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Judo IJF World Championships 2019
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His official "return" will take place in october, at the Brasilia Grand Slam.

He has participated in a tournament in July, but he felt like he wasn't "100% in shape" for the World Championships !

Edited by Styrka
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Judo IJF World Championships 2019
Il y a 3 heures, OlympicsFan a dit :

Absolutely insane results for France and Portugal so far. I feel like every year France has one freak world championships where they get results that they can never achieve again. I think a couple of years ago they won like half of the gold medals at the fencing world cjampionships ...


Well, Judo has always been a really strong sport for us. If I believe Sir Wikipedia, we are the second country that won the most medals at the world championships since their beginning, behind Japan.  It's very popular in the country, being the fourth sport in terms of number of licensees.


Buut three gold medals are a big surprise. Clarisse Agbegnenou was expected, but much less Gahié and Malonga, who are also still young. It's great for them and their chance to qualify in Tokyo 2020, because their categories are the most competitive in France (Pinot getting a Bronze medal in 70 kg for example).

Then, these three girls were very impressive in these championships, which is very positive. Agbegnenou vs. Tashiro was a terrifying fight, I loved it ! And I think Gahié won all hers fights with ground actions, which is "bizarre" for French Judo.


We had three other 5th place for the three other women's categories, a fantastic job for ours girls ! :d:thumbup:

On the men's side... Yeah, nothing spectacular. Only one qualified for quarter finals, Clerget, who then won a Bronze Medal (and it's great for him ! ). I really don't know why the men side is now so lackluster.

The shameful thing is that we don't have any fighter for the +100, the Federation giving absolutely no chance for youngers fighters to test themselves because they are preparing the return of Teddy Riner... :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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