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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Any news about the women's -56 and men's -58?
  2. Giro d'Italia Stage 6: Caltanissetta - Etna This will be the first summit finish. Like the previous two, the stage has a very wavy profile, and features an endless series of bends over the first 120 km. Past PaternĂ², the route takes a first-ever pass up the long closing climb that leads all the way to the Etna Astrophysical Observatory. Final kilometres: the final climb (15 km) begins in Ragalna. Over the first 10 km, the road is relatively wide, yet steep at points (max. gradient: 16%). The roadway narrows 5.5 km before the finish, as the route travels short lengths in the woods and on lava fields. Red flag: the route climbs and bends slightly until the final 150 m, where the road stretches out, with gradients around 6% (the finish line sits on a 6-m wide asphalt road).
  3. Giro d'Italia Stage 5: Agrigento - Santa Ninfea At first, the stage is played out on flat roads running along the coast, on the ss. 115 trunk road, with a slightly more complicated passage through the centre of Sciacca. The second half, instead, running entirely through the Valle del Belice, is more demanding, with a few long but mild categorised climbs. In the second part of the route, the roadway is narrowed and very worn out at points. Final kilometres: the route descends slightly until 2,200 m before the finish. Here, the stage course turns right and takes in a short uphill stretch (approx. 1,200 m), with ramps peaking at 12%. The final kilometre descends slightly at first, and then runs gently uphill. The finish line sits on a 250-m long and 7.5-m wide asphalt straight.
  4. and are out.. WTF?! At last Ireland is in...
  5. Nice ballad for Ireland, i hope that they'll go in final!
  6. Maybe becouse i was very attentive, i must listen again it
  7. Ah, but she sing in italian... i discovered it now,after the song
  8. And this joke song is one of the favourite.. what?!
  9. Italian song will have some phrases translated in overlay during the live:
  10. Giro d'Italia Stage 4: Catania - Caltagirone The route has a very wavy profile (with several ascents, including two categorised climbs), and features a continuous series of bends throughout the stage course. Roads are variably wide, and the surface is worn out at points. Road pavers may be present in urban areas. Final kilometres: the final 5 kilometres run entirely within the city. There is a short (well-lit) tunnel with 5 km to go, while from -3 to -2 km, the route crosses the old town centre on narrowed roadway. The last kilometre runs entirely uphill, with gradients topping out at 13%. The home stretch is 300 m long, on 7.5-m wide asphalt road.
  11. Aaaand, 5 minuts after Mattarella's choice the main party (m5s) say that they will never vote for a technocratic government... i love Italy
  12. Italian President Mattarella: "There is no political majority possible at the moment. Today parties confimed that they are not available" It's time for a technocratic government, again
  13. Grandissima atmosfera a Perugia per le finali playoff di pallavolo maschile.. fa sempre piacere vedere un palazzetto strapieno! (Ps. Grandissimo bronzo di Frank che riscatta l'errore di distrazione commesso ieri )
  14. Vivianiiiiiiii! 2nd win for him! Amazing
  15. 1st podium of the season for an italian gymnastic in the individual events, finally! Good job Milena
  16. Livestreaming for the Guadalajara WC:
  17. I expected at last to have wind in Israel... i see only sand
  18. Again a boring stage... luckly it's the last stage in Israel
  19. Giro d'Italia Stage 3: Be'Er Sheva Eilat The route follows the mild undulations of the Negev desert. The roads are always wide and well paved. The route takes a long run across a rocky landscape, and becomes rougher especially when emerging from the Ramon Crater, with a categorised climb set in Faran River. The final part of the route descends slightly towards the Red Sea, and enters the city before hitting the finish line. Final kilometres: over the last 6 km, the road narrows while passing through a checkpoint. After taking in a series of roundabouts, the route eventually takes a U-turn 1.6 km before the finish, at another roundabout, leading into the final kilometre. The last bend is 350 m from the finish line (on 7.5-m wide asphalt road).
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