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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Just because we strayed onto this topic a little, here’s a fascinating map put together by Google based on YouTube streaming trends the year leading up to Pyeongchang 2018.
  2. Excuse me How dare you insult our dear lord and savior, Biathlon. I think we have to get to 12 women’s teams before we can talk about expansion of the men’s tournament. Plus, the IOC is looking to cut quotas from the Winter Olympics as well. We had some steep cuts from Pyeongchang to Beijing.
  3. The one thing that natural track has going for it is that it is much more accessible to a wider range of countries than artificial track is. Obviously, natural track is still dominated by mostly the same countries as artificial track, but I think there’s the potential for other countries to become competitive. I think it’s much cheaper to build a natural track as well, though it does pretty much require a good amount of natural snow.
  4. CACSO said in their statement that the Games will still happen in 2022. I think Colombia could pull off 2022.
  5. I was thinking more about potential future buds for those two. I agree with your assessment of the possible hosts.
  6. Iroquois Nation are leading calls to boycott the Lacrosse tournament at the 2022 World Games: They met the qualification criteria, but were not invited by the IWGA since they do not constitute a sovereign nation. This could create a mini crisis for the World Games 2022, since the Iroquois people were the ones who invented and shared the sport with the rest of the world. They are a full member of the Lacrosse IF, and they participate at all the major events. Personally, I don’t see an issue with inviting them to compete. Obviously this is a special circumstance that is limited to Lacrosse, so I think the IWGA should be a little lenient here, especially given the history of native people’s in the US.
  7. I didn’t seem to agree with the other judges much either, but I did contribute to a few victories today
  8. TISC creating some fun drama as always. I’d say this contest is off to a riveting start
  9. It’s going to be a little weird if Barranquilla hosts the Games again in 2022. “ Señores y Señoras, bienvenido a Barranquilla...tambien” I can’t think of any other countries besides cities besides Barranquilla or Cali (and maybe Santa Marta) that can host. Santo Domingo is the only city left bidding for 2027, so it’s too early for them (and it’s a little worrying that they’re the only candidate for those Games too). I would assume Veracruz is out because they either don’t have the money, or don’t want to host the Games again. What about Guadalajara? I’m assuming it’s the same situation for them as well. I can’t even think of any other cities that would have the infrastructure to host right now. The only potential future hosts I can even think of outside of Colombia and Mexico (and I guess the Dominican Republic) are Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, and maybe a joint bid between multiple countries (and maybe Puerto Rico when they recover from the hurricane and economic crisis they face).
  10. See what you’re doing here, is distracting from the main issues. You are, perhaps inadvertently, justifying a government crackdown on what are/were largely peaceful protests against racism. Two thoughts: People have a right to protest against an unjust government. If that government tries to suppress their voice, they have to right to fight back (though violence should always be a last resort, and only called for when people’s lives are in danger).
  11. No, even that incredibly biased DHS Report says that last nights protest began as peaceful. It turned “violet” after provocation from both sides most likely.
  12. Well, that was the 55th consecutive day of protests, so it might be a while. Trump also announced “Operation Legend,” which calls for federal troops to start policing multiple major cities, and gives those police broad powers. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more protests in other cities this week.
  13. Yep, that’s some rough news alright. My guess is that we’ll be back in Colombia if the 2022 CAC Games are to happen.
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