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Totallympics Suggestions and Problems Thread


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47 minutes ago, Sindo said:


It should be fixed now, do you still see everything in italic ?


Dutch language has also been added, it was the only new language compared to the previous version. @heywoodu Is "Netherlands" the way to say "dutch language"? Can you check if the translations are accurate ? If not I will remove the language :p

Everything is English here, I'll check when I'm at home :P 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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Translations in Dutch seem to be fine, but give me a bit of time :p I've selected Dutch for now but I don't think I will keep's just weird to have a forum where everyone speaks English but the settings and 'forum things' (like "Posted xx hours ago by xxx") are in a different language :lol:

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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11 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Wow, it actually is written in Italic there :D


(again, :D not working :d) Wait, :d doesn't work in the first two tries, but then it works :lol: 


Well, while not being able to post this emoji is indeed a major incident, I can't create private message threads for some unknown reason.... so, I am at the front of the queue for any potential fixes to unwanted glitches :old:

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8 minuten geleden, dcro zei:

FIS has a new website which is AWFUL. :facepalm:

Yep, noticed it earlier today. Which suuuuucks because the classic FIS website was by far the best website of any sports federation in terms of easily finding results, athletes and statistics.

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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8 minutes ago, dcro said:

FIS has a new website which is AWFUL. :facepalm:


It really is :facepalm:


They asked to send a feedback about that at , if you want to let them know what you think about that :d I have already written asking if they can restore the old version somewhere.

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8 hours ago, dcro said:

FIS has a new website which is AWFUL. :facepalm:


Total disaster.


If they doesn´t put back the old results format option in their website, we can remove the "FIS" sports from our results portal, because posting the results would be from now impossible


I already send them yesterday´s evening a "feedback" too

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I am really annoyed at not being able anymore to expand an event without opening a new page :mad: Now when you click on a name, it goes to a new page immediately, which is annoying, I don't want a new page being loaded all the time.




I've sent an email saying I understand things nowadays have to look 'urban' and 'youthful', but at least an option like this should come back.

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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