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Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022 Team Sizes

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  On 1/21/2022 at 3:18 PM, Topicmaster1010 said:

Looks like Germany will have a team of 144 athletes. Interestingly, it only has 10 alpine skiiers even though they accepted 12 quotas and they also are only sending one man in snowboard halfpipe even though they accepted 3 quotas.


It's a richmen's world.... I mean, one thing is to name an athlete and have it at the Olympics just as a backup, quite another is to accept quotas with zero intention of using them!


Though, let's wait, entry deadline is next week so maybe CAN/GER are leaving something out for the last minute.


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  On 1/21/2022 at 3:34 PM, dcro said:

It's a richmen's world.... I mean, one thing is to name an athlete and have it at the Olympics just as a backup, quite another is to accept quotas with zero intention of using them!


Though, let's wait, entry deadline is next week so maybe CAN/GER are leaving something out for the last minute.


Canada is final... they claim its an error on the FIS end

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Full :GBR team.  Official minimum target is three medals, which looks very possible.


Alpine skiing
Billy Major - Slalom, team event
Dave Ryding - Slalom, team event
Charlie Guest - Slalom, team event
Alex Tilley - Giant slalom, Slalom, team event

Brad Hall - Men's two and four-man
Nick Gleeson - Men's two and four-man
Greg Cackett - Men's four-man    
Taylor Lawrence - Men's four-man    
Ben Simons  - Men's (reserve)
Mica McNeill - Women's
Montell Douglas - Women's
Adele Nicoll - Women's (reserve)

Cross country skiing
James Clugnet
Andrew Musgrave
Andrew Young

Bruce Mouat - Men's and mixed doubles
Grant Hardie - Men's
Bobby Lammie - Men's
Hammy McMillan - Men's (This is Hammy McMillan Jr, old timers! :thumbup:)
Ross Whyte  - Men's (alternate)
Eve Muirhead - Women's
Vicky Wright  - Women's
Jen Dodds - Women's and mixed doubles
Hailey Duff - Women's
Mili Smith - Women's (alternate)

Figure skating

Natasha McKay - Women's singles
Lilah Fear - Ice dance
Lewis Gibson - Ice dance

Freestyle skiing
Lloyd Wallace - Men's Aerials
Leonie Gerken-Schofield  - Women's moguls
Makayla Gerken-Schofield - Women's moguls
Will Feneley - Men's moguls
Ollie Davies - Men's ski cross    
Gus Kenworthy - Men's ski halfpipe
Zoe Atkin - Women's ski halfpipe
James Woods - Men's ski slopestyle and big air
Izzy Atkin  - Women's ski slopestyle and big air)
Kirsty Muir - Women's ski slopestyle and big air
Katie Summerhayes - Women's ski slopestyle and big air

Rupert Staudinger - Men's singles

Short track
Kathryn Thomson  - Women's short track 500m, 1000m and 1500m
Farrell Treacy  - Men's short track 1000m and 1500m
Niall Treacy  - Men's short track 1000m


Speed skating
Cornelius Kersten - Men's long track 1000m and 1500m

Laura Deas - Women's
Brogan Crowley - Women's
Matt Weston - Men's
Marcus Wyatt - Men's

Huw Nightingale - Men's snowboard cross and team
Charlotte Bankes - Women's snowboard cross and team
Katie Ormerod - Women's slopestyle and big air

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New entries for :BEL : Armand Marchant (Alpine skiing), Sam Maes (Alpine skiing), Dries van den Broecke (Alpine skiing), Evy Poppe (Snowboard), Kim Meylemans (Skeleton), An Vannieuwenhuyse & Sara Aerts (Bob).

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:BEL Belgium: 19

Alpine Skiing: 4

Biathlon: 5

Bobsleigh: 2

Cross-Country Skiing: 1

Figure Skating: 1

Short Track: 2

Skeleton: 1

Snowboarding: 1

Speed Skating: 3


:ESP Spain: 14

Alpine Skiing: 3

Cross-Country Skiing: 2

Figure Skating: 4

Freestyle Skiing: 2

Skeleton: 1

Snowboarding: 2


also +1 for :AND Andorra in snowboarding since they got a reallocation. That brings them to 5 athletes.


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:POL will send to Beijing 57 athletes (+ with some reserves yet to be named). All sports federations confirmed the quotas and presented choosen athletes. However the team is yet to be confirmed by NOC.


Alpine skiing:


Women's - Maryna Gąsienica-Daniel, Magdalena Łuczak, Zuzanna Czapska, Hanna Zięba

Men's - Michał Jasiczek, Paweł Pyjas




Women's - Monika Hojnisz-Staręga, Anna Mąka, Kinga Zbylut, Kamila Żuk

Men's - Grzegorz Guzik


Cross-country skiing:


Women's - Izabela Marcisz, Monika Skinder, Weronika Kaleta, Magdalena Kobielusz, Zuzanna Fujak

Men's - Maciej Staręga, Dominik Bury, Kamil Bury, Mateusz Haratyk


Figure skating:


Women's singles - Ekaterina Kurakova

Ice Dance pairs - Natalia Kaliszek, Maksym Spodyriev    




Women's - Klaudia Domaradzka 

Men's - Mateusz Sochowicz, Wojciech Chmielewski, Jakub Kowalewski      


Nordic combined:


Men's - Szczepan Kupczak, Andrzej Szczechowicz


Short track speed skating:


Women's - Natalia Maliszewska, Patrycja Maliszewska, Nikola Mazur, Kamila Stormowska

Men's - Łukasz Kuczyński, Michał Niewiński


Ski jumping:


Women's - Kinga Rajda, Nicole Konderla

Men's - Kamil Stoch, Piotr Żyła(*), Dawid Kubacki, Paweł Wąsek, Stefan Hula


Piotr Żyła is unsure if he will be able to compete in the Games due to positive covid-19 test. For such case reserved athletes will be selected after current weekend competition in :GER Titisee-Neustadt.



Women's - Aleksandra Król, Weronika Biela-Nowaczyk, Aleksandra Michalik

Men's - Oskar Kwiatkowski, Michał Nowaczyk


Speed skating:


Women's - Karolina Bosiek, Natalia Czerwonka, Magdalena Czyszczoń, Andżelika Wójcik, Kaja Ziomek

Men's - Zbigniew Bródka, Artur Janicki, Marek Kania, Piotr Michalski, Damian Żurek

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@Topicmaster1010:BEL NOC confirmed a delegation of 19 earlier today. They didn’t list a female alpine skier, so I don’t know what’s going on with that. Link:

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So it actually looks like :SWE Sweden is leaving women's alpine skiing quotas and one men's ski cross quota unused. If that's the case, then their team size is 114 instead of 117. Their rivals team size also seems to be final.


:NOR Norway: 81

Alpine Skiing: 12

Biathlon: 12

Cross-Country Skiing: 16

Curling: 6

Freestyle Skiing: 6

Nordic Combined: 5

Ski Jumping: 8

Snowboarding: 4

Speed Skating: 12


Again, two unused alpine skiing quotas.


:ISR Israel: 8

Alpine Skiing: 2

Bobsleigh: 2

Figure Skating: 3

Short Track: 1


The Israeli NOC site says they qualified a two-man bobsleigh team so it would seem that someone rejected but not sure who.


I'll update if there's any changes to any of these teams sizes.


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@Topicmaster1010 where did you see the announcement that Israel qualified in bobsleigh? I can’t find anything about it.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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