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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Is this supposed to be a vailed insult at someone @mrv86? “Judge Absent“
  2. I don’t know, there’s a clear risk to entering a mainstream song in the contest, as voting in this contest has shown. I think it should be left up to the juries of each contest. People should be allowed to enter whatever song they want as long as it meets the minimum requirements.
  3. Belarus is seeing the largest public gathering in its history to protest against the election of Lukashenko. Meanwhile, Thailand is also being rocked by large pro-democracy protests.
  4. Here are the 9 finalists for Mississippi’s new flag design. I’m not a huge fan of any of them. I don’t really want them choose a flag with the confederate colors either, so that rules out a couple. My favorite would have to be 4, but I also like 8. I think flag 7 is cool, but it just doesn’t look that good. Link:
  5. Maybe we could combine our ideas? Names on votes, and then reveal users song choices one by one after the contest in reverse finishing order. The only “issue” would be that their wouldn’t be much surprise as to who the winner(s) are then.
  6. I’m not sure, I was hoping some others users might give input here. Users could be revealed one at a time, with a enough time in between to let people guess. Maybe start with 30th place song user, then 29th, until you get to the winner?
  7. Soon after the finals. I’d love if we could come up for a creative way to let people guess and then reveal each user.
  8. Damn, I really don’t want to imagine the force required to break your pelvis. I hope he’s able to make a recovery.
  9. Well, after when has been a somewhat mild summer by our standards; California is in for a right melting by a heatwave this week. Lowest forecasted peak temperature in the next week is 39 C. On top of that, fire season has started in the Western United States. There’s a massive wildfire burning in the foothills outside my city at the moment. That, coupled with the heat, has created some deadly conditions for the next few days. I’ve had to stop roller speed skating for the time being because it’s not worth the health risk. And on top of that, the heatwave is so bad that California will begin rolling blackouts to keep the electric grid from overloading. So, we can’t go outside because of the fire, heat, and pandemic. Plus, there’s no relief inside because we’ll only have partial power. #funtimes
  10. US Postal Service Workers Union has come out in support of Joe Biden, since Trump is threatening to destroy their livelihood in order to win the election. At nearly the same time NYPD Police Union has come out in support of Trump, since they believe Biden will pass reforms they do not want passed. It’s not exactly common to see government workers unions openly choosing sides in an election, so I think this is just a sign the turbulent and hard-fought election season that is upon us.
  11. You are correct. No amendment other than Prohibition has ever been repealed. The Amendments (of which there are 27) were not part of the original Constitution drafted in 1788. They are additions to the Constitution that are ratified by either a 2/3 majority in both legislative houses of government, or by 3/4 of individual state legislators. The first 10 amendments are known as the “Bill of Rights” and were added to the Constitution immediately after ratification. The 2nd Amendment is part of this group, and was added mainly because of the colonists distrust of a central government. The other amendments (11-27) have been added over time. The last amendment ratified was the 27th Amendment in 1992. The U.S. Supreme Court (which currently has a conservative majority of 5-4) does not have here authority to overturn a Constitutional Amendment per say, but there is the possibility they could do it if the amendment in question violated another part of the Constitution. Realistically, the only way to “kill” the 2nd Amendment, would be to repeal that amendment with another amendment like we did with Prohibition. The U.S. Constitution isn’t perfect, by a long shot, but it is arguably one of the best governing documents out there. Most democratic constitutions are modeled after the U.S. Constitution.
  12. Wow, major ruling against California. I have a feeling this will absolutely be heading to the U.S. Supreme Court. Yet another ruling that shows guns have more rights than people do in the US.
  13. Yeah...I’m pretty sure this was a strong upset. Nearly everyone complaining about a song’s success, and then, all-of-sudden, it flames out
  14. CACSO (Central American and Caribbean Sports Organization) has called an extraordinary general assembly with less than 24 hours notice for members, media, etc. The topic will be finding a host for the 2022 Central American and Caribbean Games. Around the Rings is reporting that Barranquilla will be selected. If true, to the best of my knowledge, that will make them the first city to host a major international multi sports games back-to-back.
  15. Remember when I said that the problem with this format is that people manufacture an upset...
  16. These are not the four nations I would have come up with if you asked me who the semifinalists would be at the beginning of this contest.
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