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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic


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32 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Obligated exam for people trying to become Dutch citizens :p


1) In the Netherlands we ... shake hands

 A) do

 B) don't


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2) You're in a bus and an old lady gets in. What do you do?
 A) You politely ask her if she wants to sit in your place.
 B) You ask her if she's completely lost her mind: "What are you doing in the bus, you senile moron?"


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3) Who are you allowed to marry in the Netherlands?
 A) With everyone who doesn't have a lot of friends to invite for the wedding.
 B) With old people, people with breathing problems and people with diabetes.
 C) With everyone who hasn't recently been to Italy.


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4) In the Netherlands, we find it normal for two men to walk hand in hand.
 A) False
 B) True


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5) A homeless person is lying on the street. What do you do?
 A) Ask how he's doing.
 B) Buy a newspaper he is selling.
 C) Walk around him in a wide arch.


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6) How old are most children when they start going to school?
 A) Four years.
 B) Children don't go to school.


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7) In 2020, Dutch people can be divided into two groups. Which groups?
 A) People with children and people without children.
 B) People of whom it'd be sad if they die and people with underlying health conditions.
 C) People who are working at home and people who do important work.
 D) All of the above.


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8) You feel like you're having a little bit of a cold, but feel fine to work. What do you do?
 A) Go to work as normal.
 B) Call your doctor.
 C) Call in sick for the entire month.


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9) If I see a group of people doing outdoor bootcamps...
 A) ...I go and tell them that's not good.
 B) the police and applaude when they arrest the bootcampers.
 C) ...I am part of this group, but afterwards go on Twitter to tell everyone how shocked I am.


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3-everything except C


5- I guess you forgot D) we empty a can of petrol on him and then set the fire on :yikes: :lol:



8-A (in Italy it would be C) also in "normal times")

9-C :raspberry:

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2 hours ago, dcro said:

Thanks. So it's not nearly as good news as it sounded.


it is, because the trend and percentages are increasing slower than the previous days, no matter which of the 2 parameters (net or gross number) you take into consideration...

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2 hours ago, dharang said:


How it is decided in the Netherlands whether or not some one falls in this category? Is there a list of conditions?


Not normally of course, but nowadays, yes. I believe they are not exactly in this state yet, but that's only a matter of days, and by then there is a list of situations where people would not be admitted to intensive care units anymore:


- Heart attack where nobody was present, so too much damage has been done
- Severe trauma or severe burns with a 90% chance of dying or more
- Serious and irreparable brain conditions
- Cancer that has spread, including leukemia with a low life expectancy
- Organ failure with a low life expectancy
- Immune system illnesses with a low life expectancy (such as people suffering from HIV/AIDS in a too advanced stage)
- Terminally ill people
- People who are entirely depending on help in their daily life


My sister's boyfriend obviously falls into the last category there.


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I was just watching an interview with a doctor from Iceland (a country I hold with the highest regard when it comes to medical research) who said that if the virus is spreading faster than testing is possible (to keep numbers down), then testing becomes pointless because it’s just better to let the virus run it’s course at that point. 

I Just thought it was a interesting point of view worth sharing.

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Our frontline health workers are wearing plastic raincoats due to hazmat suits shortages, turns out these "rich people" decided to wear hazmat to buy groceries :facepalm:



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1 hour ago, Griff88 said:

Our frontline health workers are wearing plastic raincoats due to hazmat suits shortages, turns out these "rich people" decided to wear hazmat to buy groceries :facepalm:


What a sad situation this is. Heard that Indonesia is not that rich enough and their health care facilities is not that good either. So many cases went undetected and not many people can have the luxury of getting the test. Read the recent unpleasent news. Hendry Saputra is still waiting for his swab test and other test results to confirm he is postifive or negative Covid-19. Then the other 3 MS players who played in All England still cannot get the test done and still waiting for their long queue to get the check up. Guess it is never easy in Indonesia. No choice when the country is not rich enough to do mass testing. So little people from Indonesia managed to get their check up. Plus shortage of medical equipments is also not helping.

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