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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020

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Where Are They Now? The Committee





The Committee represents an exlusive group of nations who have always awarded some points to the eventual TISC champions. In its heyday, this secret society received much attention from the TISC community. During 2016 and early 2017, the Committee was praised for their immaculate record of recognizing the winning material. This attention, however, undoubtedly triggered some internal fighting, which started during the 2017 Open, and then turned into an all-out civil war during the 2018 Jubilee.


Last couple of editions have been relatively quiet for the Committee, for better or for worse. We suspect that the Italians are still the managing partners, following the whole Jubilee Coup, but otherwise not much is known about the Committee's current plans and actions. Where are they now?


From Unity to War

First speculations about the Committee's possible existence surfaced just before the 2016 Open. TISC analysts received an intel about a group of nations who never failed to award winning entries. Strinkingly, the said group contained three nations with perfect participation records - Denmark, Italy and Lithuania. We immediately assumed they were the leaders of this society.


Going into the 2016 Open, TISC fans eagerly wanted to see if all the Committee theories stood up... And stand they did! Not only did all seven participating Committee members award some points to the Irish winners, but also the winning entry was the only song their votes had in common.


Exactly the same outcome happened at the 2017 Annual. British entry took a convincing victory, after being the only song to win the hearts of every member of the Committee. These were the glory days of the Committee. It seemed as if only their votes truly mattered...





2017 Open proved to be a major turning point for the Committee. It became apparent early on that something was very wrong with the Committee that day. In the end, several nations lost their memberships. This included Lithuania, one of the alleged founding fathers, but also Canada and Estonia. It is a general consensus among the analysts that this was a power move inside the Committee, which specifically targeted Lithuania and their allies. By that account, Latvia should have been removed as well, however they missed the said edition and stayed behind (for now...).


Following their exlusion, Lithuania and @Werloc decided to go public. Their message, written in secret code of course, allegedly contains the vital clause of the secret pact between the Committee members.


While some expected the Committee drama to quiet-down for the next edition, the 2018 Annual Jubilee delivered a total war inside the Committee. Italy took their first TISC victory, and in the process took full control over the Committee. Several prominent members got removed, including the president @Agger (Denmark) and @heywoodu (Netherlands), although both have claimed since that it was a "fully conscious decision" on their part.


Aside from Italy, the only remaining long-term member at that point was Tunisia. They, however, got removed too. It happened quietly and away from the public eye, during the 2018 Open.





Where Are They Now?

Inside sources claim that the Committee is still very much alive. They are said to be working on a new base of "loyal followers". As of today, the Committee counts twelve member nations. They are as follows...


  • :ITA Italy (13 participations) - undisputed leaders
  • :AUS Australia (4)
  • :AUT Austria (2)
  • :CHI Chile (7)
  • :CHN China (2)
  • :HUN Hungary (4)
  • :LAT Latvia (2)
  • :MAR Morocco (5)
  • :SUI Switzerland (3)
  • :UKR Ukraine (1)
  • :URU Uruguay (1)
  • :VIE Vietnam (1)


Six of these are scheduled to compete at the 2020 Annual in Croatia: Italy, Australia, China, Hungary, Ukraine and Uruguay.


While critics may say that the Committee has turned from a prestigious secret society to a group of Italian puppets, one can't deny certain mysterious patterns that are still seemingly written all over the Committee...


For starters, Australia and Austria have similar names, just like Chile and China. Both Lithuania and Estonia were long-term members, while Latvia still is. :ITA Italy and :HUN Hungary have similar flags, just like :MAR Morocco and :VIE Vietnam. Ukraine and Uruguay both start with U and are both making their TISC return in Croatia.


That just leaves Switzerland... But according to @OlympicIRL insights, both times that Ukraine won the Eurovision Song Contest, Switzerland finished dead-last (in the semi final). Coincidence?


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56 minutes ago, dcro said:

Where Are They Now? The Committee

Several prominent members got removed, including the president @Agger (Denmark) and @heywoodu (Netherlands), although both have claimed since that it was a "fully conscious decision" on their part.


So naive... Who won the next contest? ;)

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