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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I don’t think this is what Trump had in mind when he wanted Americans to build a wall For those not following the situation in Portland, it’s been a scary escalation from the federal government. Trump sent “secret” (unmarked, camo wearing) federal police to arrest protestors. They used unmarked cars to transport protestors to unknown locations. The last week has seen various groups come to the defense of those protesting. It began with the “Wall of moms” protecting America’s youth, and grew from there.
  2. Another banger from Ana Tijoux. Her music art. Every beat and lyric in this song feels like a kick in the teeth for the church. The lyrics are so deep too, and she dropped the aggressive tone of her last songs.
  3. The IOC is in such hot-water after sharing video from the 1936 Olympics, that we get a rare apology from them. The 1936 Summer Olympic Games is something Olympic fans seen to have mixed feelings about. Obviously there are people who want to act like they never happened; there are those who want to acknowledge the Games happened, but only in the context of proper history; there are those who want to largely forget the Games, other than the athletic achievements made at them; there are some who want to remember the Games like any other Olympics; and others still that hold various other positions about. The problem lies with the IOC here. There’s never really been clear messaging from anyone at the IOC, as to what they want the legacy of the 1936 Summer Olympics to be. The larger Olympic Movement (IOC, IFs, athletes, historians, fans) have never really had a serious conversation about the Games either. They just seem to exist in this weird limbo that people wish to ignore. Personally, I’m conflicted about how to best recognize the 1936 Summer Olympics. On the one hand, the NAZI’s only hosted it to be the greatest propaganda for their ideology. Plus, Hitler has a large in hand in organizing the Games. It’s also important to remember that Jewish and Black spectators, athletes, and officials were persecuted around the time of the Games. Plus, Roma in Berlin were sent to concentration camps, so that the city wouldn’t look bad to tourists. On the other hand, the Games featured amazing performances and acts of sportsmanship/solidarity. The pursuits of Jesse Owens at the Games are the stuff of legend. He even forged a friendship with a German athlete that showed the true Olympic spirit. The first female Muslim athletes also participated at the 1936 Summer Olympics. And that goes without mentioning the lesser known great moments from the Games. As a journalist, whenever I write/talk about the 1936 Summer Olympics; it always feels like drinking dirty water. It’s not pleasant; you can’t possibly explain the complexity of the situation, and you know much of your audience has negative feelings about the Games (and rightfully so honestly). Bottom line, the 1936 Summer Olympics are a tough subject to deal with.
  4. Fun fact: Kendo is also what the light saber movements in Star Wars are based on Obviously the choreography adds a lot of non-Kendo techniques that more closely associated with fencing or wushu, but the the basic movements are all still based in Kendo.
  5. No, I get that. F1 made that right call for this season. It just seems that even under normal circumstances, Pan American events (in any sport, not just auto racing) are always the first gone when there’s a problem. Maybe I’m just starting to go a little quarantine crazy though
  6. Aikido also doesn’t hold competitions (to my knowledge). The IF only holds demonstrations at the multi sports games they get invited to.
  7. I hate that international sports tours/series are always willing to give up their Pan American stops first.
  8. Hopefully, I’m not stealing this one from @Wumo. I’d like to share one of Japan’s most unique, traditional sports: Bo Taoshi
  9. Does anyone know the names of the Olympic Channel/OBS commentators? There’s one in particular I’m interested in. He does a lot of the multi sports games commentary.
  10. Important to note in the context of a potential political boycott of Beijing 2022.
  11. From the small amount of research I just did, I can tell you that the country faces serious public health and economic issues. The economy took a nosedive when oil prices fell, right around when the Games were held. It hasn’t really recovered, which would explain why we haven’t seen the Kintélé Sports Complex used for more events. The government spending deficit is so bad that they’ve struggled to pay government workers the last few years (which has led to multiple strikes/protests). Plus, there’s a physician storage and low public health standard. Public health only accounts for line 3% of their GDP. That is quite low for a country with a physician storage, high malnutrition rate, high infant mortality rate, and poor sanitation. I would place Botswana, Namibia, and Cabo Verde miles ahead of Congo. Really, all I’m saying is that maybe the Republic of Congo shouldn’t have built a 60,000 seat state-of-the-art stadium and a small “Olympic Park” type area, when there was more pressing public issues that needed attention. Also, if you build a complex like that, you might as well use it as often as you can.
  12. Decided on the 2015 African Games. Not a disappointing choice at all. The small amount of coverage that was available internationally was very good, and honestly at the quality you would expect from a continental games. I noticed that the commentary was done by one of the Olympic Channel commentators. Sometimes I forget how communist the Republic of Congo is, and then they put 15 minutes of Chinese martial arts into their opening ceremony, and applaud their “President” every 15 minutes (who of course speaks for all the citizens of the Republic of Congo ?). The stadium in Kintélé is a beautiful state-of-the-art facility. It’s a bit of a shame that Congo has never pursued hosting other events (or has never been allowed too by international organizations). Of course, I wish the money invested in it had actually gone towards helping the people who live in the Republic of Congo, but if you’re going to build a facility like that; you should use it for major events.
  13. Ehh, not my favorite, but their are some nice parts of the look. I like the faded “Chinese Taipei” on sweatshirt. The bag is nice too.
  14. Well I finished the entirety of the 2017 Jeux De La Francophonie on Sunday. I’ve spent this week catching up on some personal business, and now I’m debating between the 2015 African Games, 2016 Summer Paralympics, and 2017 Bolivarian Games as to which I should watch next
  15. Interesting that being famous doesn’t seem to hurt Rihanna the way it did Dua Lipa.
  16. @phelps If you need a baseball/softball fix, I noticed the Olympic Channel has been uploading a bunch of full replays of old Olympic matches from 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008
  17. Ooooooooooooooooooooooo! We threw the win away today in a highly competitive final, but we still managed to sneak away with a bronze. Plus, we strengthen our overall lead in standings, so a good day still. I’m not a huge fan of layout of triathlon, but that event was entertaining as hell.
  18. In fairness, that does look incredibly European (or at least what Americans think all European fashion looks like)
  19. The space needle on the anchor is pretty cool.
  20. Welll both look like you’re trying to be Ireland, so there’s not much change in that regard
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