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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Africa threatened to boycott the 1968 Olympics so hard that they got the IOC to toss out South Africa until apartheid ended The Eastern Block also threatened to join that boycott. Olympic boycotts (or close calls) were extremely common throughout the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s. They happened for all types of reasons too. Podium protests were also a big issue in that period. Anyone remember the 1964 Summer Olympic boycott?
  2. That is what upsets me most about U.S. action/opinion on international affairs/events. I’m fine with, and enjoy taking, the moral high ground, but don’t pollute it with a bunch of hypocrisy.
  3. Oh yeah, cause the whole reason China hosts the Olympics and other events isn’t to paint a false narratives of the themselves and distract from all their domestic and international issues...
  4. “What reasons?“ might be a better phrasing of that question. The greater geopolitical battle between PRC and USA - Pound pretty much stated that he expects the USA to boycott, or the PRC to ban the USA entry under various pretenses. Covid-19 - Some countries still blame China for the virus, and may not be excited to attend the Games. Plus, China’s poor early response to Covid-19 might turn more athletes/NOCs off from attending. Uyghur Discrimination - Human Rights Groups are campaigning hard for a boycott here. Hong Kong - The PRC’s new authoritarian crackdown won’t play well in the West. I believe Canadian diplomats already suggested a boycott in response to this. Border Conflict with India - India’s allies might refuse to attend the Games as a show of support for India should that conflict flare up again. I’m sure you can add classic PRC issues like general human rights, Tibet, Republic of China v. People’s Republic of China, etc. to that list as well.
  5. I think the IOC is starting to fear a boycott. Pound basically said so, and all of sudden Bach wants to share “sad memories” about the 1980 boycott.
  6. Damn right. Parkour isn’t gymnastics; it’s it’s own sport.
  7. Not a bad showing for the marbles in orange. I’ll take a 6th (especially when those damn Minty Maniacs finish 8th). The battle at the top is really close right now, so I’ll be hoping for a medal next time around (and for one of the Minty Maniacs to shatter into a thousand pieces ). I liked Hurdles. This is a good, classic Marble League event. It seemed very fair. The ML records falling left and right were bonus. Interestingly, had Mellow Yellow not set the new ML record, the Raspberry Racers would have broken, and set a new one in every heat they raced! That is some ridiculous consistency right there. Another observation I had was that it seemed beneficial to have a “meh/middle” start. Those who came out of the blocks second and third seemed to do really well. Even a couple of 4th placed starters managed to sneak into the following heats. It seemed like a fast start meant your momentum was killed by the hurdles, while a medium start allowed you build momentum in the middle section.
  8. I was wondering when someone was going to comment on that
  9. Ah yes, the convicted child rapist. I’m sorry that prosecuting a child rapist ruined your enjoyment of sports ?
  10. So I got into a discussion about Dick Pound with one of the Olympics Reddit moderators. Admittedly I’m not that interested in individual IOC members, but I’ve liked a lot of what Pound has had to say recently. I did some reading up on Pound, and all I can say is “how is this man still an IOC member?” His career might be the messiest I’ve ever seen. Dude’s wife got arrested for assaulting an officer while drunk during Atlanta 1996 (when he was Vice-President of the IOC). He founded WADA, and is probably the reason it’s a joke now. He once called Canada (pre-colonization) “a land of savages.” He can’t seem to hold a position down within the IOC because he likes to run his mouth and say crazy shit all the time. I’m glad I did my research because I won’t be praising Pound ever again.
  11. David Owen of ITG writes opinion in favor of Redskins name change.
  12. Yes, and still plan to attend if they are held (assuming spectators are allowed).
  13. Yes, there was. Age range is from 15 to 18. I assume @dcro is talking about the few sports that limit age further (figure skating for example).
  14. I expected better from my fellow Californians.
  15. The battles in sim racing are always entertaining though. Plus, no one has the advantage of a better car generally. I do agree that nothing beats real racing though.
  16. It’s possible for those sports to take place, but they have to be willing to have events with no audience. They also need to do their best to limit events to only essential personnel and athletes only. Finally, they need to keep events to a few select venues in close proximity.
  17. Well, outside the Olympics/FIS the major Halfpipe/Slopestyle events have more open judging. Becuase that’s the culture of breaking. It’s about appealing to the audience, and battling for their support one-on-one. You win through technical superiority, and strategic choreography. In my opinion, Breaking has earned it’s place on the program. It draws large crowds, and creates an incredible atmosphere. It’s easily televised. The format is simple and understandable. It’s a chance for Dancesport to finally feature at the Olympics. The sport requires very little quotas (32 max). The sport enjoys high participation in terms of countries represented.
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