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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Yep, definitely going to have to show my age here. I’ll write first about memories from Games I watched, and then about moments I’ve seen from other Games. Torino 2006 - I was five. I vaguely remember watching snowboarding (I think it was Parallel GS) with mom. I can remember anything besides that. I just know I watched some events on a weekend afternoon with my mother. Beijing 2008 - Remember watching the opening ceremony. I remember watching coverage of Phelps swimming pursuits. I remember sitting on the floor of my living room watching Bolt win his first gold medal. Vancouver 2010 - These Olympics were in the same time zone as me. Unfortunately, I missed quite a bit because of school. I do remember racing home to watch the cross country sprint finals though. I also remember watching Vonn’s golden performance. London 2012 - Again, who doesn’t remember the opening ceremony. I actually strangely don’t remember a lot from these Games. I vaguely remember watching some track cycling with my dad, but that’s it. I know I followed the Games just as I would now, but for reason I just don’t have a lot of memories. Sochi 2014 - The opening ceremony is unfortunately memorable for the epic mishap with the rings. I actually enjoyed the ceremony besides. I remember the Russian teams entry into the stadium with that rap song. Torch lighting was pretty cool too. These Games are tainted too much by the Russian doping scandal for me to view warmly. I remember watching tons of cross country skiing and biathlon. The surprise silver medal for Andrew Weibrecht in Alpine Skiing was a good moment. I vividly remember watching the debut of slopestyle, as well as, many of the other freestyle events. Rio 2016 - Another opening ceremony that won my heart over. I remember watching Fiji (who I had already been cheering for on the 7s tour for 2 years) progress towards the finals in men’s 7s. Unfortunately, I had fricken cross country practice, so I missed the final! I do remember being out in the middle of the desert running, while desperately checking my phone to see how Fiji was doing. I remember being elated with their victory. Another great memory was watching WVN win the 400m and break the world record with my dad (an athletics junkie). Having some connections to Casey Eichfield I also followed his progress in the C1. That was a fantastic competition. Really grew to love Judo at these Olympics. I’m pretty sure I watched every session of that. Of course I watched all my other favorites too: Sailing, Shooting, Track Cycling, Canoe Sprint, etc. Great memories from Rio. Pyeongchang 2018 - First Olympics where I watched every event. Ester Ledecka’s coronation as snow queen of course tops my list. Caldwell/Diggins gold in the team sprint was a special moment for many Americans. In fact, I really enjoyed the cross country skiing at these Games. Biathlon was good as always. I remember Sweden being surprisingly good. I was a little disappointed with short track since and failed to win medals. As a roller speed skater, Pedro Causil’s 4th in the 1,000m was memorable. The same goes for Erin Jackson’s surprise qualification for games. These were a solid Games in my opinion. Other moments - Basically any of the marathons from 1896-1908. Squaw Valley 1960 - Not really a memorable Games, just love area. I have skated on the Olympic Ice Rink though, and I do remember that. Barcelona 1992 - Cauldron lighting (I mean come on, who doesn’t love that). Atlanta 1996 - Keri Shrug’s inspiring vault. Mohammad Ali fighting Parkinson’s to light the cauldron. Park City 2002 - Don’t know much about the Games, but I’ve been to most of the venues. I really like the Park City area as well. Athens 2004 - Opening Ceremony really began to set the standards for modern major multi sport games ceremonies.
  2. I wasn’t a fan of black hole either. I much prefer the traditional funnel event. Solid day for the Orangers though. I’ll take a 6th place, especially when it places us back in control of the overall standings.
  3. Just watched “And Breathe Normally.” I quite liked it.
  4. I’m not doing this with you again today.
  5. Geography isn’t History. Americans are notoriously, stereotypically bad a geography
  6. A little bit of an unfair take there. The argument started in a very different place.
  7. Probably just lost any respect you guys had for me. I can apologize for my behavior today and for the hurtful statements I made, but I know those things can never be taken back. I’m just sitting alone trying to justify my actions to myself right now, and there’s no justification for what I did. I stooped to a level lower than I hold myself and others to on a constant basis, and I apologize.
  8. No, I understood what you meant. This post was meant completely and explicitly for @Monzanator
  9. Well, no one’s talking about canceling the 10,000m, so this is just your typical bullshit.
  10. Not that I’m aware of. Netflix is just like traditional TV, expect that it’s a streaming platform. No, people aren’t going to judge television by the length of an episode, over the quality of the content. You say some truly idiotic statements sometimes. I think you’re in a small minority of people if you’re sad advertisements are gone You know that TV shows with 30 minute episodes, actually have 30 minute episodes (without interruption) on streaming platforms (assuming they were made for that platform, and not traditional TV channels).
  11. Quibi is a massive failure and joke in the US at the moment. The episodes are too short to interest anyone. I personally hate the entire idea myself. People have been nominated for sketch appearances on SNL before, so that’s not really new.
  12. Ugh, just shut up for once. You do realize that no matter when I choose to watch the episodes, they are the same length as your average television episode. It took me 10 hours to watch that season. It still would have taken me 10 hours had those episodes been spread out over 10 weeks.
  13. Finally finished binge watching Umbrella Academy season 2 after it dropped last night. I put my thoughts in the spoiler for those interested
  14. So I guess Trump is going to actually try and ban TikTok on Saturday. As much as I’m not a fan of TikTok, the federal government shouldn’t be allowed to tell Americans what apps to use, or businesses to support, etc. This is just yet another heavy-handed authoritarian move from Trump. You could honestly apply a majority of the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence to Trump’s time in office.
  15. You’re 2 points away from being 100 points behind the leader. That would be historically bad I believe.
  16. Another less than ideal performance for the Orangers. We fall to second in the standings now
  17. The replays are still there. Unfortunately my Russian vpn hasn’t worked for those replays in a while.
  18. I tried figuring out different methods for quota allocation for the Cross Country Relay yesterday. I had the idea that athletes already assigned quotas for the distance races in track could be used to form the teams for the relay (meaning that no additional quotas would be needed, making this a fine addition to the program). However, it just seemed impossible to add the Cross Country Relay without athletes having to sacrifice their results in the individual events. So World Athletics (not IAAF you heathens) would have to get the IOC to add yet more quotas to Athletics. For me, this event isn’t worth adding to the program (which means the IOC will probably add it).
  19. Those are very commonly used for cross country in the US. I will say that the terms “cross country” and “hill running” are pretty much interchangeable in California. Most of the big high school invitationals have decent sized hills on the course. My favorite courses had climbs with 12% grades. The building an alternate trail for cross country into the Eventing course would be more realistic than using the MTB course. The problem with MTB is that the course is mostly single track, and that wouldn’t work well for cross country.
  20. Because the House and Senate were held the opposition party for the majority of his Presidency.
  21. Echelon and jamboree are both words in the English language
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