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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Jastrab is in slovak language a "Hawk". Any info about her origins ?
  2. Total failure today from our team, no idea what was the cause, but someone will have to explain a lot and assume the consequences about this fiasco. No quota in W C1 is not something so extremely unexpected though, but still shamefull. Much worse is the failure in M K1, Halčin and Málek totally flopped here, inexcusable. The pressure now on Grigar will be huge in the semifinals to not fail.
  3. poorly popular, but experienced a tremendous increase in interest (to not say a huge boom) during this year's female ECH, after which they sadly again fell into utter disinterest. Another big failure of our federation, which failed to take advantage of this huge and unique chance and to exploit something big from it. Today, again, everything is as before, if not tTotallympics, I would have not even know that any European championships is currently taking place at all.
  4. New Updated Post Here SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 12th Qualified Athlete Eliška MINTÁLOVÁ - CANOEING SLALOM (K1 W) Slovensko s prvou vodnoslalomárskou miestenkou O miestenku v ženskom K1 zabojujú Eliška Mintálová, Jana Dukátová a Elena Kaliská Eliška Mintálová Všetci traja slovenskí reprezentanti Alexander Slafkovský, Matej Beňuš a Michal Martikán bez problémov zvládli prvú kvalifikáciu súťaže kanoistov na majstrovstvách sveta vo vodnom slalome v španielskom Seu d'Urgell a postúpili do sobotňajšieho semifinále. Spomedzi 81 štartujúcich v prvom kvalifikačnom kole si prienik ďalej vyjazdilo 20 pretekárov - Slafkovský obsadil 7. miesto, Beňuš 9. pozíciu a Martikán 16. priečku. Prvú jazdu vyhral Brit David Florence. "Podstatné bolo postúpiť z prvej jazdy. V sobotu bude úplne iná trať a verím, že ´tyčky´ nebudú rovnako nízko ako dnes. Nemal som z toho ideálny pocit, ale šiel som zodpovedne," priznal najlepší zo Slovákov Alexander Slafkovský, ktorý ako jediný zo slovenského tria ešte nebol na olympiáde "Prvý cieľ bol postúpiť zo semifinále a najmä z prvej jazdy. Podarilo sa, aj keď s výkonom nie som spokojný. Našťastie to stačilo. Jazdilo sa mi mizerne. So súpermi sme sa v cieli zhodli, že ´tyčky´ boli veľmi nízko a počas celej trate sme museli kontrolovať loď, nech nie je zbytočný dotyk," doplnil strieborný olympijský medailista z Ria de Janeiro 2016 Matej Beňuš. Slovenské trio sa vyhlo boju o postup v opravách, ktoré boli na programe od 12.30 h. Môžu sa v pokoji pripravovať na sobotu, kde okrem medailí budú bojovať o olympijskú miestenku pre Slovensko na OH 2020 do japonského Tokia. Zároveň medzi sebou zvádzajú boj v internej nominácii o to, kto z nich sa predstaví na vrcholnej súťaži pod piatimi kruhmi. Martikán má z nej päť medailí vrátane dvoch zlatých, Beňuš jedno striebro. V ženskom kajaku prvá istota miestenky Medzi kajakárkami sa skvelou prvou jazdou prezentovala Eliška Mintálová, v prvom kvalifikačnom kole obsadila solídne 8. miesto a bez problémov postúpila do sobotňajšieho semifinále. Za víťaznou Francúzkou Marie-Zeliou Lafontovou zaostala o 5,48 sekundy. "Som spokojná s postupom z prvej jazdy, ale nie s výkonom. Pod každú protivodnú bránu som sa chytala veľmi nízko, keďže boli veľmi nízko a musela som si dávať pozor. Pomohli mi informácie od singlkanoistov, ktorí mi poradili, kde si mám dávať pozor," zhodnotila Eliška Mintálová. Menej sa darilo ďalším dvom Slovenkám. Jana Dukátová ani Elena Kaliská neprenikli medzi elitnú dvadsiatku, preto ich popoludní čakala opravná jazda. Dukátovú v 1. kvalifikačnom kole klasifikovali na 28. mieste, Elena Kaliská minula tri bránky a skončila až na 76. priečke. V oprave skončila Jana Dukátová ôsma a rovnako ako Mintálová sa predstaví v sobotňajšom semifinále, Elena Kaliská bola až sedemnásta a ďalej pokračuje len desať najlepších. Pre mimoriadne skúsenú pretekárku sa tak svetový šampionát už skončil. Zároveň, keďže do sobotného semfinále postúpili zástupkyne len 18 kraín, boj o Olympijské miestenky v tejto disciplíne je tým pádom uzavretý pre tento šampionát, Slovensko tak môže sláviť svoju prvú miestenku vo vodnom slalome pre hry v Toku 2020. O miestenku bojujú v internej kvalifikácie spomenuté tri kajakárky, po dvoch súťažiach je na tom zatiaľ najlepšie najmladšia členka tímu Eliška Mintálová so 17 bodovým náskokom pred Janou Dukátovou.
  5. and what about the goal pipes painted in blue
  6. So first look at my predictions 17/18 not bad... / my only mistake in this category.
  7. So if Lena Teunissen will not qualify for the finals on Saturday, will earn the quota ?
  8. Apparently many riders including our canoeists were mad and clearly not satisfied by how low the gates were placed. Many racers felt incomfortable during their runs today, not sure if it was by mistake or the organizers did it on purpose but the gates were set too close to the water. Hopefully for the finals they will fix it and lift the gates few cm higher, how the riders are used to race
  9. Day 1 Recap
  10. well, but I guess there wasn´t some 80 starters M and W walking together in that track. This may end only in a total mess
  11. [hide] Event & Date Athletes Gold Silver Bronze Women's Marathon Day 1, September 27 2019 Rose Chelimo x Shitaye Eshete Desi Jisa Mokonin Ruti Aga Shure Demise Roza Dereje Lonah Chemtai Salpeter Sara Dossena Any Japanese Athlete Ruth Chepngetich x Visiline Jepkesho Edna Kiplagat x Helaria Johannes Any Portuguese Athlete Any Other Athlete Women's Hammer Throw Day 2, September 28 2019 Hanna Skydan Hanna Malyshik Luo Na Wang Zheng x Alexandra Tavernier x Zalina Petrivskaya Joanna Fiodorow x Malwina Kopron Brooke Andersen Gwen Berry DeAnna Price Any Other Athlete Men's Long Jump Day 2, September 28 2019 Henry Frayne Any Chinese Athlete Juan Miguel Echevarría x Miltiádis Tentóglou Tajay Gayle Any Japanese Athlete Luvo Manyonga Ruswahl Samaai x Zarck Visser Any Spanish Athlete Thobias Montler Andwuelle Wright Jeffrey Henderson x Trumaine Jefferson Steffin McCarter Any Other Athlete Women's 10,000m Day 2, September 28 2019 Letesenbet Gidey Netsanet Gudeta Senbere Teferi x Almaz Ayana Alina Reh Eilish McColgan Steph Twell Hellen Obiri x Agnes Tirop Rosemary Wanjiru Sifan Hassan x Molly Huddle Emily Sisson Any Other Athlete Men's 100m Day 2, September 28 2019 Aaron Brown Andre De Grasse x Arthur Gue Cissé Zharnel Hughes Yohan Blake Any Japanese Athlete Divine Oduduru Akani Simbine Christian Coleman x Justin Gatlin Mike Rodgers x Any Other Athlete Men's 50km Race Walk Day 2, September 28 2019 Dzmitry Dziubin Niu Wenbin Luo Yadong Wang Qin Veli-Matti Partanen Yohann Diniz x Hayato Katsuki Tomohiro Noda Yusuke Suzuki Håvard Haukenes Matej Tóth x Maryan Zakalnytskyy x Any Other Athlete Women's 50km Race Walk Day 2, September 28 2019 Claire Woods Any Belarusian Athlete Li Maocuo Liang Rui Liu Hong Paola Pérez x Mirna Ortiz Eleonora Giorgi Inês Henriques x Mária Czaková Julia Takács x Any Ukrainian Athlete Any Other Athlete Women's Pole Vault Day 3, September 29 2019 Anzhelika Sidorova x Alysha Newman Yarisley Silva x Lisa Ryzih Holly Bradshaw Nikoléta Kiriakopoúlou Ekateríni Stefanídi x Angelica Bengtsson Michaela Meijer Sandi Morris Katie Nageotte Jenn Suhr Robeilys Peinado Any Other Athlete Men's Triple Jump Day 3, September 29 2019 Almir dos Santos Fabrice Zango Hugues Wu Ruiting Zhu Yaming Jordan A. Díaz Any Other Cuban Athlete Ben Williams Pedro Pablo Pichardo x Will Claye x Omar Craddock Donald Scott Christian Taylor x Any Other Athlete Mixed 4x400m Relay Day 3, September 29 2019 Belgium Brazil Canada France Germany Great Britain x Italy Jamaica x Japan Kenya Poland United States x Any Other Nation Women's 100m Day 3, September 29 2019 Tynia Gaither Marie Josée Ta Lou x Dina Asher-Smith x Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce Jonielle Smith Elaine Thompson x Dafne Schippers Blessing Okagbare Mujinga Kambundji Teahna Daniels Any Other American Athlete Any Other Athlete Women's 20km Race Walk Day 3, September 29 2019 Erica de Sena Liu Hong x Qieyang Shenjie Yang Jiayu x Sandra Arenas Glenda Estefanía Morejón Eleonora Giorgi Kumiko Okada x Any Other Japanese Athlete Mária Pérez Laura García-Caro Any Other Athlete Women's High Jump Day 4, September 30 2019 Mariya Lasitskene x Karyna Demidik Nafissatou Thiam Mirela Demireva x Morgan Lake Any Italian Athlete Airinė Palšytė x Kamila Lićwinko Erika Kinsey Iryna Herashchenko Yuliya Levchenko Yaroslava Mahuchikh Vashti Cunningham Any Other Athlete Men's 5000m Day 4, September 30 2019 Stewart McSweyn Any Bahranian Athlete Mohammed Ahmed Selemon Barega Muktar Edris Hagos Gebrhiwet x Telahun Haile Nicholas Kimeli Any Other Athlete from Kenya Filip Ingebrigtsen x Jakob Ingebrigtsen x Joshua Cheptegei Any American Athlete Any Other Athlete Men's Discus Throw Day 4, September 30 2019 Lukas Weisshaidinger Christoph Harting x Martin Wierig Ehsan Hadadi Fedrick Dacres Traves Smikle Andrius Gudžius x Ola Stunes Isene Piotr Małachowski Daniel Ståhl x Any American Athlete Any Other Athlete Women's 3000m Steeplechase Day 4, September 30 2019 Winfred Yavi Geneviève Lalonde Any Athlete From Ethiopia Any Other European Athlete Gesa-Felicitas Krause Beatrice Chepkoech x Fancy Cherono x Celliphine Chespol Hyvin Jepkemoi x Peruth Chemutai Emma Coburn Any Other American Athlete Any Other Athlete Women's 800m Day 4, September 30 2019 Catriona Bissett Rose M. Almanza Gudaf Tsegay Christina Hering Lynsey Sharp Natoya Goule Eunice Sum x Winnie Nanyondo Olha Lyakhova x Nataliya Pryshchepa Hanna Green Raevyn Rogers Ajeé Wilson x Any Other Athlete Men's 400m Hurdles Day 4, September 30 2019 Alison Brendom Alves Dos Santos Marcio Teles Kyron McMaster Ludvy Vaillant Kemar Mowatt Karsten Warholm x Abderrahmane Samba x Yasmani Copello Rai Benjamin x TJ Holmes Amere Lattin Any Other Athlete Men's Pole Vault Day 5, October 1 2019 Thiago Braz Renaud Lavillenie Valentin Lavillenie Any German Athlete Konstadínos Filippídis Piotr Lisek x Paweł Wojciechowski Armand Duplantis x Melker Svärd Jacobsson Sam Kendricks x Cole Walsh Any Other Athlete Women's Javelin Throw Day 5, October 1 2019 Kelsey Barber Tatsiana Khaladovich Lu Huihui Liu Shiying Sara Kolak x Nikola Ogrodníková x Barbora Špotáková Christin Hussong x Haruka Kitaguchi Līna Mūze Kara Winger Any Other Athlete Men's 800m Day 5, October 1 2019 Amel Tuka Nijel Amos x Marco Arop Brandon McBride Ayanleh Souleiman x Pierre-Ambroise Bosse Any Athlete From Great Britain Ferguson Cheruiyot Emmanuel Korir Adam Kszczot x Any Athlete From Puerto Rico Abubaker Haydar Abdalla Donavan Brazier Clayton Murphy Any Other Athlete Men's 200m Day 5, October 1 2019 Aaron Brown Andre De Grasse x Xie Zhenye Alex Quiñónez Any Athlete From Great Britain Any Athlete From Jamaica Divine Oduduru Ramil Guliyev Kenny Bednarek Christian Coleman x Noah Lyles x Any Other Athlete Men's Hammer Throw Day 6, October 2 2019 Denis Lukyanov Hleb Dudarau Quentin Bigot Nick Miller x Bence Halász Serghei Marghiev x Eivind Henriksen Paweł Fajdek x Wojciech Nowicki Javier Cienfuegos Dilshod Nazarov Özkan Baltacı Conor McCullough Any Other Athlete Women's 200m Day 6, October 2 2019 Ivet Lalova-Collio Marie Josée Ta Lou Dina Asher-Smith x Any Other Athlete from Great Britain Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce Elaine Thompson x Dafne Schippers x Blessing Okagbare Mujinga Kambundji Angie Annelus Dezerea Bryant Any Other Athlete Men's 110m Hurdles Day 6, October 2 2019 Sergey Shubenkov x Gabriel Constantino Xie Wenjun Wilhem Belocian Pascal Martinot-Lagarde Andy Pozzi x Omar McLeod x Any Other Athlete From Jamaica Shun-ya Takayama Antonio Alkana Orlando Ortega Grant Holloway Daniel Roberts Any Other Athlete Women's Shot Put Day 7, October 3 2019 Aliona Dubitskaya x Brittany Crew Gong Lijiao Christina Schwanitz x Anita Márton Danniel Thomas-Dodd Paulina Guba Fanny Roos Michelle Carter x Chase Ealey Maggie Ewen Any Other Athlete Women's 400m Day 7, October 3 2019 Shaunae Miller-Uibo x Salwa Eid Naser x Christine Botlogetswe Laviai Nielsen Shericka Jackson x Stephenie Ann McPherson Justyna Święty-Ersetic Kendall Ellis Phyllis Francis Wadeline Jonathas Shakima Wimbley Any Other Athlete Women's Heptathlon Day 7, October 3 2019 Ivona Dadic Verena Preiner Nafissatou Thiam x Solène Ndama Katarina Johnson-Thompson x Xénia Krizsán Anouk Vetter x Géraldine Ruckstuhl Erica Bougard Kendell Williams Any Other Athlete Men's Decathlon Day 7, October 3 2019 Ilya Shkurenyov x Pierce LePage Damian Warner x Maicel Uibo Kevin Mayer x Niklas Kaul Kai Kazmirek Lindon Victor Tim Duckworth Pieter Braun Any Other Athlete Men's High Jump Day 8, October 4 2019 Mikhail Akimenko Ilya Ivanyuk x Brandon Starc Maksim Nedasekau x Michael Mason Wang Yu Mateusz Przybylko Any Athlete From Italy Naoto Tobe Mutaz Essa Barshim x Majed El Dein Ghazal Bogdan Bondarenko Andrii Protsenko Jeron Robinson Any Other Athlete Women's Discus Throw Day 8, October 4 2019 Fernanda Raquel Martins Any Athlete From China Sandra Perković x Denia Caballero x Yaimé Pérez Mélina Robert-Michon Nadine Müller Kristin Pudenz Claudine Vita Shadae Lawrence x Valarie Allman Any Other Athlete From US Any Other Athlete Women's 400m Hurdles Day 8, October 4 2019 Tia Adana Belle Sage Watson Zuzana Hejnová x Meghan Beesley Rushell Clayton Janieve Russell Léa Sprunger Anna Ryzhykova Kori Carter Sydney McLaughlin Dalilah Muhammad x Ashley Spencer x Any Other Athlete Men's 3000m Steeplechase Day 8, October 4 2019 Chala Beyo Lemecha Girma Takele Nigate Getnet Wale Djilali Bedrani Leonard Bett Abraham Kibiwot x Benjamin Kigen x Conseslus Kipruto x Soufiane El Bakkali Fernando Carro Albert Chemutai Hillary Bor Any Other Athlete Men's 400m Day 8, October 4 2019 Steven Gardiner Abbas Abubaker Jonathan Jones Anthony Zambrano Matthew Hudson-Smith x Kirani James Akeem Bloomfield Demish Gaye x Machel Cedenio Fred Kerley Michael Norman Vernon Norwood x Nathan Strother Any Other Athlete Men's 20km Race Walk Day 8, October 4 2019 Vasiliy Mizinov Dane Bird-Smith Caio Bonfim Any Chinese Athlete x Christopher Linke Tom Bosworth x Massimo Stano Koki Ikeda Toshikazu Yamanishi Eiki Takahashi x Diego García Carrera Perseus Karlström Any Other Athlete Men's Shot Put Day 9, October 5 2019 Darlan Romani Filip Mihaljević Tomáš Staněk Bob Bertemes Tom Walsh x Chuk Enekwechi Konrad Bukowiecki Michał Haratyk x Ryan Crouser Darrell Hill Joe Kovacs x Any Other Athlete Women's Triple Jump Day 9, October 5 2019 Caterine Ibargüen x Liadagmis Povea Paraskeví Papahrístou x Shanieka Ricketts Kimberly Williams Olga Rypakova Patrícia Mamona Ana Peleteiro Olha Saladukha Tori Franklin Keturah Orji Yulimar Rojas x Any Other Athlete Women's 1500m Day 9, October 5 2019 Gabriela DeBues-Stafford Axumawit Embaye Gudaf Tsegay Konstanze Klosterhalfen x Laura Muir Winny Chebet Faith Kipyegon x Rabab Arrafi Sifan Hassan x Winnie Nanyondo Shelby Houlihan Jenny Simpson Any Other Athlete Women's 5000m Day 9, October 5 2019 Gabriela DeBues-Stafford Taye Fantu x Hawi Feysa Letesenbet Gidey Konstanze Klosterhalfen Eilish McColgan Margaret Kipkemboi x Hellen Obiri x Lilian Rengeruk Agnes Tirop Sifan Hassan Any Other Athlete Women's 4x100m Relay Day 9, October 5 2019 Australia Brazil China Germany Great Britain x Jamaica x Netherlands Nigeria Switzerland Trinidad and Tobago United States x Any Other Nation Men's 4x100m Relay Day 9, October 5 2019 Brazil Canada China France Great Britain Italy Jamaica x Japan Netherlands South Africa Turkey United States x Any Other Nation x Men's Marathon Day 9, October 5 2019 Alemu Bekele x El Hassan El Abbassi Okbay Tsegay Lelisa Desisa Mosinet Geremew Mule Wasihun Geoffrey Kirui x Amos Kipruto x Laban Korir Paul Lonyangata El Mahjoub Dazza Kaan Kigen Özbilen Any Athlete From Uganda Any Other Athlete Women's Long Jump Day 10, October 6 2019 Darya Klishina Nastassia Mironchyk-Ivanova Chantel Malone Caterine Ibargüen Yanis David Malaika Mihambo x Abigail Irozuru Shara Proctor x Tissanna Hickling Ese Brume Florentina Costina Iusco Alina Rotaru Maryna Bekh-Romanchuk Brittney Reese x Any Other Athlete Men's 1500m Day 10, October 6 2019 Taoufik Makhloufi Stewart McSweyn Ayanleh Souleiman Samuel Tefera Any British Athlete Timothy Cheruiyot George Manangoi Abdelaati Iguider x Filip Ingebrigtsen x Jakob Ingebrigtsen x Marcin Lewandowski Ronald Musagala Any Athlete From US Any Other Athlete Men's Javelin Throw Day 10, October 6 2019 Jakub Vadlejch Magnus Kirt x Oliver Helander Andreas Hofmann Thomas Röhler x Johannes Vetter x Julian Weber Anderson Peters Julius Yego Edis Matusevičius Cheng Chao-Tsun Keshorn Walcott Any Other Athlete Men's 10,000m Day 10, October 6 2019 Mohammed Ahmed x Aron Kifle Andamlak Belihu Hagos Gebrhiwet x Yomif Kejelcha Rodgers Chumo Geoffrey Kamworor Rhonex Kipruto Julien Wanders Joshua Cheptegei x Abdallah Mande Any Athlete From US Any Other Athlete Women's 100m Hurdles Day 10, October 6 2019 Elvira Herman x Andrea Carolina Vargas Annimari Korte Cindy Roleder Janeek Brown Megan Tapper Danielle Williams Nadine Visser Tobi Amusan Karolina Kołeczek Nia Ali x Kendra Harrison x Brianna McNeal Any Other Athlete Women's 4x400m Relay Day 10, October 6 2019 Australia Belgium Botswana Canada France Great Britain x Italy Jamaica x Nigeria Poland United States x Any Other Nation Men's 4x400m Relay Day 10, October 6 2019 Belgium x Czech Republic France Great Britain Italy Jamaica x Japan Qatar Spain Trinidad and Tobago United States x Any Other Nation [/hide]
  12. Apparently we will have 4. Our NOC decided to accept the femal marathon swimming quota for Karolína Balážiková. Let´s hope she will not accidentally swim into Iran.
  13. SLOVAK ENTRY HIDDEN ROAD - S hudbou vesmírnou... The translation of the lyrics are available in the Youtube subtitles option This group of youngs fellas are one of the most refreshing faces of slovak music with their funny songs and parodies, after this first song they became really popular and are now named "s hudbou vesmírnou" yep, the first song name If you´ll like this band and want more, you can find many their new clips under their new name around the web, for example this one was originally planned to be a fun song about the extreme hot weather we had in summer 2015, but it simply somehow happened to top the hitparade and became one of the most popular song of the year lol
  14. One of the girls from the W K1 team did not finished the race, resulting in a DNF of the whole team. It was not clear from the video but it looks like she sadly hit the rocks on the board before turning to one of the upstream gates in the bottom and probably have broken her boat India already competed last year If I remember correctly
  15. Personally I'd give it to Sašo Slafkovský, he was never at the Olympics, but definitely deserve it so much, he was competing at the very top level since the early 2000´s but always lost the quota to Martikán and before Rio just by a few to Beňuš. + Currently, I would say Slafkovský would be our best chance to medal, since he has arguably the best results and showing the best technique lately. and he´s such a humble and positve guy.
  16. Right, the M K1 is one great Czech show right now, Vít Přindiš, Jiří Prskavec, Ondřej Tunka and Vavřinec Hradílek every one of them can win gold in any event any day
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