' to at least pass. I can't say exactly what my notes were in the final exams, but in the Netherlands you have a week of usually 1-2 exams a day and you need a certain average to pass and graduate school (middle/high school, it's always hard to translate really correctly, anyway it's the one where you finish where you're roughly 17-18). A quick look suggests this:


- You need to have an average of at least 5.5 on all of the final exams

- Out of the the three 'core subjects' (Dutch, English and maths, apparently), only one can be a 5, the others need to be at least a 6


And some other stuff that I find too complicated to explain in Dutch, so yeah :d 


Anyhow, I made my exams, several weeks later everyone was called with the results. Sadly, I heard I hadn't passed, and I had two options in terms of retaking an exam:


- Retake chemistry, for which I'd need a 5.4

- Retake mathematics, for which I'd need a 3.x or something (remember, 10 is the maximum, a 3 is not a good note at all)


Either of those two would make my total average high enough. Knowing how badly I sucked at maths, I thought a 3 was entirely unrealistic, so I decided to go for chemistry.


Did the exam, a while later I was called....I got a 5.4, exactly what I needed :yikes: 


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The teacher who had helped me with chemistry sent me an email later that day, starting with "This was really a miracle of being lucky", and then explaining how originally I had made one mistake too many, but one of my mistakes was taken out of the exam in the morning of the result announcement because of some administrative error in the exam text or something :lol: I still can't believe how insanely lucky I was to avoid having to do the whole final year again :d 


Nice :d


Here the notes are 1 to 5


1 Excellent

2 Very Good

3 Good

4 Sufficient


5 insufficient


At the end of the year you pass obviously each year the end of school year tests in each subject to move to higher class. If you have two 5s you have to fix them by taking a test at the end of Summer, if you fail you repeat the year. If you have more than two 5s in your final notes you´ll repeat the year without exceptions :p

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@heywoodu as you see in SVK There no exceptions :p Even this years NHL Draft #1 and Beijing 2022 MVP Juraj Slafkovský had to fly from :CAN back to Košice to pass his school-leaving exams. :lol:


in the middle row in the last school desk before the written part... I do believe he will easily graduate even if he return a blank paper though :d





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1 hour ago, hckošice said:

in the middle row in the last school desk before the written part... I do believe he will easily graduate even if he return a blank paper though :d


I do hope you're joking with that last part and he has to put the effort in for his education like anyone else? :d 


Must be pretty cool though, one of your classmates being one of the country's biggest stars but just like you having to answer whatever geography or maths question or so :p 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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30 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

I do hope you're joking with that last part and he has to put the effort in for his education like anyone else? :d 


Must be pretty cool though, one of your classmates being one of the country's biggest stars but just like you having to answer whatever geography or maths question or so :p 

Sure. Anyway, let´s be real, I have a hard time to imagine the teacher who will let fail the most popular person of the whole country :p and also, to be fair, just a quick look to his salary with the Montreal Canadiens will persuade us that if he wish he can buy this whole school for himself, so... :p

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17 minutes ago, hckošice said:

Sure. Anyway, let´s be real, I have a hard time to imagine the teacher who will let fail the most popular person of the whole country :p and also, to be fair, just a quick look to his salary with the Montreal Canadiens will persuade us that if he wish he can buy this whole school for himself, so... :p

So if he ends up failing it, it's not exactly going to be a major issue for him, no :lol: 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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