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[FANTASY CONTESTS] Biathlon Manager Game Discussion Thread

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One more question :d 


In the prize list, I see tabs sorted by shooting grade and by overall grade. I'm assuming the 160 point limit is about the overall grade, and the shooting grade is just a part of what makes up the overall grade, sorted for those who want to choose good shooters?


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11 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

I'm a little confused about the wording here. Does this mean A) you take the top-10 men and top-10 women of last season, and out of this pool of 20 you can have a total of three athletes? Or B) can you have three athletes out of the men's top-10 and three out of the women's top-10?


I'm reading it as option A, is that correct?

Ignore that part. :d I copied last year's rules and I somehow forgot to delete that part. :facepalm: 


This is now the rules for selection of your team:

Selecting your biathlon team


Your biathlon team will consist of 5 female and 5 male biathletes. You are only allowed to select 2 biathletes from the same nation. Only 1 male and 1 female biathlete from the same nation are allowed2 male or 2 female biathletes are not allowedFor the first World Cup round, managers have 160 points to their disposal to buy their 10 biathletes for his/her team. For every World Cup Round, managers select one male captain and one female captain. 


I have now edited the opening post with the new rules. Sorry for the confusion!

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3 hours ago, Federer91 said:

Not many people in the biathlon game. :(

I wouldn't expect 20+ people in this game simply because it requires more effort than just filling in X points for this or that team :p 


But I'm definitely in :d 


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Hello managers


I have noticed that some teams have a grade point total over 160. I would like to inform those managers who have a team that exceeds 160 grade points in total to make changes to their team so their total grade points will be 160 or lower before the start of the first race today. 


In case a team has a total over 160 grade points, this will be applied:

 - If a manager have a team with a total over 160 grade points, one of his/her biathelete's points will be deducted/not counted in each race until the total grade points on his/her team are 160 or lower. 


@Vojthas, @Monzanator, @hckosice, @IoNuTzZ, @Federer91, @Werloc, @EupenM, @SalamAkhi, @heywoodu, @brunamoura, @RobtheAggie, @Henry_Leon

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