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Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022 Medal Count

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:ITA 17 medals, is good result, more than expected medals; 2nd best results ever (Lillehammer 1994 with 20 medals).


 Only 2 gold isn't much; the other 7 silver and 8 bronze, with 8 disciplines on podium.



Italy :yes 

Arianna Fontana :champion: 3 (1 gold, 2 silver)

Brignone :clap: and Lollobrigida :clap: 2 (1 silver and 1 bronze)


:bowdown: Sofia Goggia silver


:torch:Stefania Constantini/Amos Mosaner :yikes:  curling mix GOLD!!



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Overall a better than expected result for Germany, although some sports (mainly snowboard and ski jumping) still underperformed. Cross-country skiing and skeleton were probably the biggest overperformers. I think this is pretty much the ceiling for Germany for now and it is almost incredible for Germany to be doing this good while being pretty much nonexistant in the sports with the most medals (alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, biathlon, short track, speed skating, freestyle skiing, snowboard)*. There is some hope in some of those sports (as always), but i don't expect the german medal tally in those sports to be much better in 4 years so the german success probably will again mainly depend on the material in sliding events.


Some medal statistics:

Number of different sports countries medalled in:

Russia: 10

Canada/Norway/Germany: 9

Italy/USA: 8

Japan: 7

France/Austria/Sweden/China: 6


Number of different sports countries won a gold medal in:

Norway/Germany/Sweden: 6

USA/China: 5

Canada: 4

Austria/France/Japan: 3

Russia/Netherlands/Switzerland/Italy/Finland/New Zealand: 2


Athletes with the most golds:

J. Boe 4

Bolshunov/Roeiseland/Schouten/Johaug 3

(17 athletes had 2 golds)


Athletes with the most medals:

J. Boe/Bolshunov/Roeiseland/Fillon Maillet 5

Schouten/T. Boe/Klaebo/Schulting/Takagi 4

Johaug/Latypov/Dahlqvist/Shaogang Liu/Weidemann/Sundling/I. Niskanen/Nepryaeva/Eckhoff/Dubois/E. Öberg/Fontana/Minjeong Choi/Strolz/Gu/Grabaak


Interesting that:

a) Two dutch athletes won 4 medals while no german/american/swiss athlete won more than 2 medals

b) An athlete from Hungary won more medals than the most successful german/american athlete



Edit*: I just looked at the distribution of german (gold) medals:

Number of medal events in alpine skiing + biathlon + cross-country skiing + freestyle skiing + short track + snowboard + speed skating: 81

Number of german (gold) medals in those events: 6 (2)


Number of medals events in all other sports: 27

Number of german (gold) medals in those events: 21 (10)

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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Some stats regarding the number of medals won at these Olympic Games by country VS the ones won on average at the various world championships during this olympic cycle (olympic events only).


  W. Chps OG Rate
:AUT 20,3 18 89 %
:CAN 24,8 26 105 %
:CHN 6,5 15 231 %
:FIN 4,5 8 178 %
:FRA 15,7 14 89 %
:GER 32,5 27 83 %
:ITA 11,5 17 148 %
:JPN 9,3 18 193 %
:KOR 6,3 9 142 %
:NED 20,2 17 84 %
:NOR 42,5 37 87 %
:RUS 38,7 32 83 %
:SLO 4,0 7 175 %
:SUI 16,3 14 86 %
:SWE 14,8 18 121 %
:USA 23,2 25 108 %



  • China had extraordinary home Games, scoring more than twice the number of medals they had during the world championships. You would have to look back at SLC 2002 to notice a comparable home field advantage.


  • Japan and South Korea also had great olympics which might be explained by their geographic proximity (ans also because SK didn't participate at the last short track WChs)


  • Our firend @phelpsfeared the worst for his country, and yet Italy ended up with some kind of hallelujah games. Though, it might be a challenge to match this tally in 4 years.


  • Contrary to a canadian legend, the country is far from having a bad conversation rate  :d (well, gold medals wise, that may be a different story)


  • Other nations seem to have a somewhat expected ratio ranging from 121% to 83% 
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Here's a table of the top 8 results for each country. For mixed team alpine skiing I gave the quarterfinal losers all fifth place. Along with the 29 nations which won a medal, six more achieved top 8 results; :DEN :GEO :ISR :KAZ :MON :TUR of those only Georgia and Kazakhstan achieved multiple top 8 results with Kazakhstan finishing fourth in one event (plus one 5th and three 8ths).


  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
:AUS Australia 1 2 1 1 2 2   1
:AUT Austria 7 7 4 8 7 7 7 6
:BLR Belarus   2   1 1 3 2 1
:BEL Belgium 1   1 1 1   1 1
:CAN Canada 4 8 14 7 9 11 6 9
:CHN China 9 4 2 3 8 4 5 2
:CZE Czech Republic 1   1 3 1 2 4 2
:DEN Denmark             1  
:EST Estonia     1 1     1  
:FIN Finland 2 2 4 4   3 3 1
:FRA France 5 7 2 3 5 4 7 3
:GEO Georgia           1   1
:GER Germany 12 10 5 10 7 3 7 9
:GBR Great Britain 1 1   1 1 2   3
:HUN Hungary 1   2 1   2 1 1
:ISR Israel           1    
:ITA Italy 2 7 8 4 11 5 5 7
:JPN Japan 3 6 9 6 6 3 2 8
:KAZ Kazakhstan       1 1     3
:LAT Latvia     1 1 3   2 1
:MON Monaco           1    
:NED Netherlands 8 5 4 4 7 4 3 1
:NZL New Zealand 2 1            
:NOR Norway 16 8 13 7 10 7 4 9
:POL Poland     1 2 1 4 1 4
:ROC Russia 6 12 14 13 9 7 10 12
:SVK Slovakia 1   1          
:SLO Slovenia 2 3 2 1 3 1 1  
:KOR South Korea 2 5 2   4 5 2 2
:ESP Spain   1       1 1 1
:SWE Sweden 8 5 5 7 4 5 2 4
:SUI Switzerland 7 2 5 8 3 6 12 5
:TUR Turkey           1    
:UKR Ukraine   1         2 1
:USA United States 8 10 7 11 8 13 15 9




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  On 2/20/2022 at 4:50 PM, JoshMartini007 said:

Here's a table of the top 8 results for each country. For mixed team alpine skiing I gave the quarterfinal losers all fifth place. Along with the 29 nations which won a medal, six more achieved top 8 results; :DEN :GEO :ISR :KAZ :MON :TUR of those only Georgia and Kazakhstan achieved multiple top 8 results with Kazakhstan finishing fourth in one event (plus one 5th and three 8ths).


  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
:AUS Australia 1 2 1 1 2 2   1
:AUT Austria 7 7 4 8 7 7 7 6
:BLR Belarus   2   1 1 3 2 1
:BEL Belgium 1   1 1 1   1 1
:CAN Canada 4 8 14 7 9 11 6 9
:CHN China 9 4 2 3 8 4 5 2
:CZE Czech Republic 1   1 3 1 2 4 2
:DEN Denmark             1  
:EST Estonia     1 1     1  
:FIN Finland 2 2 4 4   3 3 1
:FRA France 5 7 2 3 5 4 7 3
:GEO Georgia           1   1
:GER Germany 12 10 5 10 7 3 7 9
:GBR Great Britain 1 1   1 1 2   3
:HUN Hungary 1   2 1   2 1 1
:ISR Israel           1    
:ITA Italy 2 7 8 4 11 5 5 7
:JPN Japan 3 6 9 6 6 3 2 8
:KAZ Kazakhstan       1 1     3
:LAT Latvia     1 1 3   2 1
:MON Monaco           1    
:NED Netherlands 8 5 4 4 7 4 3 1
:NZL New Zealand 2 1            
:NOR Norway 16 8 13 7 10 7 4 9
:POL Poland     1 2 1 4 1 4
:ROC Russia 6 12 14 13 9 7 10 12
:SVK Slovakia 1   1          
:SLO Slovenia 2 3 2 1 3 1 1  
:KOR South Korea 2 5 2   4 5 2 2
:ESP Spain   1       1 1 1
:SWE Sweden 8 5 5 7 4 5 2 4
:SUI Switzerland 7 2 5 8 3 6 12 5
:TUR Turkey           1    
:UKR Ukraine   1         2 1
:USA United States 8 10 7 11 8 13 15 9






Interesting enough, :NOR had less Top 8 finishes (74) than  :RUS (83) and :USA (81) . Their n°1 ranking might not be as secured as it seems.

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  On 2/20/2022 at 5:54 PM, De_Gambassi said:


Interesting enough, :NOR had less Top 8 finishes (74) than  :RUS (83) and :USA (81) . Their n°1 ranking might not be as secured as it seems.


True, but let's not forget they only had 84 athletes competing in Beijing!

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  On 2/20/2022 at 5:54 PM, De_Gambassi said:

Interesting enough, :NOR had less Top 8 finishes (74) than  :RUS (83) and :USA (81) . Their n°1 ranking might not be as secured as it seems.



To be fair Russia and the United States had a lot more athletes competing. Even if you remove the athletes in ice hockey, they had double the amount compared to Norway

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  On 2/20/2022 at 3:28 PM, De_Gambassi said:

Some stats regarding the number of medals won at these Olympic Games by country VS the ones won on average at the various world championships during this olympic cycle (olympic events only).



  WChs OG Rate
:CHN 6,5 15 231 %
:JPN 9,3 18 193 %
:FIN 4,5 8 178 %
:SLO 4,0 7 175 %
:ITA 11,5 17 148 %
:KOR 6,3 9 142 %
:SWE 14,8 18 121 %
:USA 23,2 25 108 %
:CAN 24,8 26 105 %
:FRA 15,7 14 89 %
:AUT 20,3 18 89 %
:NOR 42,5 37 87 %
:SUI 16,3 14 86 %
:NED 20,2 17 84 %
:GER 32,5 27 83 %
:RUS 38,7 32 83 %


  • China had extraordinary home Games, scoring more than twice the number of medals they had during the world championships. You would have to look back at SLC 2002 to notice a comparable home field advantage.


  • Japan and South Korea also had great olympics which might be explained by their geographic proximity (ans also because SK didn't participate at the last short track WChs)


  • Our firend @phelpsfeared the worst for his country, and yet Italy ended up with some kind of hallelujah games. Though, it might be a challenge to match this tally in 4 years.


  • Contrary to a canadian legend, the country is far from having a bad conversation rate  :d (well, gold medals wise, that may be a different story)


  • Other nations seem to have a somewhat expected ratio ranging from 121% to 83% 

Pretty much confirms most of what i already thought. Only surprised to see that Austria and Russia apparently "underperformed". Italy, Finland, Slovenia and Sweden had close to perfect olympics and Canada won tons of surprising medals. The fact that Canada won so few golds might have something do with them not having many gold medal favorites. It also has to be said that some of those results used as a reference are from 3 years back, so not sure how relevant they still are. For example german biathlon was in a very different spot back then (when Laura Dahlmeier, Simon Schempp and Arnd Peiffer were still active).


Edit: About the italian medal tally: I actually think that Italy has a lot of room for improvement in biathlon and alpine skiing. Even without the new sports/events they might go for 20+ medals.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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:NED had 36 top 8 placements with only 41 athletes in Beijing, probably in part due to the impossible qualification standards for Dutch athletes in certain sports :wacko:


7th WOG in a row where :NED finished top 10 in the medal ranking, but only the first time ever where we won medals in 3 different sports during the same winter olympic games :lol:

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  On 2/20/2022 at 5:54 PM, De_Gambassi said:


Interesting enough, :NOR had less Top 8 finishes (74) than  :RUS (83) and :USA (81) . Their n°1 ranking might not be as secured as it seems.


I think their first spot is safe. I don't see any chance for the US, but maybe Russia can do it. Russia has a lot of potential to improve on their gold medal count in speed skating, biathlon and women's cross-country skiing. The norwegian dominance in women's cross-country skiing might end, but i think they have a very bright future in speed skating (especially on the men's side), nordic combined, alpine skiing (especially on the men's side) and of course biathlon. No other nation than Germany has won more than 11 golds at the last 3 olympics and i think Germany doesn't have the potential to win many more golds, while Norway will probably win 12+ golds even if they completely flop. I think climate change will lead to their dominance in sports like biathlon, cross-country skiing or alpine skiing becoming even bigger. The exciting part is that noone can really make any solid predictions about what will happen in 4 years. 4 years ago absolutely noone would have predicted Schouten and Roeiseland to become this dominant.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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